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Commando Nerfs


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You are right, you are as entitled to whine as the next, but instead you could listen to others and learn.

All you really need is an adjustment in your tactics.


I appreciate your approach to this discussion so let me chime in please.


I have completed everything on NM pre 1.2 and completed SM denova as well as started HM. I am rank 76, full BM. Just as a bit of background.


We are not, and have never been a 1v1 class as DPS Gunnery (Which is what I play and can only comment on at this time). However - we have always had the opportunity to make a difference, even when being targeted by melee consistently over the period of a WZ. After 1.2 a good shadow/*** or sent/marauder will demolish us in 1v1 in 5 - 10 seconds. I ask then - what is our role? We wear "heavy armour" but we are unable to sustain any realistic damage for even a short amount of time, there is also obviously the issue of interrupts, an interrupted and subsiquently locked grav round reduces: Survivability, stacking debuffs, our ability to use HIB or Demo to its full capability and removes what is still, regardless of what BW wants from us, our primary source of damage.

Edited by Fight
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I appreciate your approach to this discussion so let me chime in please.


I have completed everything on NM pre 1.2 and completed SM denova as well as started HM. I am rank 76, full BM. Just as a bit of background.


We are not, and have never been a 1v1 class as DPS Gunnery (Which is what I play and can only comment on at this time). However - we have always had the opportunity to make a difference, even when being targeted by melee consistently over the period of a WZ. After 1.2 a good shadow/*** or sent/marauder will demolish us in 1v1 in 5 - 10 seconds. I ask then - what is our role? We wear "heavy armour" but we are unable to sustain any realistic damage for even a short amount of time, there is also obviously the issue of interrupts, an interrupted and subsiquently locked grav round reduces: Survivability, stacking debuffs, our ability to use HIB or Demo to its full capability and removes what is still, regardless of what BW wants from us, our primary source of damage.


And you are right, we arent a 1 vs 1 class though, well played we still stand our ground.

Then again in a group we definately do shine. Though I do believe there is plenty of room for tweaks and changes, though I honolustly believe we are in good over all shape.

Pve wise, we are about as far progress wise by the sound of it, but we are almost perfect there, our dps is fine, our survivability in fp/ops is more then fine especially for a range class.

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Anyone who is saying that our DPS has not been drastically reduced did not do any calculations prior to 1.2 .. I wont argue that we still may out due class by a touch, as I have no data stating either way.


But everyone saying we did not get nerfed mroe then 10% has just not looked at the numbers prior to 1.2.. And the fact that Bioware stays quiet is no surprise.

Edited by Dayrun
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Anyone who is saying that our DPS has not been drastically reduced did not do any calculations prior to 1.2 .. I wont argue that we still may out due class by a touch, as I have no data stating either way.


But everyone saying we did not get nerfed mroe then 10% has just not looked at the numbers prior to 1.2.. And the fact that Bioware stays quiet is no surprise.


Actually I parsed my dps before the patch running ev and after my dps went up.

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