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Really disillusioned with my op now. Hit 50 the day 1.2 hit so cant really say much before but in the 10-49 bracket i never felt useless. Gave it a go with the recruit gear and did badly, kinda expected maybe 150k damage the wz. energy is constently a problem and i feel like my hardest hitters are not all that hard hitting. Respeced healing for a while and did allright, the changes to healing were actually pretty nice except when i pyrotech decides to eat my face.

Now today when i did my wz my highest hit i got was maybe 2800, this is with BM weapon and 4 other pieces of bm gear. So I log on my Sentinel just try it out and spec focus for the first time EVER, (basically dont know how to play that spec) AE crits for 3800 in recruit gear and champ offhand i still have. It was a 3 cap alderaan but still finished with around 150k damage (we won and the other team mostly left was so wasnt many things to hit)


So i dont see how two melee classes can be so different, my sent has saber ward, rebuke, 6 sec stealth with 50% damage immunity and better burst by far with multiple gap closers.


I would really like to hear BW reasoning for this, right now my only defensive cd is to vanish and run away on my op, they either need to buff our survivability or give us a lot higher burst, because right now my op is getting shelved I think. They bring nothing to the table in pvp unless I want to heal and well, I didnt pick a hybrid class to do just one thing.


If anyone can tell me if it gets any better fully bm geared, (i really doubt that after playing my sentinel tbh) I would be glad to listen but I see concealment as broken right now.

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The basic reason is that Sents and Ops are two /completely/ different classes with about the only thing in common for them is that they are close range melee classes.


Operatives, no matter what spec you go, are for support. Your main job is to pick off people with low health that the other guys (like Sents) wore down. If you're ever up 1 on 1 with, as you said, a Pyrotech, you shouldn't be trying to kill him when he has full health since you will most likely not even come close. What you should do is slow him down, get into stealth, and just run away from him before he gets tired of chasing you, and if he doesn't just know that you're helping the team in that he's so concerned with you he's forgotten about what he should actually be doing.


If you dont like this kind of support playstyle then I'd suggest sticking with your Sent. Sents are much more in your face during PvP as their really only job is to just burst out huge amounts of damage. Ops can bring damage too, if you know how to play one well enough, but they are mainly there for support.

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No my point is my sent has way more survivability and damage output in lesser gear, they pyrotech thing was i always get melted by them as a healer not a dps. I cant cleanse their dot spam or outheal their burst in they go full burn. I am not trying to melt a pyro down as heals. For now I am playing my sent, I really liked the ops playstyle but they either need to give them better burst or make their survivability waaaaaaay better, if vanish is off cd your a free kill, and i have noticed a lot of people pot shotting me to just keep me from restealthing too.
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The basic reason is that Sents and Ops are two /completely/ different classes with about the only thing in common for them is that they are close range melee classes.


Operatives, no matter what spec you go, are for support. Your main job is to pick off people with low health that the other guys (like Sents) wore down. If you're ever up 1 on 1 with, as you said, a Pyrotech, you shouldn't be trying to kill him when he has full health since you will most likely not even come close. What you should do is slow him down, get into stealth, and just run away from him before he gets tired of chasing you, and if he doesn't just know that you're helping the team in that he's so concerned with you he's forgotten about what he should actually be doing.


If you dont like this kind of support playstyle then I'd suggest sticking with your Sent. Sents are much more in your face during PvP as their really only job is to just burst out huge amounts of damage. Ops can bring damage too, if you know how to play one well enough, but they are mainly there for support.


So basically ops are just annoying flies? Where is the official post on this? Juggs/ Guards can tank or do massive dmg in any of their trees, same for sent/maras. Sin/shadow tank/ hybrid specs are insane for both dmg and survivalibility, and their dps trees are still good, if pretty much overshadowed by the tank tree. Sorc/Sage got a minor nerf that didn't affect their viability in any way. BH's are still very strong. Yet, agents and smugglers are the only class regulated to heal or sitting around till an enemy is all alone and at 1/4 hp?


This is not the role ops are supposed to play, it's just the niche some players have found that they can excel at. And 1v1 is actually not nearly as bad for ops as actually group fights are. Shield probe needs a major buff and the talent in lethality that gives countermeasure a break from movement impairing affects should be brought much lower into the tree, either tier 1 or tier 2, to help with our mobility problems.

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So basically ops are just annoying flies? Where is the official post on this? Juggs/ Guards can tank or do massive dmg in any of their trees, same for sent/maras. Sin/shadow tank/ hybrid specs are insane for both dmg and survivalibility, and their dps trees are still good, if pretty much overshadowed by the tank tree. Sorc/Sage got a minor nerf that didn't affect their viability in any way. BH's are still very strong. Yet, agents and smugglers are the only class regulated to heal or sitting around till an enemy is all alone and at 1/4 hp?


This is not the role ops are supposed to play, it's just the niche some players have found that they can excel at. And 1v1 is actually not nearly as bad for ops as actually group fights are. Shield probe needs a major buff and the talent in lethality that gives countermeasure a break from movement impairing affects should be brought much lower into the tree, either tier 1 or tier 2, to help with our mobility problems.



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Operatives, no matter what spec you go, are for support. Your main job is to pick off people with low health that the other guys (like Sents) wore down.



I am sorry but that is a really cheap argument. One class is clearly weaker then the other and you explain that by saying "they are for support"??? Any class (even tanks and healers) can "pick off people with low health that the other guys wore down". How is that unique to Operatives? Why would you pick a class for filling that "role"?


Saying that their job is to pick off people with low health is like openly admitting that the class is terribly weak.

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I'm pretty disappointed as well, this class just keeps getting worse and worse.......I never felt like a wrecking ball before, PVP for my Operative has always been situational at best. But now I'm just detriment to my team. Don't even get my started on PVE.


I would love to see what Bioware's long-term vision is for this AC because I'd rather not be investing a lot of time into it if they're not going to make us viable in PVP/PVE.

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I would love to see what Bioware's long-term vision is for this AC because I'd rather not be investing a lot of time into it if they're not going to make us viable in PVP/PVE.


They have no long term vision beyond using one class as a scapegoat for the ongoing problems with CC and being killed during a stun cycle. I wouldn't even expect a buff anytime soon, this was nothing more then an attempt to save subs who were quitting.. now they get to point at operatives and say "Look! We fixed the problem!". Your best bet, reroll something else for the time being and when in 6 or 7 months they finnally admit what we've known since launch, that the class is hugely underrepresented for the ammount of cries of how OP it is.. maybe we'll get looked at and improved finnally.


Operatives, no matter what spec you go, are for support. Your main job is to pick off people with low health that the other guys (like Sents) wore down. If you're ever up 1 on 1 with, as you said, a Pyrotech, you shouldn't be trying to kill him when he has full health since you will most likely not even come close. What you should do is slow him down, get into stealth, and just run away from him before he gets tired of chasing you, and if he doesn't just know that you're helping the team in that he's so concerned with you he's forgotten about what he should actually be doing.


Yeah, sure... a class exists ingame for you to feel better about yourself. Thats real balanced.

Edited by SammuelSK
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