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Merc Bodyguard PvP 1.2


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As much as i wanna heal, i dnt feel like lvling up an op for healing lol. But im just having a much harder time surviving and keeping someone up since the patch. Any build suggestions for bodyguard spec for pvp. And how are your bodyguard merc healer doing?
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As much as i wanna heal, i dnt feel like lvling up an op for healing lol. But im just having a much harder time surviving and keeping someone up since the patch. Any build suggestions for bodyguard spec for pvp. And how are your bodyguard merc healer doing?


PVP merc healing requires good gear and a great attitude. You will always be focused and if your CD's are not up you will die. Even sometimes when your cooldowns are up, you will die.


Things you want to avoid are Marauders and their jedi counterparts. We just have no counter/escape vs one.


That being said, I have always had fun healing on my merc in 1.2 and pre 1.2. I will post a screenshot of some of my healing scores in 1.2 pvp when the uploading works.


Basically, 500k+ healing w/ full (unbuffed) Battlemaster gear.

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don't start using casted heals right when everyone is leaping into combat, and stay away from their vision. Dropping kolto missile and E-scan (or some light heat DPS) while the fight starts is a great way to get yourself into position where it is actually takes work to seek the healer. Unless the other team knows you are a healer by name, this will at least give you some time before competent people understand you are a healer (or see the rapid shot bullets).


Though, once we are focused on, we do encounter trouble with every class (except our own) with interrupts.


We are still very viable in PVP. Play smart, with a team that knows how to protect their assets.

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Like those above...we are more gear dependant with 1.2 (but so is everyone esle). So give it time...the expertise will come.


Some tips that have helped my success as a BH BG.


1) Go Premade: Even if it's with only 1 or 2 guildies...communication is key. If you are not talking via vent/mummble, forget it.

2) Line of Sight: Breaking LoS is you best friend...I'm always healing by a corner, wall, column, or a catwalk above. They can't kill you if they can't see you...duh. :)

3) Play the Perimeter: Don't stay in one spot long, DPS is always looking where the healers are positioned. It's amazing how many times I see healers standing in the thick it...or simply staying in one spot.

4) Learn When to Run: Can't heal when we're dead. Once I dip to 50-30%...I'm gone. Most times, getting around a corner does the trick. If you are already at max range...and then you take off...75% of the time, no one will bother chasing.


If you are extemely diligent in protecting yourself first...you'll have more fun and success.

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