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Does anyone truly think marauders/sentinels are balanced?


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Ok I actually think you and I are banging on the same board here. Mara/Sents are fine except for the time for the cd's which you stated in your last post. They are not OP by any standards are are currently quite balanced in regards to DPS interrupts and gap closers. Even the actual defensive moves they have are needed and are not OP its the CD time on them that makes the ability too strong.


If you change that time from 45 seconds to 1 minute would it break the class to being crap. I agree it wont, would 1 minute 15? Anything more and yes I would have a problem with that unless we could spec points into it to reduce the CD, that way it would probably hurt a bit but not kill us. Ill accept that a longer duration for our defensive buffs may work to balance the class a bit more over the current level of survivability it has.


That said though Mara/Sents are not OP they just need tweaking.


Longer durations would be a good start. Look at pyrotechs for instance...Their defensive CDs (25% damage reduction and 15% heal) are worse than anything maras have, at 2 mins and 3 mins respectively, with some talents they can spec into to lower it by about half.


If maras were treated equally, I think far fewer people would have trouble with them.


If it's any consolation, I think pyrotechs need more work than maras. They have a spec which is many times more superior to the one mercenaries get.

Edited by clearsighted
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They have all the tools necessary to snare and completely shut down any casting class.


That being said, they need to be taunted immediately, snared themselves, and peeled by your groups guardian / jugg. Kite master strike and stun during invincibility. They are so easy to shut down but so deadly if left unchecked.


And operating my watchman sentinel, I feel the same way about sorcs and mercenaries - if I am allowed to focus on them, I'll do them in. But if I have to look at anyting else for even a GCD or thee (like covering a ball carrier or double checking a door is guarded) I can get wiped out by them in moments.


Combat-spec is the poster child for burst DPS. Watchman has less burst but far more interupts (6 second cooldown, 45 second pacify, and leap works as an interupt even standing toe-to-toe). If you're a caster and I'm looking at only you... You. Are. Dead. I regualarly destroy tracer-spammers while taking less than 20% damage and using no cooldowns longer than 6 seconds other than my (fast) pacify.


On the other hand I really strugle against tanks of all sorts. Assassin tanks and Powertech tanks even more than Guardians. A combat-spec Sentinel may eat those for lunch with his precision strike-master strike-bladestormery, but a Watchman doesn't have 100% armor penrtration. Those opponentse have nothing to interupt so a huge portion of the Watchman's survivability is gone, while the tank has the tools to endure a couple of lashing with merciless strike and continue to steadily dish the damage that's going to kill me first.


I guess I wish people could be a little more precise in explaining what they are having poor performance against, because the 3 Sentinel specs are VERY different in their performance against other classes - an entirely different set of rock/paper/scissors relationships for each of the 3 trees. If they are burst damage kings they are typically not overwhelming/flawless interupters on top of that. That's two different sentinels that fight in two different ways.

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