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I've loved Star Wars since 1977 but...


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You must be kidding.The EU is so much better than the films.At least the one that happens before the films.(the one that happens after the films is terrible)


In my case,i even didn't like the Star Wars franchise at all,until i played kotor 1 and 2.If you haven't,you should do it,before playing ToR.


Played them. Didn't really enjoy KOTOR 1 or 2. I still prefer the OT over the EQ content.

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I feel for the OP. I'm not a fan of Star Wars either. I knew very little about Star Wars before playing this game so for me the IP was not a draw at all. What did draw me to this MMO was the fact that I love playing MMO's and I like science fiction. Not the Star Wars or Star Trek style of pulp sci fi though. I love the gritty, more serious sci fi. Still, I thought this game would make a nice change to all the elves and dragons.


My verdict after 3 months is that I really love this game. The game, that is. I don't love Star Wars. Heresy, I know, but I've gone from not knowing much about Star Wars to knowing more than I want to. In short, I don't like Star Wars.


So I'm torn. Do I stay with a game I like, rooted in a setting that I don't like?


Well never fear! Bioware has your back. Mass Effect is one of their upcoming front runners for their next MMO. Bethesda is also fast at work on Fallout Online after TESO as well, if you enjoy the post apocalyptic Sci-fi better.

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What I really don't understand is the complete and utter change in tone and atmosphere between 1977 and now.


I can remember when the first film came out and I can remember the thing that got a lot of people excited was the way is was all so grimy and realistic looking. Up until then you had 2 sorts of sci fi. You had the pulpy, Flash Gordon type stuff which was fun, but all a bit silly and for kids. Then you had the "serious" sci fi; the likes of Soylent Green and the original Planet of the Apes. Gritty, realistic and grim looking.


What the original movie did so brilliantly was mix the two. This had never been done before. It took the "Flash Gordon" style adventure and put it in the grim and gritty clothes of serious sci fi, with the result that everyone loved it.


Look at the new stuff and that aethetic is totally gone. It's gone all shiny and "Flash Gordon"-y again and lost that one thing that made it unique.

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it turns out that Star Wars, for me, begins and ends with the 3 original movies. I've never cared much for EU of any sort. Anything George or others created just didn't live up to what I imagined while listening to Ben tell Luke about the Jedi and Old Republic.


Most of this game is just silly. There has been NO advancement in tech in over 3 thousand years, TOR to Ep. 1? For me, The Old Republic would be Jedi and Sith, period. Lots of sword play, knives also but no guns. I understand why BHs and Smugglers are in the game. I also understand the inclusion of Troopers. These are all very popular archetypes from the movies and tv.


I thought this would be a really cool game but, for me, it just isn't living up to that expectation. This isn't a QQ on how the game sucks, it's just not for me.


For those who stay, have a great time and for those, like me, who are leaving hopefully we find something better. For now, I'll just go watch Star Wars, Empire and Jedi and be happy.





Lightsabers were developed after blasters were. The original ones were considered 'siege weapons' because they were heavy and required a large energy pack that they were attached to via a powercord, making them unsuitable as melee weapons. It wasn't until much later that the design was refined to its current state.


There has been a lot of advancement in tech during the timeline; however, much like in the real world, much of it still has the same basic shape. Take for instance boats in the real world; greek tiremes from 3000 years ago and modern destroyers both have the same basic hull shape. Why? Because it's efficient. In the 500+ years we've had blackpowder/gunpowder weapons guns still have a similar shape. In both cases the designs have been refined and 'teched-up', yet anyone can look at them and tell they're related.


It's the same with SW tech. The Sith Empire's destroyers resemble those of the Galactic Empire, and for good reason: for one it shows a connection to the 'glories' of the past, and for two the design is well-suited for space combat (low, narrow hulls that make them harder to hit at distance). That things are similar shouldn't be taken to mean that they're the same. A sith destroyer from SWTOR wouldn't stand a chance against an Imperial class Star Destroyer; heck, a dozen of them probably wouldn't.


This is part of the reason that reading the EU stuff can be rewarding. Doing so gives you a better, fuller grasp of the universe. There's so much good stuff in there (such as the Corellian system having been constructed rather than having formed naturally) that it's almost impossible to appreciate it all.

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I can't remember where I read this somebody help me out:


My understanding of the Star Wars galaxy is that technology hasn't advanced in thousands of years for a good reason: Because it can't.


The theory goes, there are a finite number of elements in the universe, therefore there is a finite number of things that can be done with those elements, therefore at some point technology will reach a point at which it can advance no further, at least not in any meaningful way. Designs and styles can change but the fundamental technologies remain the same.


From what I understand, the galaxy in which Star Wars takes place has been in this situation for the ten thousand years prior to Episode 6. Technology doesn't advance because there's nowhere left for it to go.


I seriously can't remember where I read that. Someone help me.



you got that wrong ... the universe isnt advancing at all ... its complete

from the beginning to the end ... no advancment possible, but evolving

of individual things ... wich means that nothing new can be added or

created but the appereance of all the things present is constantly changing

and transforming, giving impression of 'advancment' wich is in reality just

eternal transformation ...


but may you want to have a look at earth and human history ...

ther wasnt much technical advancment in nearly 5000 years also,

if you would consider our 'high-tech' era wich is based on the concept

of steam and combustion engines and micro processing, as anything

more special then the eras before ... (or after)



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It's a funny story actually. Seeing as, until the release of the prequels, EU writers could only write about post-ANH, most of the godawfully stupid stuff (OP Jedi/Sith) stuff happened then. This in turn, lead to writers having to set their stories in this ridiculous post-ROTJ world.


Ironically, this made the prequels lead to much superior EU writing...

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I like the expanded universe material prior to the timeline of the original trilogy, but post ROTJ EU I don't like very much especially the Yuuzhan Vong saga, I just feel it's so Un-Star Wars feels more like Star Trek Material imo.
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