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DPS Rotation: Pommel Strike and Opportune Strike


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I am a level 42 sentinel watchman build.


In looking at the various damage rotation guides, I don't think I've ever seen Pommel Strike or Opportune Strike mentioned. Is there some reason these abilities are not mentioned or used in the rotation? I use these every chance I get, am I somehow gimping my damage output?

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Agreed, I use them in PvE when opportunity arises (pommel strike moreso then Opportune) but its very situational where my core rotation works regardless of mob level. I don't think I ever got those two skills off in a PvP setting.


They Do Not Work on Elites or higher or Players.

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I use them all the time.


When I use Opportune Strike when I leap on top of normal or strong enemies. Great free damage.


I used to use Pommel Strike more, but now that the cost-reduction for Force Sweep is gone, I don't have a way to stun those normal mobs. Essentially you have to use Sweep or Blade Storm to stun and then pop it quickly. Although it's also good for hitting a droid that you've hit with Stun Droid.

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Im pretty sure both of those due work on elites, tooltips say they do, they just due less damage and you still have to meet the requirements.


Yeah, but the problem is you can't really slow or stun elites or better. Pretty much the only time you can do it is if a droid is stunned with Stun Droid or other CC like Force Lift/Mind Trick etc. and then you can Pommel Strike them.


But Force Sweep doesn't stun anything more than a normal and the immobilize from Force Leap doesn't apply on anything higher than a strong.

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Pommel strike and Opportune strike do have a place when fighting elites, champions, or bosses. While it's true they cannot be used against higher level mobs, they are quite effective against weaker enemies that usually accompany the elite or better enemies. Using pommel and opportune strike against weaker enemies deals massive damage, saves focus, and saves your best attacks for the bosses. Pommel and opportune strike provide an effective way to kill the weaker mobs quickly so you can focus on the boss. Personally I like to force leap into a group of weak mobs, use opportune strike to kill and zealous slash if necessary, then switch to the next weak enemy and use force sweep to stun and pommel strike to kill. Then you're into your cycle.
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