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Space Mission Guide


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Glad I decided to check this thread again, two thumbs up. Didn't know about the WASD (or forgot about it) - so I'll see if that will make me better.


This I don't have a problem with, only equipped with grade 3 regular upgrades from the Tatoinne vendor for example (so no proton, no invincibility, no switching shield/beam dmg).


(...) virtually impossible in Lev3 -- although that's when it first shows up as available. The attacking ships are too resilient, and that swarm after the first capital ship pass is ridiculously lethal. (...)


The swarm is easy at that level, I just point my mouse at the distance and move it around, some of the passing fighters I get as well. You can target them from quite afar already - I would assume that this is more the graphics card issue as was also mentioned.


Well, hope it helps, will get more upgrades on my lvl 50 and check it out there too.


May your shields be up, your engine revving and your blasters deadly!

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"...This trick allows you do dodge a lot of blaster fire by outmaneuvering your foes. Using [W][A][D] make a circle around the screen in a counterclockwise direction (clockwise if you're in the southern hemisphere) until you're safe...."



I can't believe I read this.

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To those having problems with the final missions near Ilum (speaking with Imperial experience):


First, something that affects all three of these:

You cannot and will not do them successfully until you have the 6 epic level (purple) grade 5 ship upgrades that are made by Cybertechs. I couldn't even come close until I bought the 6 recipes and made them myself. It was a HUGE difference.


100% wrong! As someone who has never seen a guide video and completed all the space missions I can say there is no truth to these words. I had full class 5 purchased from the vender, and 2/4 of the upgrades. All but ascendancy barrier(the one that has its own personal operation) required skill, but were more than do-able. The final one required 3/4 upgrades with intense skill 4/4 with no issues. Class 6 required? With class 6 I could be experiencing 1000ms lag spikes, be half-asleep, and still get all the bonus's done usually with 66% hp left over or more. I can get 100% hp left over, if I have no lag spikes, still half-asleep. Your argument that class 6 is required is insane... class 6 makes a difference, but is not required.

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  • 1 month later...
100% wrong! As someone who has never seen a guide video and completed all the space missions I can say there is no truth to these words. I had full class 5 purchased from the vender, and 2/4 of the upgrades. All but ascendancy barrier(the one that has its own personal operation) required skill, but were more than do-able. The final one required 3/4 upgrades with intense skill 4/4 with no issues. Class 6 required? With class 6 I could be experiencing 1000ms lag spikes, be half-asleep, and still get all the bonus's done usually with 66% hp left over or more. I can get 100% hp left over, if I have no lag spikes, still half-asleep. Your argument that class 6 is required is insane... class 6 makes a difference, but is not required.


He is not wrong at all. He was speaking to those people with normal reflexes, that are having trouble, not someone ramped up on Jolt and cheeto's and a 45 button mouse and 500 hours of practice. ;p


If you are having problems with the final missions folks get the upgrades and use them as directed. Get the additional items from the droid. It will soften the impact of the final three for you.

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Does level have any effect on the difficulty of missions or just your ships equipment?


You will get them at certain levels, but your character level will have no impact on them, only the level of your upgrades. Think of it as a mini-game.

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Does the EMP Generator damage shielded targets?


Absolutely. Those nasty little command ships take a good hit from them if you time it right. Will still take missiles and blasters to finish them, but it will put a hurt on them.


Delfy, over at MMOSITE put up a nice guide that will help answer alot of questions for people.



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When you've finished your class quests on the second planet- Kass for Empire, Corsucant for Republic. That means it varies, but usually somewhere in the mid-teens.


Yes. I've gotten them as early as 15 and as late as 17.

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You will get them at certain levels, but your character level will have no impact on them, only the level of your upgrades. Think of it as a mini-game.


Thanks. A guy in my guild was arguing that its easier at 50 regardless of ship equipment. Apparently drexel sweep causes issues for everyone else without either fleet com things or crafted. Felt pretty awesome taking only dmg pretty much from crashing into a asteroid.

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Anyone know what level space missions become available?


I have an alt I only want to do class quests and space missions with. So, at level 10 I got my ship, and the missions show up on the board for me to accept, but the space missions don't show up on the galaxy map. Is there a certain level needed before they are added to the map?


Edit: Found my answer. In case anyone else tries this, space missions don't show up on the galaxy map until level 12.

Edited by Mass
Found answer
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  • 2 months later...

I like passing free time with space missions. They are free money and exp if you aren't 50.


I have one complaint , however. The Proton Torpedo is a clear, evident design oversight. You need them to destroy shielded bonus objectives, but interfere with shielded main objects you have no time to zero in on. (I.e. Sarapin Assault etc.) How was this not looked into the past 6 months + the years of beta testing?

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I like passing free time with space missions. They are free money and exp if you aren't 50.


I have one complaint , however. The Proton Torpedo is a clear, evident design oversight. You need them to destroy shielded bonus objectives, but interfere with shielded main objects you have no time to zero in on. (I.e. Sarapin Assault etc.) How was this not looked into the past 6 months + the years of beta testing?


Well normal missiles will also destroy shielded objectives. Given you have to use several of them, but it's doable.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Thanks. A guy in my guild was arguing that its easier at 50 regardless of ship equipment. Apparently drexel sweep causes issues for everyone else without either fleet com things or crafted. Felt pretty awesome taking only dmg pretty much from crashing into a asteroid.


Yeah, the amount of damage that you avoid by bouncing around with WASD/cursor keys/whatever-your-bindings-are in a circular pattern can not be understated. Personally, I don't bother because trying to keep a steady evasion pattern interferes with my offensive reflexes, and once I've got the basic ideas down on when to blow cooldowns, I haven't found it necessary for any of the missions.


But yes, without evasive maneuverings, it's very hard to survive drexel sweep without an ECM module.

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One effort saver I've learnt with impossible sector is when in the middle of the first minefield pop your EMP, this will kill 96 mines and it comes off cooldown by the time you reach the final objectives so you can pop it again.
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Nice guide!

Did a search for tips and guides for doing space missions and surprised this didn't show up on Google search. Found this on a general discussion thread post that had a link to this.


I guess that the whole phrase was maybe a tad long. It works if you search for "Space Missions guide swtor". Simple is usually better. Just saying :D

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  • 1 year later...
Nice, thanks. This is going to be home base for me over the next couple of weeks while I try to get the "Republic Ace" Legacy Title. It's actually pretty expensive to upgrade your ship, with the Grade 7 Gear costing something like 500 (?) Cartel Coins. Gotta wonder if my Space Mission skills will transfer into Galactic Starfighter....
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