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What would a perfect PVP system look like for you?


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Seems most posts here are about everything Bioware did wrong, and don't get me wrong i completely agree they screwed up ALOT of pvp in this game both pre and post 1.2

But anyway since we all agree the Bioware system is massively flawed this thread is for us to give a sensible and descriptive version of what a balanced, engaging and fun PVP system would be to us.

Personally i would love to see more meaningful and engaging tactics required to win WZ's if instanced pvp is the way this game is going. Running back and forth clicking on nodes isn't really that engaging/fun or entertaining. Its a mindless boring activity that was copied from WoW. Instead of simply having to click on nodes to change them and take out an enemy base.

Maybe add in siege weapons that teams have to work together to deploy and protect in separate locations that will bring a wall down and allow the attacking team into the base where they have to solve a problem or riddle to open the next door or something. Yea i know that will never happen just something random from the top of my head a few seconds ago. I know Galaxies had a type of base busting system where you had to have different classes solve different problems at terminals to destroy a base.


Anyway whats all of your idea's? I'm sure theres plenty

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The main problem is we need a competent pvp development team. Not trying to be negative but i dont have much hope or confidence in a team that promises things they that cant deliver on. Then you have james ohlen saying were waiting on technology to fix faction imbalance/open world pvp. So going by what ive seen i dont feel to hopeful about things.


To answer the question id say daoc/swg. We need pvp bases on other planets to thin out the fights. The main problem with ilum was the outnumbered side had no where to go except warzones....Why the dev team doesnt understand that is beyond me? We could be having open world pvp right now if we had pvp bases on other planets just sigh =/

Edited by hargrave
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