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Boss of Baras's Lair - how and which spec? Marauder


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I tried for over an hour to kill that stupid ****

Lord Draagh part 2

and I am about to cancel my account since it seems i won't be able to finish my class story and am not interested to start another char over right now.


I am a Lvl 49 Rage Marauder.

Is one of the other 2 specs easier for that?

Would i need to grind myself to lvl 50 just to get that boss? Cause if so, that is equal to not possible, cause i am at the start of Lvl 49 and did all the other quests on Corellia allready.


Letting someone else help me in a group doesn't work it seems since i tried over and over after the first 3 deaths (yeah, I'm on one of those low population EU servers it seems...)

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Which companion do you use?


I used Quinn for the heals, but either he wasn't fast enough, or he got killed when he drew the attention towards him.


Gotta check if i can get some item upgrades, hope that gives me the edge, but honestly, i kinda doubt it, cause i barely even get him over half his health.


Never had any issues with bosses before, that's the first one.

I ragequit for today, maybe i have more luck with a group tomorrow

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finally a bounty hunter showed mercy and helped me out of my misery.

Tried to do some warzones, but since those lag for me like crazy, even though my connection and computer are good, that would have been a chore. (not to mention finally finding games to join)

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This is the quest that had me completely frustrated for awhile, until I really took a look at how I was playing.


I changed my skill tree to Annihilation and spent some time learning the abilities. I also upgraded my gear. Then I spent a day and collected all the datacrons that were easy for me to pick up.


I used Quinn for this fight make sure he has Medwatch turned on and you must do one thing more than any other....



He casts an ability that will tear you up. It appears as a red circle on the floor and it's hard to see if you are on the carpet, but you MUST not stand in it or it will decimate you. Also he's slow, you can run from him if you need healed up a bit. Use your interrupt if you can, but don't worry too much about Force choke since it doesn't do too much damage. Normally interrupts are key (you will have to use the interrupt on your last class fight), but getting out of his damage area is more important on this since it seems to be instant cast.



I also used a Presence stim and made sure I had a medpack.


After I did these things I no longer had problems with this fight.

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Thanks, but i still think i wouldn't have made it without help.

I barely had any issues with bosses before, 2 deaths maximum before i switched up my companion or tactics and it usually worked, but this one could have been the end of my gametime ^^


Baras was easy in comparison. All those tricks you (Shaynae) wrote, were almost exactly what i did with Baras, only took me about 5 deaths to figure out how to manage my disrupting abilities, since I only really could use Force Choke and Disruption and he kinda casted faster than my cooldowns, but Quinn saved my *** with his freezing ability and after using force camoflage at the right time, i was able to survive the last quarter of his health.


So yeah, finally finished with this storyline, now I'm on Illium doing the last quests to get to lvl 50.


Thats the first time that i ever capped a char in a MMORPG and i played 3 or 4 in my time :)

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