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For the love of god change tracer missle animation


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Stupid people complain about stupid things.


If you dont wanna pick a class because of something stupid like an animation than you obviously didnt wanna play the class bad enough anyways.


I hope they never change it just to keep people like these complainers away.


Dont like it? Suck it up.

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Stupid people complain about stupid things.


If you dont wanna pick a class because of something stupid like an animation than you obviously didnt wanna play the class bad enough anyways.


I hope they never change it just to keep people like these complainers away.


Dont like it? Suck it up.


You Sir haven't understand anything!

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You Sir haven't understand anything!


With that kind of grammar how could I?


LOL I'm just messing with you man.


I seriously don't mean to troll or (ewok) but I am just tired of seeing people complain about stupid **** that doesn't affect the way the class plays.

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I'm in complete agreement here. Having that animation now and again isn't bad, but when you are spamming Tracer Missle after Tracer Missile, it just looks like your BH is trying to bend over and fight through a mean bout of constipation -_-;


There are probably other ways they could have done this type of animation and NOT had it look so silly... perhaps have the BH drop to one knee, lean forward 15 degrees, point their one hand at the target with the targeting laser and then fire the missile from the jetpack.

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I'm in complete agreement here. Having that animation now and again isn't bad, but when you are spamming Tracer Missle after Tracer Missile, it just looks like your BH is trying to bend over and fight through a mean bout of constipation -_-;


There are probably other ways they could have done this type of animation and NOT had it look so silly... perhaps have the BH drop to one knee, lean forward 15 degrees, point their one hand at the target with the targeting laser and then fire the missile from the jetpack.


Than it just looks like he is fisting someone

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I happen to like it. Missiles from my jetpack? AWESOME!


I would like to know how fast you can reload a rocket mounted on your back.


It had been said so many time now i lost count, the problem is not, the animation, it's the spamming of it. Yes, it's an iconic move that should stay around, just not for the move you use constantly! Which is why most people agreed on the switching with the Fusion Missile animation, because it's still used, but it's an ability with a cooldown and does AoE damage (Which actually would fit a lot more for the backpack rocket launcher then the actual fusion missile (red-dot aiming for tracer missile ? would make sense.))


Anyway, was just checking if we had any news on the subject. Seems people revived the thread already, yey !


I have a guildy who has crashed over 100 times since he got in EGA on Wednesday. Would I like there to be an animation change? Sure, but there are far more important things I'd like them to fix first.


That guy is right though, it's just a matter of time, let them complete the launching, i would say by end of december we may have news on this though.

Edited by NovaTera
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If and when Bioware see's this they will be like:


"Wow, I guess you really can't please everyone. We will see if people still complain about it 2 months from now if they are still nit picking than we will change it with a major patch. I swear people complain about the stupidest stuff."

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If and when Bioware see's this they will be like:


"Wow, I guess you really can't please everyone. We will see if people still complain about it 2 months from now if they are still nit picking than we will change it with a major patch. I swear people complain about the stupidest stuff."


More like :


'' Hey, look some feedback! Awesome, that's exactly what we asked for ! Oh and what's this ? It's actually a reasonable and constructive suggestion to enhance the gaming experience! And seems so many of them actually think it's a good idea. It's nice to see so many people that actually want to improve our game instead of jsut mindlessly take anything, thanks to them we can make better game experiences. Maybe we should do something after the launch problems has been done, because we care about our players.''


I swear some people can't tell between a suggestion and a complain.

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Where i think the animation is kind of odd to, i also find it odd to spam one ability so much. I mean on single target boss fights that all your really going to do....


It's the main ability yes, not the only one. If its the only one in your dps rotation, may i suggest you to revise your rotation.

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Where i think the animation is kind of odd to, i also find it odd to spam one ability so much. I mean on single target boss fights that all your really going to do....


Yeah who wants to deal good damage by using rail, heatseekers and unload. ONLY USE TRACER MISSILES FOREVER.

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It's the main ability yes, not the only one. If its the only one in your dps rotation, may i suggest you to revise your rotation.



Any suggestions? Im only a 23 merc, but after stacking tracer 5 times for the full debuff, i usually go that sniper shot ability (at work and totally forgot name). Have not really spent to much more time learning a better rotation sadly.

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Not a problem, but really annoying. I'm thinking to get pyro too, cause it bothers me to watch it.

If they switch those, great!

I do agree they have bigger things to fix.


This is why i don't get why people where expecting the switch at launch. Yes i was hoping too, but it was clearly for later patch. Right now i would say end of december, beginning of 2012, there may be a switch. But eh, keep the thread alive, you know, as a reminder :p

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haha just remembered its rail.


By time you stack up 5, you dont have much heat room left for rail, unload, and heatseekers (which i guess is a later ability?)


what was that ability that had 0 heat cost again ? Rapid shot ? -_- use it between your tracer spam before you get less natural heat venting.

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