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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Were you all sleeping during the 1.2 upgrade?


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To the OP,


Ok, I hear what you're saying...you've got a boat-load of toons (more than most) and you cannot remember "easily" what skills you had on which toons. I totally understand how rebuilding in your case is a pain in the arse. But like one guy/gal said earlier, this happens in MMOs and they have a needed reason to do the respec. With that said, here's my solution... I periodically screen shot my trees for my toons and keep them on file. So when a reset happens, it's no big deal to put things back. Once you get your toons set back up, then screen shot them all.


I hope this helps you in the future. (It made it easy for me to put my toons' specs back in minutes.)


Good day, all! :D


wow, a non ******* response. Gratz!

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Actually I'm happy that BW reset the Talent Points on my toons. Turns out I made some "questionable" allocations early on and this gave me the opportunity to reset them in a more logical manner.


Also, I am just LOVING the UI customization! Loving it to death, in fact.

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I assure you I've played many an MMO (probably more than you)...


Care to share which MMO's you've played so we can have a background of how they have handled their skill tree changes and can further understand where this anger is coming from? Have any of them been triple a titles from big companies?


Believe me when I say I've already quit because I got fed up with this game, so I understand how angry the devs can make you. But without a working history of what you've played to know how you've been treated in other titles, there's no way for us to know where you're coming from on this issue.

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