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There is no incentive to PvP anymore.


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I liked most of the changes made to pvp except for 2 unnecessary ones.


The PvP daily sub lvl 50 at lvl 40 is only worth 7800 XP (used to be 20k)


combine that with a losing streak where in you no longer get ANYTHING at all for losing, I see little reason to enjoy playing PvP (which like many others loved doing so).


I don't understand how you could let an employee you work with let the idea pass that losing and getting nothing was a better option than losing and getting a low fraction of reward. This is a game, and while many will contest that you should not get anything for losing, my time is more valuable than a game. If I have time to sit here and play then I should have at least a minimal amount of accomplishment even if I lose 6 games in a row lets say.


Now due to this issue we see rampant rage quitting, loading into half over wz and no reason for people to try and win. I come from a server where there is more Imperial players than Republic (big surprise) and more often than not the discrepancy of skill between the two factions is large.


I didn't mind losing before, it sucked but at least I made progress, the way it is now, I lose and no progress was made at all, I'm not asking for a handout, I'm asking for some slight forgiveness on the current communist pvp system. Frustrations beyond all belief.



This should be looked into, even if it's a 15% reward factor to the % the winning team gets is better than 0's across the board.






A Frustrated Gamer.

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Wow, really, they took out all rewards for loosing in pvp? I guess I missed that in the patch notes. That kind of pisses me off too, for much the same reason. I have characters I play solo, when my wife isn't available to play with me, and that's about all I do, pvp. I do the warzones and my class quests, and that's it. It's fun, it's diverse and I leveled up decently well. Now what am I supposed to do with these characters? Sure there are the planet quests, but that's not much fun solo, and frankly not always possible solo.


I agree with the statement, this is a game, meant to be fun. BW has always been a big proponent of that attitude. But spending time playing and not gaining anything for it at all, is not fun. I wno't even get into the factor that loosing in warzones, isn't even dependent on you alone.

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they didn't you just have to get your medals otherwise your owned.


If you get 4 plus medals in a match even if you lose you get like 15k-20k exp. Its true you will only get like 35-50 warzone coms but you will get the xp.


I dont mind the changes, gives purpose to winning.

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yep,now the real pvpers get to pvp for fun


the fake pvpers can "pvp"by crying on forums cuz they dont get there precious loot



back to world of warcraft you go in my opinion


that is stupid, the "real" pvper also get to level up by pvping, and it's now much slower, like it or not even if you are incredibly good


but I'm glad you are biased to death, enjoy your 'pvp' in a soon to be empty game

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yep,now the real pvpers get to pvp for fun


the fake pvpers can "pvp"by crying on forums cuz they dont get there precious loot



back to world of warcraft you go in my opinion



if you are a real PVPr who plays for the fun and thrill, you would support the removal off all pvp specific gear and have everyone in recruit gear. gear partity, skill now required, teamwork wins matches.

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the xp progression in warzones is currently slower because bioware needed content for the legacy system. in the future you will be able to unlock 3 ranks of a warzone xp boost perk. that's how bioware works, clever isn't it?
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yep,now the real pvpers get to pvp for fun


the fake pvpers can "pvp"by crying on forums cuz they dont get there precious loot



back to world of warcraft you go in my opinion


anyone who considers wz nubs "real pvpers" is just straight up sad or a kid.

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Im divided in this . alot of of PuG players they do not focus on objective, really suck in skill and then i dont think they deserve any rewards if they loose.


but if they really try to be objective and still gets nothing it kinda sucks..

Edited by Zeaza
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yep,now the real pvpers get to pvp for fun


the fake pvpers can "pvp"by crying on forums cuz they dont get there precious loot



back to world of warcraft you go in my opinion


The real pvpers are skill based not gear based. When you out gear someone skill is just matter of who has best gear. I think its better for PVP players to play WOW, they should take your advice. Why play a bad clone right? :D

Edited by Gorrdan
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