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More Coms for loosing, please


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Gear makes a huge difference, so winning is sometime just not an option.


So currently people are quitting the warzoness in droves once it becomes apparent that opponents are a premade in good gear - that does not make for a fun game play.


In non-ranked matched where it is completely random if you are going to win or loose, make it more even, so at least you get something out of fighting for your medals. Currently you can maybe get 4-5 medals on a big loose and that is 20-30 comms. Much better just to quit at the beginning and look for a new game.

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Gear makes a huge difference, so winning is sometime just not an option.


So currently people are quitting the warzoness in droves once it becomes apparent that opponents are a premade in good gear - that does not make for a fun game play.


In non-ranked matched where it is completely random if you are going to win or loose, make it more even, so at least you get something out of fighting for your medals. Currently you can maybe get 4-5 medals on a big loose and that is 20-30 comms. Much better just to quit at the beginning and look for a new game.


If you quit then why Que? save yourself the hassle and just not que,mkaaayyy.

Edited by Sathid
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This is the most important factor in PvP right now. As things stand the simple fact of PvP is that winning comes down more to your team than the individual. Especially on low pop servers you have little control over your team and 90 comms to an already winning team (per person) versus 40 to the losers only exacerbates an already imbalanced situation. Across a team 500 more comms per match will only make future PvP more imbalanced in favour of the already victorious side. The previous situation was really quite effective and this comes from someone who wins more games than they lose. Edited by TrashCanGammy
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If you're a honest noob and having trouble and getting frustrated, please try the options below:


-join a better guild

-play with pvp oriented players

-play more

-ask for help/advice regarding your build/play style

-build more farms

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please no ? . Get better and try to win . I wish they didnt get any comms whatsoever for losing ... Whats the point in winning or losing if theres no difference in the reward? U make no sense :<


You can be the best player in the world, yet you can't carry your pug against a premade. The resulting comms are just an insult. If you want people to stay in wazones and not quit, you have to give incentive. The incentive currently is simply not worth the time and effort for a loss.

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It's "Losing."


As in, to lose.


Loose is a stripped screw, or a belt too big for your waist.


Other than that gripe, I agree with you OP. The changes in 1.2 in regards to PvP are not intelligent and are largely indefensible. Ask yourself Bioware, are these the changes that are going to bring your subscription numbers back up? The answer is no.

Edited by Enexemander
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It's "Losing."


As in, to lose.


Loose is a stripped screw, or a belt too big for your waist.


Other than that gripe, I agree with you OP. The changes in 1.2 in regards to PvP are not intelligent and are largely indefensible. Ask yourself Bioware, are these the changes that are going to bring your subscription numbers back up? The answer is no.


So people will quit cos they arent given free candy




l2p man if you cant get 3 medals you are BEYOND useless


simple as that

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So people will quit cos they arent given free candy




l2p man if you cant get 3 medals you are BEYOND useless


simple as that


Think it through.


There is no incentive to quitting, and losing teams (even if you get all your medals) have crap rewards. It is in a player's best interest right now to quit a losing team and queue up for a shot at a better team next round.


That leaves solo queuers in the position of always filling in the losing team, with less than half the time left to get those medals. Try getting your medal cap when you're down 0-5 in Huttball.


That's the problem with Bioware in general right now: They are not seeing past the tip of their noses on these design changes. They need PROFESSIONALS who can see the greater impact of their changes. Right now they're just throwing ***** against the wall to see what sticks.


Here's what's not going to stick: Subscriptions. Someone with some common sense figured that out and hence we've got our free month. I expect the game to be a ghost town after that's over if necessary changes are not made.

Edited by Enexemander
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So sick of people who are obviously more often than not getting carried by the more often victorious faction (usually empire) saying that this is a L2P issue and losers get what they deserve. You won't have anyone left to win against (getting carried by premades on your faction) if they don't equally reward the losing factions. Even the "bads" pay to play this game too. They deserve the same gear advancement per time invested as the winners do. If it's really a "L2P noobz" issue like many of you are claiming... What's the problem with them getting the same gear as you as fast as you get it?


Bottom Line: Losing is punishment enough. If someone sticks around and tries their best (get's at least 4 medals) they should receive the same amount of comms as the winning team just for taking a beating. It's bad enough that some factions frequently lose 10 games in a row. The current system allows for someone to try their hardest and still end up wtih 0 comms/creds at the end.

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Think it through.


There is no incentive to quitting, and losing teams (even if you get all your medals) have crap rewards. It is in a player's best interest right now to quit a losing team and queue up for a shot at a better team next round.


That leaves solo queuers in the position of always filling in the losing team, with less than half the time left to get those medals. Try getting your medal cap when you're down 0-5 in Huttball.


That's the problem with Bioware in general right now: They are not seeing past the tip of their noses on these design changes. They need PROFESSIONALS who can see the greater impact of their changes. Right now they're just throwing ***** against the wall to see what sticks.


Here's what's not going to stick: Subscriptions. Someone with some common sense figured that out and hence we've got our free month. I expect the game to be a ghost town after that's over if necessary changes are not made.



thats why we need 30 min deserter debuff


lets see who will quit then


or better 2 hours no comm gain from pvp

Edited by Alcarinn
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So sick of people who are obviously more often than not getting carried by the more often victorious faction (usually empire) saying that this is a L2P issue and losers get what they deserve. You won't have anyone left to win against (getting carried by premades on your faction) if they don't equally reward the losing factions. Even the "bads" pay to play this game too. They deserve the same gear advancement per time invested as the winners do. If it's really a "L2P noobz" issue like many of you are claiming... What's the problem with them getting the same gear as you as fast as you get it?


Bottom Line: Losing is punishment enough. If someone sticks around and tries their best (get's at least 4 medals) they should receive the same amount of comms as the winning team just for taking a beating. It's bad enough that some factions frequently lose 10 games in a row. The current system allows for someone to try their hardest and still end up wtih 0 comms/creds at the end.


Didnt try hard enough.... i lost 6:0 huttball as empire earlier against premade and i got 5 medals.....



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Before this patch I got around 40-50 WZ marks for losing with 4 medals. After this patch I still get the same but I need 8 medals. Personally, I like it that way.


The goal is to play as a team and win and to go for objectives. Too many people just mindlessly try and kill people without actually helping the team at all. Those people IMO should not be rewarded as much anyway. This system also forces people to actually participate instead of afking or getting a quick for medals then stopping.

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Didnt try hard enough.... i lost 6:0 huttball as empire earlier against premade and i got 5 medals.....




So you're okay with 20 comms for 10-12 minutes of gameplay while the winning team got 88 for the same time investment?


Sounds like you're playing very inefficiently. Unless you derive pleasure from losing and spending far more time advancing than other players...and to that I say, to each their own.


I think another thing people seem to be completely missing is that some gametypes and some character classes simply can't get those medals. How many screenshots have we seen of top healers earning only 3 medals because their activities don't count toward offensive or defensive medals like dps classes do?


The system needs reworking. It really is indefensible.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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So you're okay with 20 comms for 10-12 minutes of gameplay while the winning team got 88 for the same time investment?


Sounds like you're playing very inefficiently. Unless you derive pleasure from losing and spending far more time advancing than other players...and to that I say, to each their own.


we lost 6:0 huttball so it was over within 4 minutes and i got 37 comms for that


it was ok but i play for XP mainly and skill im at cap already with all 40 lvl gear bought being lvl 34

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we lost 6:0 huttball so it was over within 4 minutes and i got 37 comms for that


it was ok but i play for XP mainly and skill im at cap already with all 40 lvl gear bought being lvl 34


The main issue here lies in gear progression in the 50 bracket. PVP is not and has never been the fastest way to level a character... so sub 50 WZ's are hardly a concern with this patch. The problem is that due to faction imbalance, terrible matchmaking system, gear disparity, and bad game design, most post 50 WZ's aren't very fair. I could see this system working for rated WZ's, but not the current WZ system we have. It simply doesn't reward people equally for their time investment. In post 50 WZ's on my server we don't have any issues with folks trying to win. Everyone is pretty organized and motivated. When we know that it's an inevitable loss in say Alderaan CW, we get our 4 and wait on our 1 controlled turret. I don't see anything wrong with the system introduced in 1.1.5 and prefer it to 1.2. I'm pretty sure the majority of players (except those who win non-stop and require a gear advantage to perform) would agree.

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thats why we need 30 min deserter debuff


lets see who will quit then


or better 2 hours no comm gain from pvp


That's just shifting the problem.


As soon as you put in the deserter buff, guess what? People will alt tab on losing teams and largely AFK the rest of the match. That's not the solution.


The solution is fairly equal gearing rewards for winning and losing, with extra fluff for winners to work towards: Things like vanity pets, vehicles, titles, that kind of thing.


Otherwise you just have the winners getting more wins, and the losers falling further behind. It's a stupid system designed by amateurs.

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That's just shifting the problem.


As soon as you put in the deserter buff, guess what? People will alt tab on losing teams and largely AFK the rest of the match. That's not the solution.


The solution is fairly equal gearing rewards for winning and losing, with extra fluff for winners to work towards: Things like vanity pets, vehicles, titles, that kind of thing.


Otherwise you just have the winners getting more wins, and the losers falling further behind. It's a stupid system designed by amateurs.


then we vote kick them simple

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That's just shifting the problem.


As soon as you put in the deserter buff, guess what? People will alt tab on losing teams and largely AFK the rest of the match. That's not the solution.


The solution is fairly equal gearing rewards for winning and losing, with extra fluff for winners to work towards: Things like vanity pets, vehicles, titles, that kind of thing.


Otherwise you just have the winners getting more wins, and the losers falling further behind. It's a stupid system designed by amateurs.


I agree, except on the fact that winners get extra fluff. Winning is reward enough. No one who does anything competitive likes to lose. Losing is punishment enough in itself. Especially when you're on a bad losing streak. The only thing that makes me (and many others, I'm sure) keep queuing when on a terrible loss streak is the promise of a future win and the fact that i'm working towards my gear upgrades that will increase my odds of winning in the future. I don't see why the devs and some players are so determined to provide extra incentives to win. No one wants to lose(.) <---- period.

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