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Kolto Cloud Still Sucks?


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I love my Scondrels healing its really fun and I think our healing output is pretty good, but I cant help feel cheated still by our 31 point talent. As of 1.2 mine says on the tooltip it heals for ~1.9k to 4 people within 6 secs. My guildy's sage says ~4k over 10 secs to the entire raid and he has inferior gear to mine..Wonder what BW were thinking when they came up with this talent? Why heven have it when the Sage counterpart totally trumps it. It's basically one cast of a SRMP on only 4 people. I'd rather they do away with it and give us something else because as it stands right now any AoE healing that's needed in raids Scoundrels are never mentioned and its always Sages.
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It's MUCH better then SRMP as it ticks very fast and powerfully. That said it is a little weak - not so much in the healing it provides, but more in the fact that it hits a very limited number of people, with no smart targeting, with no benefits other then its straight up healing (no buff provided to targets, no UH, etc) and costs a huge amount of energy.


It's very good, but could be a bit better.

Edited by Migey
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Koto Cloud is amazing now. Truly.


It is much more versatile in PvP healing than the sage AoE heal due to it's direct targeting, and give that much-need boost to your healing rotation. Keep one stack of upper hand up and a rolling stack of slow-release and you and your teammates survivability sky-rockets.


It's also energy-efficient if you maximize the affected targets.


Generally during intense pvp situations, I can't wait for this ability to come off cooldown.

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I agree pvp wise it is fantastic. Before patch 1.2, i never bothered to spec into it, but now it's a must have for pvp healing.


The Sage's AOE heal is obviously better for PVE group healing, but then we aren't group healers, we're MT healers. I know i'd definitely prefer to have a Scoundrel healing the tank to a Sage after the 1.2 nerfs.


Plus it works nicely in 4man HMs with the fast and high ticks for aoe damage.

Edited by namelless
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22 energy for Kolto Cloud now is pretty awesome. It should actually do a lot more healing than the tooltip suggests because of the bonus surge you have on it (and your decent crit chance.) A big advantage it has over Salvation is that it is an instant cast so you can cast it on yourself while running away and also help a number of your nearby friends too.


Don't get me wrong, Salvation is awesome but Kolto Cloud once you have both relevant set bonuses is pretty great too. I use it almost on-CD now in PVP.

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