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Question about this class - damage/healing


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Last night I came across one of you folk and for the first time EVER, I noticed that someone managed to deal 432k damage from a low amount of kills and, score a tad over 100k in healing.


So my question is - have their been changes to your skill tree to allow this to happen? Not so much the damage, but the healing because I have never seen it before since playing in December

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Hey Mauluk, you trying to troll us sentinels? :)


The healing would come from a Watchman spec sentinel using a LOT of zen which is what causes all dots to crit for a bit and in turn do healings to all in the operation (tiny amount but it all adds up)


I would guess your team had a lot of healing if he wasnt able to get many kills with that damage score.


But hey, if in doubt just report for hacking (thats standard imp procedure on our server isnt it? :p)

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We have always had that. Your server must lack good watchman specced sentinels or something..

This kinda stuff isnt uncommon but it depends how much you use zen really, i've had 75k medal a few times but never broken 100k healing.

The game sounds really healer heavy if he failed at killing them but with the nerfs it should be a lot easier to take healers out..

Edited by AngusFTW
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When using zen a lot yes..

430k isnt that much esp for a long voidstar/stale mate civil war i've come really close to 500k (493/497 i forget) before 1.2 and i consider myself to be average at best.

I'm really surprised you havent seen sents hit these numbers until now because its pretty common..

Edited by AngusFTW
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