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Player Housing??


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Everytime I play SWTOR it brings back memories of SWG, and I know that unfortunately, Star Wars Galaxies will not be coming back, so I'm hoping to see in coming updates that they allow Player Housing! Comment and give your thoughts if you think Bioware should introduce Player Housing in SWTOR.


Your ship is your house.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My ship is my house. I just wish I could lay down on my bed. :(

I think there are too many things that are more important.


If that's the mentality, then there will ALWAYS be things more important and QOL will never get done. The line's gotta be drawn somewhere.

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If that's the mentality, then there will ALWAYS be things more important and QOL will never get done. The line's gotta be drawn somewhere.


I'm glad someone else thinks the same way I do. I thought the point of a suggestion box was to make suggestions?

Almost every single suggestion has someone saying that "the suggestion is of little importance next to....." (insert hot bug/ topic here)


As for housing, I think instanced would be best. The problem I have with houses being everywhere is you have houses in spots you wouldn't normally, or somewhere the developer didn't intend like on roofs and stuff lol. Having a guest list would allow certain people access to your home. Maybe even allow some of the people to make changes to the aesthetics of the home. That would lead the way for social or RP relationships as maybe a person could have a room in your house, or roleplay someone renting a room lol. The ship would suffice, maybe give "trophies" for completing certain things in the game like PVP or downing a raid boss. Make the spaceports themselves instanced so you can see other people and their ships. Furniture or mini games would make a big difference, and actually give people a reason to visit someone's ship. Of course make the games or furniture interact-able, we have plenty of useless monitors and chairs on our ship already lol.

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I think that Bioware should implement an update in the future to the starships where they are fully customizable inside and out. You have the option to colour your ship on the outside and also decorate the interior alongside adding new modules such as trophies to walls, weopen and armour racks and maybe email and auction terms to make it easier to access functions while in space.


One cool idea might be the addition of guild capital ships where guild members all have access to the starship but only leaders and officers have access to the main functions of the ship.


Just my thoughts


I dont think they need to add player houses on planets to be honest as this would take a lot of dev time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
We already have housing, it is called our ship, BW has already said that interior decorations are coming.


I guess alot of people live in their cars. I like to have a home myself.

Edited by Malackon
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i want a different ship.. the only cool one is the smuggler's ship imo


Have you seen the Imperial Agent ship? It's pretty awesome. :)


I would like to be able to make a guild ship. A giant Capital Class ship that the guild can land on and have access to all the same things you could get on the spacedock.

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Honestly, as much as I want this in the game, at this point I don't believe they are capable of doing it. I think the devs grapple with this game and its engine everyday like there is a wild bear loose at BW headquarters and nobody has a tranquilizer gun. We'll be lucky to see something like pazaak or maybe a new head for characters (alien race).
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I guess alot of people live in their cars. I like to have a home myself.


Well.. My car can go the speed of light and blast your house from orbit.. It has a shield system, some nice blaster guns, and missles.. Has a nice comfy bed, that I share with my wife/companion..


So.. I will keep my car.. Thanks..

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Well.. My car can go the speed of light and blast your house from orbit.. It has a shield system, some nice blaster guns, and missles.. Has a nice comfy bed, that I share with my wife/companion..


So.. I will keep my car.. Thanks..


Guess what, My car looks just like yours and comes with your wife/companion + furniture in all the same places. It's a transition hub with a bank in it. No point in doing anything there except cutscenes and space missions. Player houses are different.

Edited by LexiCazam
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im gonna regret this comment but ima just gonna say it.


IMO the best housing system iv seen in an MMO from what i can remeber was Runescape if they made a similar system as to that it could definitley be a very good social feature just without the ridiclouse price and grinding lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well.. My car can go the speed of light and blast your house from orbit.. It has a shield system, some nice blaster guns, and missles.. Has a nice comfy bed, that I share with my wife/companion..


So.. I will keep my car.. Thanks..

But can you actually fly it or is it just a fancy flying train?

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I loved EQ2's housing system. It was instanced. They had 10 or so models costing different levels of upkeep. Bigger places equaled bigger costs. You could allow your alts full access so that you only needed 1 place for all your toons to live at. You could place many, many types of furniture in it. And the furniture could be placed in ways to look like other things. I remember the big thing was to place stuff to look like a fireplace. I personally turned tables into a stage and had an in-game karaoke stage. That is the kind of system I would want if they implemented housing.


They could add a building off Corusant's Senate Tower area that could be for Apartments. Or Dromund Kass. Or a lot of other planets for an instanced housing area.


I like the idea of being able to customize my ship. But I want a bigger place than my ship. It can feel really tiny.

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But can you actually fly it or is it just a fancy flying train?


What does it matter?? Your house isn't going anywhere?? This isn't SWG.. People really need to stop trying to make it SWG.. We really don't need houses in this game.. I fail to see what purpose they serve.. My ship takes me places.. What is the point of a house?? Decorate it?? Try the Sims.. You want some PVP action.. Try a warzone..


We simply don't need houses..

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Ahahaha I laugh at the idea of them even trying. It would be a disaster. We have to live on the fleet because the engine can't support large numbers of characters at once. You can't have a character bio because the database tracking of your quest progress is too big. This is like asking the guy with the GED, "ok you ready for Harvard?"


The no-house combat 24/7 crowd wins due to technical difficulties

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