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TTK change next patch?


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Do you think next patch BW will change the TTK to what is was pre-1.2?


Do you think PVP will ever go back to normal?


EDIT: changed post from marauder/sentinel nerf to TTK change

Edited by zElmTree
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It's not a marauder thing its anybody who is DPS got quite a boost with the lack of healing, and the fact that damage increase from expertise is higher than damage mitigated. Marauders are still glass cannons and it shows even more now that DPS as a whole has been buffed. Once our CD's are used, we may as well /stuck and kill over because we don't stand a chance. No different than anybody else.
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It's not a marauder thing its anybody who is DPS got quite a boost with the lack of healing, and the fact that damage increase from expertise is higher than damage mitigated. Marauders are still glass cannons and it shows even more now that DPS as a whole has been buffed. Once our CD's are used, we may as well /stuck and kill over because we don't stand a chance. No different than anybody else.


So is that a no?

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What, exactly, would you nerf?


Bear in mind that they are producing damage that is somewhat less than what Gunslingers and Snipers can output in PvE at the moment.


PvP is not the be-all-end-all of a game.


There is quite literally only one nerf that I can think of: increase the cooldown of Force Camouflage. Having it used multiple times in a fight is a little silly.


Sentinels and Marauders are nothing but DPS with self-defense cooldowns. They have practically no utility and precisely one control ability. There aren't many classes that actually WORK in MMOs -- perhaps we should leave the ones that do alone and focus on fixing the ones that don't.

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Once our CD's are used, we may as well /stuck and kill over because we don't stand a chance. No different than anybody else.


if you could Faceroll without them whats the point for the other classes try to kill they could do the same as you claim,and really your cd's if used properly can do real dmg to enemy team at pvp.

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