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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We are sorry, You are not as valued as everyone else.


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I am so sorry you aren't as valued as me. I have played since launch you know... You started a month late since you heard they had problems? That's why you don't get 30 days free nub.


Oh... You know you don't deserve it..? Then what's the problem?


Oh... It's because they said you weren't a valued customer? That your 15$ a month sub isn't worth as much as someone who has played for 4 months? Damn that is kind of rough...


I bet (Insert any other MMO here) would see you as a valued customer as well! You should quit the game, I'm valued...


**Sits at fleet**


Why is there only 30 people online? :( I guess they should have valued the other customers as well...


**SWTOR goes free to play**


Man.. this new raid is really hard, I guess I need to spend 400$ Real life money through microtransaction shop to buy Armor X.


**SWTOR Dies 1 year later**

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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread.

We have a thread that was recently posted by GregZeschuk regarding the Legacy Promotion which you may all be interested in and we ask that you please continue your discussion in that thread.


Legacy Promotion now expanded


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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