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is it rly taht bad?


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a good r/l friend of mine just quit citing the pizs poor state of PvP in 1.2 . literally just last week we were talking about how awesome this game is and now, bam he's done. he said hes got a 6 month sub but doesn't plan on playing unless something changes.

he's a huge SW fan as am I but he said that 1.2 killed it for him. I guess as the title says, is it rly taht bad? I haven't pvp'd since as I'm concentrating on lvling the toon I'm on so haven't experienced it for myself. just looking for the general opinion of folks.

I still love the game but I love pvping at cap so I'd like to think i have something to look forward too

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it hasn't helped that the two classes that are most op damage wise, also have the near invuln cds when they designed 3, yes 3 of the 4 wzs around channel cap with minimal transit time.


I'm sick to death of every game coming down to "who has the most assassins to interrupt channels, destroy healers and ninja cap" and this applying to all but 1 wz.

Edited by Adzzy
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Yes, it's bad. It's unplayable. It's a very sad excuse for a game. I'm sorry I wasted time leveling up to 50. I thought they'd fix things, but as some warned even months ago, they won't. They can't. They don't know how. They have (had) more money than sense and it's starting to show.


The game should be more aptly named, Star Wars: The Old Titanic.

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Give it a few weeks. I think if most people can get their expertise up it will be better. I still see a lot of people running around in Champion and Raid gear.....that just won't cut it anymore. You need 800+ expertise to last at all. Why they didn't buff Champ and Centurian gear like they did BM gear is beyond me.


People leaving WZs is terrible now....hopefully BW will grab a clue and fix it fast.


Healing sucks because expertise buffs DPS more than it does defense or healing. So it plays different. Feels more like a zerg deathmatch now. It used to feel like a hard fought battle of equals.

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Pvp is fun as hell i havent played at 50 yet (49 olmost there) but i know ill need the expertise gear & ill probally get destroyed till i get it but it will also teach me to master my skills as i gain my gear.


You are so correct.


You will die in seconds until you buy the recruit gear. Then you will last a few more seconds. You will learn to identify if the other group is a pre-made or not, if it is, you'll ignore all the game objectives and quickly try farm medals so that you don't end up with nothing after you lose...or you'll leave the WZ. You'll learn to never spend your precious few WZ commendations on healing or expertise buffs again. You'll probably spend more time waiting for a gate to open than actually fighting.

Edited by mSum
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Sure, it's not that bad if:


- You don't mind playing 4 v 8 matches

- You don't mind not being able to play with a group of 8 friends

- You don't mind having to reform groups of 4 with everyone leaving their individual queue after EVERY fight

- You don't mind the developers promising to fix things in upcoming patches then completely NOT fixing them

- You don't mind NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY AT ALL when the opposite faction goes to bed

- You don't mind no cross server war zones

- You don't mind a complete lack of a rating system

- You don't mind developers putting gear into future patches that will make your top-tier gear irrelevant

- You don't mind a complete lack of world PVP

- I feel like I should repeat that last one again, with emphasis on COMPLETE LACK OF


Basically if you don't mind pvp in a game where pvp was a complete afterthought and is led by a development team that has absolutely no experience with pvp, then sure, pvp is ok.


Go ahead, see for yourself.

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PvP on 1.2 is way too bad, i logged yesterday after a month to see the 1.2 patch (im pvp only player btw) and when i entered a WZ i was dying instantly (i have Powertech). The damage boost from expertise is way too much now, before 1.2 i was enjoying combat, i always had a nice fight against any class... now this enjoyment is DEAD. 1.2 was the last chance for me to come back and now there is no way im staying.... Cya all!!
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ok seriously, I hit the A before the H when I type the word THAT, why? I have no idea, its just how I've always typed. Maybe its some form of a stutter. sorry. BFD, my comprehension of the English language and how to apply it wasn't the question. grow up. flame elsewhere. And yes I short formed the word REALLY. I know how to *********** spell. If you have nothing else to do but come to these forums and criticize people on a Friday night your life must be pretty damn lame. For those who gave me an honest answer to my actual question I thank you.
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Pvp is fun as hell i havent played at 50 yet (49 olmost there) but i know ill need the expertise gear & ill probally get destroyed till i get it but it will also teach me to master my skills as i gain my gear.


Master his skills lol..someones dreams are going to be shattered very soon. Skill means squat in gear based PVP.

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Sounds about right,from what i hear hopefully recruit will keep me alive for a few good matches cant wait to find out how the 50 pvp is.


If you can't get a hint that PVP is fubard after 1.2 then please by all means get kicked in balls repeatedly. That is the best way to describe lvl 50 PVP right now.


Yes in recruit gear you will be able to stay alive for few seconds but i doubt that would be enough time to master your skills. You will most probably end up leaving matches like everybody is doing right now. The only skill you will master is how quick you can hit that respawn button over and over again. :D

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its worse. **** YOU BIOWARE!

**** your 4 vs 8 wz

**** your op imps

**** your chain stunning

**** your trooper nerf

**** your 0 coms in wz when u cant get any medals when its 4 vs 8 premade

**** your rated wz . oh wait that got delayed

**** your lack of world pvp

**** your free 30 days


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Nevermind recruit gear. I roll in mostly BM gear and pvp is still terrible. It was so-so prior to patch 1.2, but they totally screwed the pooch on this one.


- taking away the abort timer means short handed warzones will ALWAYS take place (80% of all my matches are 6 v 8)


- not implementing the rated warzones, yet including the gear and currency, means we're playing (by definition) a half implemented system


- not fixing any of the bugs means these guys have skewed priorities


Even if you brave your way through recruit to BM equipment, I doubt you'll enjoy pvp much in this game anymore. The way to work around being a newly minted level 50 in the past was to equip orange gear with the level 46 weapon enhancements. Then, by also saving up 1000/1000 coms you actually stood a fighting chance. I did, and never had a problem with going from level 49 to level 50 pvp. In fact, as a Cybertech, I was able to rev-eng armor and mods that gave me a stat edge over Cent and even Champ equipped toons.


Anyhow, throw any attempts at theory craft out the window. Bioware also has a knack of reworking the system. IE., expertise was completely changed in patch 1.2.


Why sail on a sinking ship when there are so many other seaworthy ones out there.


I made the same mistake. I thought pvp with light sabers would be awesome. It was, sometimes. But generally it wasn't.


If it's the pvp itch you need to scratch, this is not the game for you.

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Actually pvp has become eaze mode now. It's all about who gets the first shot and got cds left.


Healers are easily killed you don't have to time interrupts etc. anymore. So people saying it's the people who cannot pvp who leaves are wrong imo. It's actually the people who enjoyed the challenge about timing interrupts, going for the right targets, switch target when needed etc.


As it is after 1.2 it's find a target jump it, unleash all dead... next target bam dead... someone jumps you, your health drops to 10 in 3 sec, you try hitting a health pack, but are stunned dead. Yihaaa respawn go do it again. Who nukes who first it's all about skills...


Having 3 toons at lvl 50 I enjoyed both being a healer and a dps trying to kill a healer. Now it's boring trying to kill a healer, even the good ones you will eventually get. Not because they hheal for less, but because my burst dmg is considerably higher on my merc and sniper. So is everyone elses.


With my healer it's not a question about who you run into, but a question how fast you get targeted by someone. Yes pre 1.2 sometimes some ppl couldn't kill you. The best had a chance and they could certainly neutralize you, so you couldn't get the healing on the ball carrier. Also good players recognizing their gear isn't good enough to kill the healer was smart enough to make sure to kick the healer out LOS from his friends or just try to interrupt him at critical times.


Now you just shut off your brain and go into frenzy with, burst until you die.


So the fun fights you had against a healer or as a healerm with two skilled players are gone.


That is ofc not a bad thing for some people who finally doesn't have to think about interrupts and using the best dmg skills at the right moment anymore. The same people who are saying the bad players are leaving and the good ones adapt. I would say in many cases it's the opposite the people who enjoyed the constant fight vs their arch enemies often a healer and a dps class.


So seriously the pvp has not gotten worse, it has just changed the focus to all out attack. If you are skillbased player who like to time things, SWOTR is not the game for you anymore. But if you like the quick both blazers out kill, respawn, kill, respawn then the game took a turn for the better.

Edited by DasHillBilly
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And if you like mashing the TAB key until the system targets the correct player, or so you hope, then yes this is the pvp for you.


Or if you just like a random target focus system, this is the pvp for you.


HAHA, yes tab and hope.


But maybe also working as intended. This game is becoming more like most other mainstream mmo's pvp. Everyone should be able to kill everyone no matter their playerskills. Only gear should be a factor, hope Arch Age is delivering.

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It's only that bad if you're a terrible gamer barely capable of rational thought or doing anything beyond rolling face across keyboard.


If you're a capable gamer then no, it's not bad at all.


You are one of those people in life that quietly accepts whatever is given to you and deals with it. The problem is Val this isnt your job, or a relationship or a tax audit. This is a game that used to be rather fun to play but has now lost a good chunk of its appeal for allot of people.


So we have either A unsubbed or B came to the forums to try to get Bioware to focus on what they did well initially make a really fun and fairly balanced game.


We are not like you, we do not just quietly accept and "adjust" we move on. So watch the sub numbers over the next few months they will paint a clearer picture.

Edited by alderdale
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HAHA, yes tab and hope.


But maybe also working as intended. This game is becoming more like most other mainstream mmo's pvp. Everyone should be able to kill everyone no matter their playerskills. Only gear should be a factor, hope Arch Age is delivering.


The "TAB and hope" thing should have had us all leaving long ago. Damn light sabers. They're so cool I forgot about all the stupid design choices in the game.


Thankfully, they left me no choice now. PVP on my server is worthless. Playing 4 v 8 games is just so far from fun it made unsubscribing all too easy.


Then I started to think about all the other junk still in the game. I mean, come on, you can't even queue as a group of eight? Seriously guys, you really needed to fix broken content before adding new.


Oh well, some of them may learn as they fill out unemployment forms. Putting SWTOR on a resume will soon do more harm than good.

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