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Sith Mauraders Got Nerfed big time.


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SM's are no longer fun to play in warzones, they die as fast as sorcs now, dps is cut in half from my original annihilation spec. I don't know what to think anymore, SM is now one of the worst classes in pvp. I have full battlemaster with 1114 expertise.. I'm cc'd over and over again, resolve doesnt work, and I die like slicing through butter. Im pretty fed up now.
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SM's are no longer fun to play in warzones, they die as fast as sorcs now, dps is cut in half from my original annihilation spec. I don't know what to think anymore, SM is now one of the worst classes in pvp. I have full battlemaster with 1114 expertise.. I'm cc'd over and over again, resolve doesnt work, and I die like slicing through butter. Im pretty fed up now.


Welcome to getting marked in wz's. You guys thought it was all fun...

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SM's are no longer fun to play in warzones, they die as fast as sorcs now, dps is cut in half from my original annihilation spec. I don't know what to think anymore, SM is now one of the worst classes in pvp. I have full battlemaster with 1114 expertise.. I'm cc'd over and over again, resolve doesnt work, and I die like slicing through butter. Im pretty fed up now.


erm unless the patch after the 1.2 patch nerfed them a little bit maurauders are in no way weak or anything what you are thinking.


maurauders/juggernaughts are OP as hell now they are the new FOTM everyone is rolling them.


its murauders/juggernaughts/sorces thats all im see'ing in warzones now.



and my god i laughed so hard when i saw this thread muarauders did silly damage and was god mode before 1.2 and they are still tough to put down now and they are even more stronger which makes them now OP.


did you know they got buffed in 1.2 ?



i think your just bad at playing your class i cant take you serious if you cant kill anything with a maurauder lol.

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