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Repair Astromech Droid Feedback


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I spent the 1 million credits to get the Repair Astromech droid, and to me personally I basically just wasted 1m credits. Here's why. The items it sells are as follows:


Engineering Droid Sensor

+5 Scavenging Efficiency

+5 Cybertech Critical


Exploration Droid Sensor

+5 Archeology Efficiency

+5 Synthweaving Critical


Hunter Droid Sensor

+10 Investigation Efficiency

+2 Armstech Critical


Medical Droid Sensor

+10 Biochem Efficiency

+2 Diplomacy Critical


Scout Droid Sensor

+10 Artifice Efficiency

+2 Treasure hunting Critical


Security Droid Sensor

+10 Armormech Efficiency

+2 Underworld Trading Critical


They all cost 100k and are Bind on Legacy. Otherwise it acts as a normal vendor. I think that we should get a reduced repair price and maybe an increased buy price for items, we did spend 1m after all. For Artifice and Biochem it kinda sucks, we don't get any critical sensor parts. I think that you should add some in for the ones you left out. Some gathering skills were also left out.

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Wow. THANK YOU for posting this. So glad I searched the forums before shelling out the 1m for this and finding out Artifice got the shaft.


There are no artifice crit crew members for any class, and we yet again get overlooked in the ship droid upgrades.


+1 vote for some artifice love.

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Wow. THANK YOU for posting this. So glad I searched the forums before shelling out the 1m for this and finding out Artifice got the shaft.


There are no artifice crit crew members for any class, and we yet again get overlooked in the ship droid upgrades.


+1 vote for some artifice love.


efficiency, especially at that bonus, works out to be slightly better over time than pure crit does. the number itself gets even further into efficiencies favor once you start looking at re time etc.


@op its a credit sink to make your droid actually worth using as a crafter. its more than fine and far from a "waste".

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I agree with the OP in terms of offering +critical options for those professions that are missing. Not sure why you rate efficiency better all it does is save time for crafing professions, whereas +crit gives a chance of aug slots or 2 items instead of 1.


I'd never have spent the 1 million if I'd known there was no +crit for artifice when I bought it.

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I agree with the OP in terms of offering +critical options for those professions that are missing. Not sure why you rate efficiency better all it does is save time for crafing professions, whereas +crit gives a chance of aug slots or 2 items instead of 1.


I'd never have spent the 1 million if I'd known there was no +crit for artifice when I bought it.


because you have to base value on more than just immediate mats. there is also time involved. over a period of time you can make more items in that same period, and therefore end up with more chances of critting, especially with how the crit system is already determined.


ie efficiency gives you a higher aggregate return than crit point for point.

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efficiency, especially at that bonus, works out to be slightly better over time than pure crit does. the number itself gets even further into efficiencies favor once you start looking at re time etc.


I'd still rather have the crit. To me the materials are worth more than the time - which isn't a huge savings. Yes, Scourge crafts pretty quick with his efficiency, but so do Kira and Doc at max affection. The only "efficiency" I want is using less mats in my quest for that augmented saber. ;)

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I'd still rather have the crit. To me the materials are worth more than the time - which isn't a huge savings. Yes, Scourge crafts pretty quick with his efficiency, but so do Kira and Doc at max affection. The only "efficiency" I want is using less mats in my quest for that augmented saber. ;)


that may be something you would like to choose, however from a purely mathematical standpoint, efficiency is actually better. why you would willfully "nerf" yourself i will never understand.

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You put these parts on your droid?


If so, does it really even matter if you can't bring up the Droids affection?


Or does affection only effect efficiency and not crit.


affection effects chance to complete, crit chance, and efficiency. which is why even early on, blowing cash on companion gifts has very excellent return on investment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turned this up with a Google search to see if it was really worth the trouble I'm going through to earn credits for this droid. It doesn't seem that it really is. I'd like to see a few more perquisites to purchasing this droid--if not reduced repair costs and higher buy costs, then at least it could sell stuff like crew skill items.


that may be something you would like to choose, however from a purely mathematical standpoint, efficiency is actually better. why you would willfully "nerf" yourself i will never understand.


This assumes a lot. For example, that you're actively nursing your crew skills instead of just logging into your character and queuing up a bunch of stuff and then logging off to play an alt or just simply go to work, go to sleep, whatever. To reap the benefit of efficiency to its mathematical maximum, you've got to be there the second a crew skill job ends so that you can start the next one. I'd venture to say a lot of people aren't doing that.


Put me in the group with people who just want more frequent crits. I don't really care how long the jobs are going to take, since I won't likely be online at the point that they end, anyway.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ugh. I wish I had searched before I blew the million credits. At least it boosts cybertech, which previously was in the same boat as artifice in having no crew options for any class that boosted critical. I was expecting above and beyond critical chances for all crafting skills, not a vendor that sells me stuff I don't need at an additional ridiculous cost. There is certainly no convenience factor, as who waits until they get back to their ship to repair and sell junk? I feel cheated, and completely deflated. Most of the legacy perks are completely worthless.


As for favoring efficiency, the math assumes unlimited materials. You have to figure in the time to collect additional materials to perform the extra crafting attempts that being more efficient would give you. Perhaps low level green items would still come out ahead, but I doubt it. Items that require blue or purple materials definitely wouldn't, especially at the highest levels. Ironically, "critical" is actually much more "efficient" for the task at hand.

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  • 4 months later...
Considering the fact that I have more credits than I can spend, without buying random junk on the gtn that I'd never actually use, I think it's fine. In fact, I like the fact that I can make my droid a little more useful for crafting. Especially considering it's across all characters. And one million credits is nothing.
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  • 4 months later...
Well lets just change the legacy system so everything is available at legacy lvl1 .


The sensors effect the crafting skills, which are already available to low level players. I do not see the point of requiring a high legacy level for this. I have no issue with perks requiring to have leveled a toon to 50, to unlock them.

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Just a note: You can indeed raise C2's affection and it helps his crafting. He likes cultural gifts and is quite easy to raise up.


The droid gives you a vendor on your ship (which when coupled with the GTN and mailbox, it is helpful. I use mine all the time). It also sells the mods for C2. So that is up to you whether you think it is worth it or not... but it isn't a "waste" by any means.

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Just a note: You can indeed raise C2's affection and it helps his crafting. He likes cultural gifts and is quite easy to raise up.


The droid gives you a vendor on your ship (which when coupled with the GTN and mailbox, it is helpful. I use mine all the time). It also sells the mods for C2. So that is up to you whether you think it is worth it or not... but it isn't a "waste" by any means.




The butler droid also seems to have an inherent crit bonus as I often get crits on both mission and crafting projects when I use him. I did burn some credits to boost his rep to about the halfway point, but that should only give him an extra 2 to 3% (5% crit being max at full rep). I understand that there's a base crit chance based on the color of the mission or item being crafted (I don't remember the exact numbers), but, again, the butler seems to exceed this based on my experience accross many characters. Adding ANYTHING to specialize your ship droid specifically to your personal crafting skills is easily worth the 1.1 mil and legacy requirements. Just because YOUR crafting skills don't happen to leverage these items, doesn't mean there aren't classes with crew members out there that can (cybertech troopers do pretty well from my experience).


And no, there's no slicing droid part. I doubt there ever will be after the fiasco they had before the slicing nerf. Furthermore, slicing has no real associative skill. It stands pretty much on its own and compliments many, if not all, the others. The droid parts are specifically tailored to pair up the crafting skill with its associated mission skill. It may not be exactly the bonus you're looking for, but adding any efficiency to a companion with none is better than going without.

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