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Very upset over not considered a 'most valuable player'


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Nowhere does it say anything about "MVP" or anything like that.

WRONG - the very first sentence below the header and image on the promo page begins with, "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players..."


What it does say is "in appreciation for your support and loyalty".

'Support' and 'Loyalty'... in this context, what do those words imply? They could imply anything, really, and anyone could draw any number of inferences. But in this case, the only correct inference is quite simple... BioWare thinks that only those who had level 50 toons as of April 12th, 2012 are supportive and loyal, regardless of all else.



As for those who purchased collectors editions and such, regardless whether it was the first day or the last day or somewhere in between, you got exactly what you paid for, like everybody else.

I have to hand it to you, you actually made a fair bit of sense with that statement... even if it was a matter of simply recognizing the obvious. But, regardless, it's a moot point because the stipulation put forth by BioWare concerns the results of players' post-purchase activities, ie; whether or not they had a level 50 toon on April 12th, 2012.



What I see is a bunch of whiny little babies crying because they can't have every little thing they want, when they want it...

If that is what you see here, then I suggest you get your 'eyes' checked. In this instance, people are not BMWing because they haven't been given every little thing they want, they are BMWing because others have been given something quite SUBSTANTIAL (ie; not a 'little thing') based on a single, piss-poor criterion.



So I ask, based on the personal case of myself and a friend, if you have two players who participated in beta at the same time, have both played the game every single day, if only for an hour or two, often more, since early release, and who have both paid for six-month subscriptions... why is one of these players considered to be less 'supportive' and 'loyal' than the other simply because they do not have a level 50 toon yet? There is no acceptable answer to that... PERIOD. The argument about level 50s wallowing in the mire that is the supposed lack of endgame content is a cop-out and utter horse-****.



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It's not as if Bioware is obligated to give anyone anything like this at all. Tell me why the players who invested the time and effort into reaching level 50 SHOULDN'T be rewarded?


I wouldn't even say anyone who has reached 50 by this point rushed. As a full time college student who also works, I managed to reach level 50 about a month ago playing at a pretty slow pace. A few days a week usually, for just a couple of hours.


No one is saying "shame on you" for not being level 50, but there is absolutely no reason why those who took the time to reach 50 (and then some!) shouldn't be rewarded for their dedication.


My guess is, though, that Bioware will cave to the whining of those who didn't get their 30 days/Tauntaun because Bioware is great like that. It's too bad they have to succumb to the first world mentality that screams "entitlement!"



Ludicrous. And you missed the point. Reaching 50 takes no effort. It's not an achievement by any means. You could have 1 level 50 and nothing else. I could have 8 level 49's. Who put more effort into leveling? In fact you should be penalized because you only have one toon.


This is a GAME, nothing in it is an achievement. Rewards should go to their LOYAL paying subscribers regardless of level, rank etc.

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I got an Op to 50, once I dinged I did no end game content. I started working on alts. On April 24 they are going to give my account 30 days according to the email I got today because " You are one of our most active and valued high level players.We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT." This is funny because I havn't played any level 50 stuff. Just lots of alts. BW is retarded. Everyone who had had an active account should get the 30 days. Oh ya and im not going to use it because I canceled. Feel sorry for all the fan boys getting screwed that would have used it. Edited by Ghrimlock
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Ludicrous. And you missed the point. Reaching 50 takes no effort. It's not an achievement by any means. You could have 1 level 50 and nothing else. I could have 8 level 49's. Who put more effort into leveling? In fact you should be penalized because you only have one toon.


This is a GAME, nothing in it is an achievement. Rewards should go to their LOYAL paying subscribers regardless of level, rank etc.


You're right, it's a GAME. THAT is the point. That is why it is so ridiculous to act like you're entitled to something when you haven't done something to earn it. You could have easily earned it too. It is an achievement. It's completion. That's what achievements are. Benchmarks, check points, points of completion.


No one owes anyone anything. No one is entitled to anything.


Oh, but hey, as I predicted, Bioware caved and and gave you a chance to earn it until the 22nd. Better go hurry up and level since you've made it so clear how important it is to you! So good to know that whining gets you your way. :) First world problems at their best.

Edited by jedijanec
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You're right, it's a GAME. THAT is the point. That is why it is so ridiculous to act like you're entitled to something when you haven't done something to earn it. You could have easily earned it too. It is an achievement. It's completion. That's what achievements are. Benchmarks, check points, points of completion.


No one owes anyone anything. No one is entitled to anything.


Oh, but hey, as I predicted, Bioware caved and at least gave you your pets. So good to know that whining gets you your way! :) First world problems at their best.


Jedijanec, you may play based on achievements, completion, benchmarks, check points and points of completion but I do not. The manner in which you play the game fits the Bioware model apparently, I am the one who plays in a different manner. You see, I am not motivated by achievements or completions or speed of play or even pvp ability - but play I do nonetheless and have been from the very first hour of early-access.


You are rewarded with stronger armor, more powerful weapons and enhancements, better statistics and the ability to do more things than my slower speed of play allows me to do. You have access to areas and things I cannot have access to because of the lower level of my characters. No problem with that, as I gain levels all of that will come in time.


The problem that I have is that apparently too, you are a more valuable person in the eyes of Bioware, someone who is to be catered to. You have been chosen to be rewarded while I have not and all I am saying is that this is unfair. It is also inconsistent with all of the things Bioware told us about the game as they were developing it, how storyline is important and how they would be developing things over the course of many years, therefore not to rush through things.


So again, style of play is being rewarded here and that simply isn't right no matter how it is spun.

Edited by Bragalot
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Well I have been intentionally holding off reaching Level 50 on my primary char even though I ve been playing non stop since EGA... Im at lvl 48 now so Im not a "most valuable player" either.... typical eh?


The first few weeks I lvl up normally then for the last 3 weeks or so i suddenly stop leveling up? BW jsut being lazy in the selection criteria as usual..


Its a lot easier to just put a blanket lvl50 rule rather than investigate how much time and money each and every person invests in this game...


If they did I bet there would be a bunch of idle lvl 50s who wouldnt make the cut!


This is just another gimmick to try and stem the hemorrhaging subscribers.... EA is really looking to pull a rabbit out of the hat with this one!

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Jedijanec, you may play based on achievements, completion, benchmarks, check points and points of completion but I do not. The manner in which you play the game fits the Bioware model apparently, I am the one who plays in a different manner. You see, I am not motivated by achievements or completions or speed of play or even pvp ability - but play I do nonetheless and have been from the very first hour of early-access.


You are rewarded with stronger armor, more powerful weapons and enhancements, better statistics and the ability to do more things than my slower speed of play allows me to do. You have access to areas and things I cannot have access to because of the lower level of my characters. No problem with that, as I gain levels all of that will come in time.


The problem that I have is that apparently too, you are a more valuable person in the eyes of Bioware, someone who is to be catered to. You have been chosen to be rewarded while I have not and all I am saying is that this is unfair. It is also inconsistent with all of the things Bioware told us about the game as they were developing it, how storyline is important and how they would be developing things over the course of many years, therefore not to rush through things.


So again, style of play is being rewarded here and that simply isn't right no matter how it is spun.


I respect that you're more polite about your being upset than others, but it still doesn't make sense to me. That's like saying "I realize my co-worker Derpson likes to work efficiently and get a lot done around here, but I like to take in the scenery and take it easy. Why is he getting rewarded and I'm not?" There is nothing wrong with kicking back and taking it all in, believe me, I am actually a slow leveler too. However, leveling in entirety = hard work and hard work pays off.

Regardless, they fixed it so that you are able to receive it by a deadline. You have to give them props for that. They listened to all of your complaints and did something about it, regardless of if they made a mistake in your eyes.

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I personally get annoyed by all of the "they called someone else a loyal player, and now I am all offended that they insulted me" that I am seeing on the forums.


It is ridiculous.


If I tell one of my mates that he is a great person, it does not mean I am telling the guy down the street that he is a bad person.


I think it is great that they are rewarding the people at level 50 for sticking around despite the lack of content that I have heard about (because no, I do not have a 50, so I am not getting this reward).


TL;DR: Grow up.

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yes bioware owes me nothing cause I do not have a 50 and others do

I am an active RP'er and endgame does not matter to me all that much sorry I do not chose to play the same way others do

just as I do not owe them my money and if bioware wants to favor people with different play style then me I am well with in my right to take my money to a another game

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Greetings all,


We understand your frustration and have taken the time to read your concerns about the situation. With these comments in mind the original offer that was only avalible to accounts with level 50 characters has been updated.


We are now offering this 30 day promotion to any active accounts with a level 50 character or Legacy Level 6 at Noon CDT on April 22nd.


Anyone who has already received their email about qualifying for this will still get their time and be unaffected by this development and all accounts that qualify should see this game time added to their account by the 25th.


You can find more information about this here


Thank You.

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Is there any way you could do some calculations to add in some legacy xp from alts that are already at level 30ish?


Some of us levelled many alts at the same time -- not fully realizing that having a legacy first could make levelling alts more "profitable".


Even though I've had this game since Nov 2011 and bought the 6 months subscription, this change would be PERFECT if you didn't punish those of us who didn't realize what all a legacy entailed as far as levelling a legacy up by playing alts.


Does that make sense? Some of us also JUST got legacy this week. ;-( so it would be sort of a slap in the face to have all the legacy xp from start of legacy to count but none of the alts xp from before the legacy to count in some way.

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wait free month? what free month, no one ever tells me about these things, oh yeah lvl 50 sorc for a bit now legacy well over lvl6,

dammit, why does bioware hate me, you hate me right? im not just being a paraniod loony?

its because im a sorc isnt it? your jealous of my lvl 1 twink? come on just tell me...

ok so maybe i should drink less waiting for theis thing to patch...

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For some thing that was a gift for Level 50 players, the majority of the subscribers who weren't level 50, moaned and complained that they were left 'out' thus belittling the actual gift to level 50 players in the first place. I think next time a promotion is on, that is only for below level 50's I will scream at bioware that I am left out, and I want my prize too !!


You got what you wanted, congratulations to you. :D

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First of all, I commend BW for responding to the concerns of their customers and adjusting the requirements.


However, I would like to ask whether this offer will be re-issued in a couple of months to those of us who have only had the opportunity to play the game for a few weeks (without resorting to having a copy carried across the Pacific by turtle)?


As much as I enjoy the game, I would have found it difficult to reach 50 over the past 4 weeks without quitting my job, leaving my family, and shifting the toilet into my home office.


While BW is feeling generous, how about providing those of us playing on the Asia-Pacific servers with a slightly wider window? Khem Val has recommended eating a few customer service representatives in order to punctuate my point... To be honest, I'm not sure how long I can restrain him (or how long I will continue to try). ;)

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In the end new players and people who are not 50 have not dealt with the issues that happened to those that are goal orientated when it comes to raiding and progression. There was little if nothing to do after completing the 2 raids a week which at most took 2 raid nights which left 5 days with nothing to do but 30-45 mins worth of dailys. So what should of been a Thank You to those player who hit 50 realised there was nothing to do but circle the fleet :p or level an alt(not everyone wants to level alt after alt) is now just to keep a bunch of people who have not even experienced this issue quiet. I would of preferred no one got free time then for them to give into people over a very clearly worded bonus. One of these day people will just have to get over the fact that no they are not entitled to everything. I mean look at the posts now after they have extended it, people moaning that its forcing them to level and blah blah blah. I'm not really fussed if people don't agree with me but I just wanted to say my piece, I mean I might as well since everyone other person has decided they have the right to ***** about it.
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Thank you BioWare for listening to your players concerns.


You were about to lose two paying customers who have been here since early access with active accounts the whole time. I was shocked you would have considered one of us valued and loyal and the other not due to the level of our characters (50 vs 48).


I rushed a character to 50 pvping and ran another character with her. We have very different schedules and time to play together. We have a family and both have very physically demanding jobs and some times we are just to damn tired to do anything but shower, eat, and sleep. But we pre-ordered the game and have been loyal paying customers since launch. But since I have a 50 and her highest was 48 we were valued differently.


I hope your marketing department or whoever the dumb *** who came up with the 50 part of the idea was or is slapped for almost alienating a portion of your customer base. And it is probably the one who will not be jumping ship when the next big MMO comes out.


Again thank you for listening and please continue to do so in the future.



Donthateon Yelpingbass

Majestic Twelve (MJXII)

50 Combat Medic


Ashia Yellpingbass

Majestic Twelve (MJXII)

48 Gunslinger

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Just a quick question ...


What would have been the response on these forums if the announcement had stated "Free 30 days for some of our most loyal customers... those accounts that do not have a L50 yet"?


Oh!!! The lamenting from the people that pushed fast to 50 would have been a hundred times louder. There would have been /rage-quitting left and right.


The game was brought to us by BioWare and LucasArts .. two of the better STORY ORIENTED game developers of the past 10 years.. Just exactly whose stupid idea was it to blow through the leveling content as fast as possible just to stand there at the top and look for something to do?


I have a 50.. a couple 40's .. and 10+ other alts... but I totally agree with the OP ... the original offer to 50's only was insanely shortsighted, and slighted a large percentage of the "loyal" fan base. That said, I for one am ashamed to see so many people... in this collection of gamer nerds and Star Wars geeks... posting self righteous, elitist, narrow-minded, entitled drivel about how they DESERVE it more because they played the game different than those that have shown appreciation of the journey more than the destination.


Seriously people... get a grip on your eEgo.

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Just a quick question ...


What would have been the response on these forums if the announcement had stated "Free 30 days for some of our most loyal customers... those accounts that do not have a L50 yet"?


Oh!!! The lamenting from the people that pushed fast to 50 would have been a hundred times louder. There would have been /rage-quitting left and right.


The game was brought to us by BioWare and LucasArts .. two of the better STORY ORIENTED game developers of the past 10 years.. Just exactly whose stupid idea was it to blow through the leveling content as fast as possible just to stand there at the top and look for something to do?


I have a 50.. a couple 40's .. and 10+ other alts... but I totally agree with the OP ... the original offer to 50's only was insanely shortsighted, and slighted a large percentage of the "loyal" fan base. That said, I for one am ashamed to see so many people... in this collection of gamer nerds and Star Wars geeks... posting self righteous, elitist, narrow-minded, entitled drivel about how they DESERVE it more because they played the game different than those that have shown appreciation of the journey more than the destination.


Seriously people... get a grip on your eEgo.




If they said it was for those below 50 as a bonus to compensate them for something that was causing an issue for them. Then I would not of come on here and ranted and said I was unsubbing as I felt slighted in some inane way. Read the forums they felt they were entitled to it despite never dealing with the situation. You will never please all but threatening to unsub just shows the type of people who say there loyal to the game.

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my problem wasnt so much just giving it to level 50's it was that there was no prior notice, if they had emailed people a couple of days ahead of time then all the people like me(i have a 49/46/42/16) could have gotten to 50 in a couple of hours, but the way they did it was bad, people with characters that close to 50 didnt know until it was too late, but i do applaud them for responding quickly and fixing it, legacy is a better way to do it.
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Is there any way you could do some calculations to add in some legacy xp from alts that are already at level 30ish?


Some of us levelled many alts at the same time -- not fully realizing that having a legacy first could make levelling alts more "profitable".


Even though I've had this game since Nov 2011 and bought the 6 months subscription, this change would be PERFECT if you didn't punish those of us who didn't realize what all a legacy entailed as far as levelling a legacy up by playing alts.


Does that make sense? Some of us also JUST got legacy this week. ;-( so it would be sort of a slap in the face to have all the legacy xp from start of legacy to count but none of the alts xp from before the legacy to count in some way.


your legacy was added to together from all your alts since launch, it has nothing to do with the latest legacy update or choosing a legacy name, all your chars have been contributing to your legacy lvl since day1, its server wide on all chars, i think how it works is 1 legacy lvl for every 10 character levels, so if you had 2 lvl 30's you would have lvl 6 legacy and get the free 30 days

Edited by fishboyy
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I'm not a valuable player apperantly.... :(

I think I've leveld about 109 levels total in this game but thats not good enough for them

I don't know what but eh now I know i'm not valuable at all so I rather play less then more.

Somehow Founder, PTS titles and Pre-Order seems like a waste as that apperantly isn't something they deem "valuable" either.


If somone from Bioware reads this I just wanna say this.


I buy Pizza/Burgers down at the local resturant now for the last 2 years, and they don't give me that extra slice couse i've paid more, no it's couse i'm a bright smiling face saying Hello! that drops by every now and then. Get the Message? :)


End of Transmission.

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I appreciate the responses and perhaps this is an overreaction on my part, but I cannot control how I feel and honestly I feel like this is rewarding people who play a certain style over others. This is simply wrong. I am rather stubborn and perhaps will end up stopping to play this game because of this but that is a choice I will need to make.


If you're old enough to have a 12 year old daughter, you're old enough to have thicker skin. This is absurd.


I am a cancer survivor. A free month on a computer game is so f***ing far from important that the light from important will not reach it for seventy quadrillion years.


If your life has been so privileged and protected that THIS has got your peener in such a twist, I envy you.

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