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Post 1.2 Combat Medic


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My guild cleared 8 man story mode Denova/Explosive Conflict last night. I was one of the healers, a combat medic. The other healer was a sage.


The biggest change is obviously the ammo regen. I didn't notice myself healing for less, but I did notice that I had to keep a much closer eye on my ammo. Before I could heal up the entire 8 man raid after a botched NiM Bonethrasher sweep, now I can't reliably cast my AMP-MP "rotation" on a large amount of people even during SCC.


Our clear took 4.61 hours without looking at any guides, just making it up as we went along. The log shows I died 21 times. This may mean that my log is drastically different from a flawless run.


Overall I believe that our nerfs, at least from a pve healing perspective, were exaggerated.


I've put my log up on Dropbox for you to use your own parser should you choose, as well as hosted it on Mr Robot. Unfortunately, Mr Robot does not allow you to view all the fights, so you will have to download the log from Dropbox and use a different parser (I use mox) to view each fight separated.


Mr Robot Log Please note that if you see a merged log with Mellius and Raiken that all my (Mellius') values are doubled. I've reuploaded a log of only Mellius, it's the one with 21 deaths.


Dropbox link for download



Feel free to ask any questions you may have, I'll do my best to answer them.


~Mellius, Mascot/Officer of Armada - Zaalbar PvE

Edited by Arsanic
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Thanks for the useful info, I'm sure a few of us will be taking a look at the logs.


Its a shame that a productive post like yours drops off the front page so quickly amidst all the complaining. Appreciate you putting the log up!

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I can report clearing story mode 8 man with 3 out of four dps being gunnery. We took quite a while to do it (6+ hours) but that was primarily learning curve + lots of breaks; the first three bosses had no mechanics we were not capable of beating with ease once everyone understood them. The only time dps wasn't "enough" was the first few tries on the fourth boss's race to kill the bombers, and once we understood how tight the timing was and started preparing for it (saving up charged barrels, keeping demoround off cooldown, swapped to power activation relics instead of the procs) we never failed to kill them as long as no dps died.


I have a question for the OP about the final boss. On the third wave of adds (the pair of robots), were people all getting hit for absurd amounts of damage (12-14k) by a "railshot" ability from the droids? We couldn't figure out what was going on for quite a while; the damage seemed unhealable if you were unlucky enough to eat two in succession, and there didn't seem to be any way to prevent the damage.

Edited by Arzoo
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As far as I could tell the rail shots are completely random. On our first attempt at the boss we were never hit by one. The next two had a DPS dying. Our final attempt had people getting hit by rail shots, but never twice. It was healable, but I believe that rail shot should have a cast bar or cooldown.


This was on 8 man story mode (normal mode).

Edited by Arsanic
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Hm... I must ask you for forgiveness, because I am about to be a tiny bit mean. It's not personal, I am sure you are a nice person and I'd enjoy your company, but for the love of god, you can't really say that Commando is fine after wiping for 4-6 hours on normal mode 8. Just can't.

Maybe you have less skilled guild, and I understand, because we had some weak players in our Ops too, but we did a lot of Nightmare modes. We cleared both EV and KP 16 NM, managed to be 15th in the world to do it, got the Infernal title (16 man 2 hour speed run in EV).


I can tell you that we struggled healing wise pretty darn often. Sometimes I just couldn't keep up because of ammo, and I am full Rakata. And I KNOW that if I tried to do the same thing again after the nerf it would be impossible. Not that I'll be able to test it, because my guild has around 2 people online most of the time and all our core raiders are sick and tired of playing a Beta game. I'd love to do at least one Nightmare more before I end my story in Star Wars universe for good, but I guess I'll just have to pass on that, since I am really really angry at Bioware for nerfing us like this.


I hate PVE nerfs for the sake of PVP. Make me want to hit somebody in the face.


So for now, Nightmare mode Annihilator (first boss in EV) is basically unreachable to me.

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Story mode Denova is much more difficult than any 8 man nightmare. If you look at the Mr Robot log you'll see that we completed Karagga's Palace 8 man nightmare yesterday without any difficulty. Especially since Bioware has stated that they want 16 man to be easier than 8 man, it's not a skill issue. 4 1/2 hours for a new operation that we had to make our own strats for through trial and error is not bad at all in my opinion.


Ammo is a problem, but it's not unmanageable. We had no wipes because we were unable to heal enough, we wiped because we were doing the fight the wrong way. Our entire group that did the Denova run is full Rakata, myself and the sage healer I was with included.


This is coming from a guild that has both nightmare titles, and cleared NiM KP on the first day it came out.


Also consider that, as of the time I'm typing this, no guild in the world has cleared 8 man Hardmode Denova, while multiple have cleared 16 man. Denova is extremely difficult, more so on 8 man, and progressing through entirely new content in 4.5 hours is more than reasonable.



You state that your guild has an average of 2 people online. Are you basing your statement that normal mode is too easy to wipe on the normal modes of Karraga's or EV?

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You state that your guild has an average of 2 people online. Are you basing your statement that normal mode is too easy to wipe on the normal modes of Karraga's or EV?


nah, it just means that I can't see the new content :)

You see, I wasn't aware of the story mode. I thought it was normal.

I guess I need to at least see a Flashpoint as a healer, who knows...

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Wipes on EC were (except for the final boss) entirely due to learning the fight. We wasted easily and hour or more in breaks. Once we got a feel for the fight's we universally agreed they were something we could one-shot consistently in the future. Our guild has never even done NiM (and never bothered with 16-man).


The only thing we struggled with was the pair of droids in the third wave of adds; were we misunderstanding the railshot mechanic (it seemed unpredictable and unpreventable) or are you expected to heal through 14k bursts?

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