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A note of sympathy


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I extend my support for Bioware and the efforts applied by its team in the emergency situation of which most of us are aware by now.


Instead of condemning this colossal game, all the hard work and enthusiasm of countless dedicated specialists invested into this project I would like to wish you good luck with resolving these crucial issues.


I would like to hope that the persons responsible for letting down your whole team at such an important time are held fully responsible with due measures been taken against them.


I would also like to address the more conscientious community members to join me on these words of support and ask the rest to please keep from posting negative statements here as there are numerous other threads for this purpose.


Thank you.

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I would like to hope that the persons responsible for letting down your whole team at such an important time are held fully responsible with due measures been taken against them.


I see you have never been in management.

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I have difficulty with this...


I would like to hope that the persons responsible for letting down your whole team at such an important time are held fully responsible with due measures been taken against them.


...there's blame culture right there, something I really don't like.


Unless someone willfully hid problems from their peers and management or acted in an unprofessional manner the failure is in the business process not an individual.

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Unless someone willfully hid problems from their peers and management or acted in an unprofessional manner the failure is in the business process not an individual.




This is a structural problem that highlights some of the problems with modern game development.

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I think everyone should take a class in computer programming. Maybe you would understand then. This is the truth and I'm sure some people here can recognize this, but at work, when they update the software I work on. There is always a issue.. why? Coding. Bugs always have to be worked out. It happens all the times. Even at your largest companies. Heck, look at Microsoft.
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I would like to hope that the persons responsible for letting down your whole team at such an important time are held fully responsible with due measures been taken against them..


That's where you lost me.


These aren't pimply faced teenagers working at Wal-Mart or screwing up your burger order...these are career professionals who very likely enjoy their jobs and when mistakes and problems happen (and they do happen), take it very personally. However "outraged" people may be at not being able to play for a few hours, I can almost guarantee that the people working to fix the problem are feeling more anxious and stressed than the complainers ever have in their lives. Probably because they've never held enough responsibility to be able to empathize when things go south.

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Here I was, thinking this was going to be a nice, respectable thread.


Oh what a silly dip**** I am!


Seriously though, I actually give props to Bioware for the professional way they approached a serious issue coming up (and in a reasonable amount of time, with compensation to match).


The only people who act truly outraged over downtimes after a major update in ANY game are people who've no idea what programming is like.

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