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Did Fury generation get nerfed?


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It didn't really "get nerfed" as you say, but it IS harder to build Fury now for 4 reasons:


1) Obfuscate has no rage cost

2) Disruption has no rage cost

3) Intimidating Roar has no rage cost

4) Sweeping Slash costs 3 rage instead of 1 as it can no longer be talented to reduce it's cost.



Having no rage cost on Disruption is actually a nerf if you ask me. I always had enough rage for it and could spam it on a 6 second CD. Now I find myself often having TOO MUCH rage, and have to use a GCD (Vicious Slash usually) to get the 4 Fury I would have otherwise gotten at simply the cost of 1 Rage.


Pre 1.1.5: Use Rupture, use Disruption. Cost: 3 rage (I think Rupture is 2, I forgot), Fury Generated: 8. GCDs used: 1 (since Disruption is unaffected by GCD).

Post 1.2: Use Rupture, use Disruption. Cost: 2 rage, Fury Generated: 4. GCDs used: 1.


To get the same 8 Fury generated post 1.2: Use Rupture, use Disruption, use Vicious Slash. Cost: 5 rage, 1 is returned from VS, Fury Generated: 8. GCDs used: 2.


I honestly liked having Disruption cost rage. I really did.

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I have no problem gaining fury. Im Carnage spec and have skill points under the fury builder skill, as well as two points under the one in the annilation tree that gives me 2 fury for every rage ability used. I build fury fast since the only time I am not using a rage ability is when I need to build rage or if I need to use my debuffs and defense abilities.


Keep in mind I mostly PVE with Quinn at my side so encounters I do not have to use defensive skills and debuffs.

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I honestly liked having Disruption cost rage. I really did.


No thanks. Saving rage on all 3 of those abilities is a god send. Once you have Annihilation x3, not having to spend that 1 rage every 6 seconds is very nice. It an extremely generous trade off for generating no fury when using them.

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