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"Discussions on who gets free days"


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Thanks to ConradLionHeart for the link.




So there are "Hopefully" discussion on including more people who get free days.


Now, as one of those people that have played this game since day one, preordered, have a 6 month subscription set up from as soon as i played the first game of this and speaking to a few people about this "Touchy subject". (Bearing in mind ive yet to get level 50)



I have to say, its not the 30 days many people are worrying about.

Its the fact that you called those people "Your most loyal customers".


Now, after having a look at what End Game material there is, i have to agree with those that like PvP end game among others.

As always at the start of MMOs there is not that much to do at level 50.


With that said, the choice to keep Ranked WZs away from patch 1.2 is a double edged blade. Release it bugged and you get the threads. Pull it, like you have, i personally agree with it as well and you still get the threads.



I, as an altoholic can appreciate giving level 50s a free month as they are sticking with you whilst you sort stuff out like the warzones, so by all means give them a free month as im still enjoying playing and honestly i dont want nor need the 30 days.


Personally and from a non 50 players point.

I dont want a free 30 days, i just want an apology for saying im not as loyal as others.

Its a put down, pure and simple and is embarrassing to even try to defend the comment.


Why is a level 1 who has just payed for their first subscription any less loyal than me?

Anyone playing this game is as loyal as the next.


So hopefully, bioware we will receive an apology and backtrack those comments.


(Please dont assume this is a flaming thread, like ive said, i support giving level 50s the free month)

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I just think they should give a free 30 days to all of those who are "Founders" to reward those that have stuck with TOR from launch and before.


Not a whine or a "or else" post but just what I think would be appropriate.

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Hi all,


While we appreciate constructive feedback regarding the Legacy promotion and understand there may be some frustration about who qualifies for this promotion, we do have an existing active thread on this topic, available here:


Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


In order to consolidate the discussion, we're going to close this thread and ask that the community use the existing thread to continue to give feedback on this topic.


We appreciate your understanding!

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