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reasons to use rifle or cannon?


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as a commando, you should pretty much be using an assault cannon at all times.


even if you have a rifle that's an upgrade from your current assault cannon, a lot of basic skills (like charged bolts and hail of bolts) are unusable without an assault canon equipped.

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I just started a trooper and I am thinking of going commando route. From what I read it is possible for commandos to use both rifles and cannons.


Under what circumstances should I use one or the other?


Always use assault cannons if you plan on DPSing. Rifles have less min-max damage so you'll suffer a significant DPS loss if you use a Rifle over an Assault Cannon. You can get away with it if you only plan on playing by yourself but if you ever plan on doing endgame group content you'll just be a burden to your team with a rifle.

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Seems a bit odd to carry that huge thing unless you are a gunnery specced but oh well... I get the point.


Oh it's needed even more if you are Assault spec as Charged Bolts requires an Assault Cannon and you won't have access to Grav round so you'll need to use that instead. Basically the only spec that can get away with a Rifle is Combat Medic if you are doing pure heals, and even then some fights in the game require you to DPS as well so you'll be gimping yourself regardless.

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