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Homogenized pvp stat fix


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and then half the player base leaves.


Good riddance. Players who need a handicap have no place in pvp to begin with. As I said before, pvp can have rewards/progression without it being completely based on gear. If the only reason you pvp is for gear progression then you actually don't give a damn about pvp.

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gear is not fluff. fluff has no in game use. its there simply for show. all gear COULD look the same for all i care, all gear could be big black splotches and it would not bother me. its the increases the stats on the gear represent that i want, the ability to do more dps, better healing, take more damage that i go after. i like the journey of starting out weak and working my way to becoming strong, and this is represented via stats you get from gear.


if i logged on, played for 3 hours, and had moved no further foward, id think to myself, what is the point, and stop playing.


Actually fluff has a lot of uses u see wtihout fluff, looks, and fun stuff like that all this game is and many others is..

a real time system of networked digital user input that's cloaked in some pretty 3D rendering.


You talk like "gear" as if it were real or if it had true meaning. It's not, it doesn't. It's a modifier to a real time system.


You can still have your GEAR without having it adversely effect the game system in the form of handicaps and stats that make the game actually more imbalanced.


you forget we are not playing a singleplayer game. If you want to get a gear that makes you awesome and 1 shot things that is where you go play Oblivion and Sky Rim get some mods on those games and then see your char develop.


In a MMO its about other players not just yourself We are all max lv 50. So we should all have the same types of abilities and strengths. We already saw our chars develop from nothing at llv 1 to everything at 50.. That was your development... You already had the weak to strong with that process of lvling. That is over and done with. The mentality of the game doesn't start til your max is really the wrong attitude.

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Good riddance. Players who need a handicap have no place in pvp to begin with. As I said before, pvp can have rewards/progression without it being completely based on gear. If the only reason you pvp is for gear progression then you actually don't give a damn about pvp.


Ok first off I love PVP.

Secondly I used to believe that

everyone should be equal in PVP.

Thirdly I was wrong.


After "EZEMODE" progression was implemented I got all my BM gear and

I've lost interest in the game. It seems that I did like grinding for gear and it did keep me motivated.

I realize and have gotten a bunch of WH also but, the difference between WH and BM is so little that you can

easily compensate with skill and in the end it's killed alot of my motivation to log on and WZ.


I never had an issue playing with folks that "earned" the gear before me.

Now... the game has lost alot of it's apeal to me. I also don't seem to be the only one that

feels this way in practice as more and more I see our servers decline in BM/WH geared players

and they are supplanted by new players in recruit or god forbid pve gear.


I think that in MMO's there are more folks that enjoy gear grinding for lack of a better word than those that dont.

Games without progression and reward get boring without a giant influx of pvp variety that can only come from politics (EVE) player looting (DARKFALL) or HUGE OPEN WORLD FACTION PVP (Planetside).


With the gear grind flattened so much, you realize very quickly how boring the same 4 warzones are over and over. You also realzie all your really doing is helping other people grind their BM gear... It's still fun ... and I still do it... but, I think I actually was having more fun as a fresh 50 getting his centurion and learning how to use my abilities to nudge my team to wins rather than leading them.


in the end... I think 4 War Zone's and Instanced PVP 8v8 is far too simplistic to keep my attention without gear grind.


OPVP games I could care less about grinding gear... However, in MMO's there must be balance and right now I think we've gone WAI to casual...


here's to hoping for a 100 on 100 Wz... (not holding breath)

Edited by VoidJustice
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Good riddance. Players who need a handicap have no place in pvp to begin with. As I said before, pvp can have rewards/progression without it being completely based on gear. If the only reason you pvp is for gear progression then you actually don't give a damn about pvp.


This is very true if all you do really care about is just the GEAR then you should be PVEing.

Why PVE Geared style of reward Xfered over to the pvp side is beyond me.


In PVE for instance in Everquest 1. there was a Real Progression in gear. Especially with epic weapons. Where it would take a large community months to get 1 person their epic weapon say a warriors Sword. Theyd have to defeat several world bosses and dungeons. That is a epic quest. A epic progression. a Quest of vast proportion.


This Grinding for gear.. sitting in a WZ win or lose to gain some gear... to at some point finally have everything and say YES now i can start enjoying pvp. Yes now i can start Rated WarZones... and not having my face critted off from geared out people is dumb.

By the time some players get there full set another one has released. And then they are back to having their faces critted off.

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I'd rather gear gave resistance to CCs and let expertise be even across the board BM and up. Just more resistance to CCs as the gear improves. With a +% to completely resist a CC to boot.
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