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why lvl 50 getting free days


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hey guys. i am lvl 24 and received no issues with 1.2


yet lvl 50 are having problems.


servers are shut down to everyone because of a lvl 50 issue.


we all loose out on this not just them.


so why do lvl 1 - 49 not get refunded time. is it because we havnt paid enough subscription into your pockets yet to be worthy of being "loyal"


what about people like me who bought the collectors edition a few weeks ago...am i not in the loyal refund club.


i am really enjoying the old republic and will be subscribing for a long time and i might be new to ToR but i wasn't born yesterday.

Edited by RushThanewulf
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right i am lvl 24 and received no issues with 1.2


yet lvl 50 are having problems.


servers are shut down to everyone because of a lvl 50 issue.


we all loose out on this not just them.


so why do lvl 1 - 49 not get refunded time. is it because we havnt paid enough subscription into your pockets yet to be worthy of being "loyal"


what about people like me who bought the collectors edition a few weeks ago...am i not in the loyal refund club.


i am really enjoying the old republic and will be subscribing for a long time and i might be new to ToR but i wasn't born yesterday.


This is getting boring.


The extra month free isn't a result of today's downtime, nor is this downtime a result of "level 50 issues".


They decided to give everyone who took a character to max level a free month. The game has been live for four months, which is plenty of time for someone to get a character to level 50 if they wanted. You joined the game two weeks ago, you're not "owed" anything.

Edited by Parthis
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"You joined the game two weeks ago, you're not "owed" anything"


i wasn't just talking about me. i am talking about all the people who don't have a lvl50 character but has still handed over £40-£130 for the game and maybe 2 months of subscription. just because the game has been out 4 months doesnt mean that everyone has to rush and play there games 24/7.


i bought the collectors edition and signed up for 6 months subscription so don't say i/we are not "owed" anything.

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hey guys. i am lvl 24 and received no issues with 1.2


yet lvl 50 are having problems.


servers are shut down to everyone because of a lvl 50 issue.


we all loose out on this not just them.


so why do lvl 1 - 49 not get refunded time. is it because we havnt paid enough subscription into your pockets yet to be worthy of being "loyal"


what about people like me who bought the collectors edition a few weeks ago...am i not in the loyal refund club.


i am really enjoying the old republic and will be subscribing for a long time and i might be new to ToR but i wasn't born yesterday.


CAUSE U SUCK !!!! If you can't level a char to 50 you do not diserve game time !!!!

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Yeah, it's for the level 50s dedication and loyalty to the game.


Too bad I've been with the game since beta and don't get crap from them since my highest characters are only 43s.


Guess I should have space barred through conversations and plowed my way to 50.

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss this issue and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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