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Tauntaun Ram - I want to ride it!


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When i first logged in to download the 1.2 update I noticed the TaunTaun Ram with the saddle on it, and I thought to myself "OMG THIS IS AMAZING WE ARE GETTING A ANIMAL MOUNT FOR STICKING WITH THE GAME!!", then i read a little further, and noticed it was just a "pet". I immediately went to :( face. Did this happen to anyone else? That saddle through me off!
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Its ridiculous, who cares about a pet that has no purpose. It should be a mount or nothing at all. This isn't world of warcraft, enough of the childish pleasantries. When I think of star wars I think of speeders, ships, dewback/tauntaun mounts, ect. Not once did I see anyone walking around with a miniature pet with a saddle fit for a gnome.
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Its ridiculous, who cares about a pet that has no purpose. It should be a mount or nothing at all. This isn't world of warcraft, enough of the childish pleasantries. When I think of star wars I think of speeders, ships, dewback/tauntaun mounts, ect. Not once did I see anyone walking around with a miniature pet with a saddle fit for a gnome.


Lets not forget militaristic and tribal furries, worms with the criminal capacity of Einstein-ed Al Capone, and people swinging laser swords while dressed up like hobos

Edited by arare
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