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Was their ANY love given to Armstech?


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As far as I can tell, an Armstech should really just (compared to what other classes are getting to craft) drop investigation and roll slicing.

  • I mean, we can craft these augments...that we need slicers to get us the mats for.
    • This was the speculated new [first?] "Money Maker" for AT because we got some pretty nice ones, but you'll now have to choose: either drop Investigation/Scav and level slicing, level slicing on another character to 400, or become reliant on someone else/GTN so you can craft


    [*]There are new orange schematics...for things like Techstaffs and the like.

    • This is not a benefit. Prior to 1.2, you could obtain a modifiable companion weapon (already slotted mind you with ~ lvl 50 blues) in a daily heroic. That means you could gear them ALL out over several days. That didn't change the fact that it was easier (and debatably) cheaper for a player to buy one of my augmented purple companion weapons i'd RE'ed up prior to 1.2. I could sell several of these per day (Aim/DPS Vibrosword and Cun/Healing Blaster being the best selling). And anyone from Empire Wound in the Force has probable seen one of my corny sales pitches in trade chat.
      These new schematics WILL NOT make us any money...and tbh a modifiable companion weapon is WAY to expensive to keep up with while leveling.


    [*]There are no new trainable schematics, there are no purchasable endgame schematics.

    • Asked a a guildie Armormech last night how many of the Battlemaster Augmented armor pieces he'd sold already (at 750k-500k per piece). Answer was: 9....


    [*]We did get to finally RE off-hands (Vibroknives/Scatterguns) up to epic quality.

    • This was a bug fix; they acknowledged the bug soon after release. And this will be crafting off-hands for the smallest combined player-base out there (Agents/Smug)


I mean, come the hell on BW, what exactly do you want us to do? Even IF you have some "cool looking modifiable orange weapon schematics that people will want", you haven't even EQUIPPED THE PREVIEW WINDOW TO LOOK AT WEAPONS. How are they supposed to know? "Hey, buy this weapon for 500k. I promise it looks really cool."



Seriously, can we have an answer from SOMEONE to either say, "Yeah, we know it's kinda lame right now, but we are seriously going to improve this." or "CV you're wrong and don't know **** about 1.2 yet, trust me there is stuff that will make Armstech, using it's codex associated gathering skills, a viable profitable crafting profession."



Anyone else with me? :p I'm an Armstech! Why should "augments" be my credit-maker!

Edited by chillinvillain
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you do realize that the orange weapons/armor are needed to use the augments right?


my guildmates that are armstech were making millions before the patch, and they got some love


armor on the other hand was a non starter due to quantity of gear and materials needed, people would not pay 150k for each piece of a 6 piece set, but they will pay 300 for a new gun that is better...


i think people are over-reacting a bit,


and yes, slicing is one of the professions needed now, luckily i have a 400 slicer on an alt.


you should be able to make money off both augments and guns

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you do realize that the orange weapons/armor are needed to use the augments right?


my guildmates that are armstech were making millions before the patch, and they got some love


armor on the other hand was a non starter due to quantity of gear and materials needed, people would not pay 150k for each piece of a 6 piece set, but they will pay 300 for a new gun that is better...


i think people are over-reacting a bit,


and yes, slicing is one of the professions needed now, luckily i have a 400 slicer on an alt.


you should be able to make money off both augments and guns


re Highlight: What...pray tell...server was this where the Armstech's are rolling in the dough? The fact that you said you have several guildmates that were armstechs makes me a bit skeptical alone! (I'm one of about 4 known Armstechs on my server total).



and yes, I realize that people will NEED our augments, but the fact is now we NEED a slicer to make people what they NEED. I could understand if the purple mats were to come from a slicer, but I'm going to be needing green-purple mats from them while a level up the augment.


150k for each piece of a 6 piece set, but they will pay 300 for a new gun that is better

Also, this is just silly, and this may be where our servers make a difference. Are you on a PVP server? The fact that you could grind up a Champion level weapon with ease (after the first PVP change over) really negated any negligible PVE upgrade you could buy for let's say your given 300k up there.


I never even made myself a purple weapon. I used a modifiable one. At 50 I completed dailies and had epic rank 50 modifications in there. Only thing I made was a barrel, but you could get that from grinding daily coms.


I mean, I did know a couple guilds that had people using modifiable weapons while running Ops, but 99% of them would run with Champion/BM weapons until they got Columi/Rakata. I can only think of a couple [good] people I knew that ran with Purple weapons.



This isn't to say I didn't try, but after a solid week on the GTN (and advertising in chat) a nice power/surge BH Blaster that was mastercrafted lvl 50 netted me 150k. That's after a week. I can sell augmented vibroswords for companions for 90k and sell at least 1 every 24h.


Sorry man, maybe this is just some weird server difference thing, but I am literally one of 4 people on the empire side of the server that I know of being an Armstech on their main.



i got multiple vibroblade orange scematics, orange pistol schematics seems pretty loving.


wooo, a couple different vibroblades and pistols?! do they look cool!?....oh yeah, you can't preview them.

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"I could understand if the purple mats were to come from a slicer, but I'm going to be needing green-purple mats from them while a level up the augment."


I got a green augment schematic to a purple last night on my Armormech. If it's the same on Armstech, then you won't need Slicing mats to produce green augments. They seem to be made with standard materials. I'll see if the same is true on my Synthweaver when the servers come back up today.


You need blue Slicing mats to create blue augments, but they're pretty common, and I bet the GTN will have plenty of the grade 6 variety. The purple components will be the bottleneck, as they are a rare return. If you want to make purple augments, then you probably need an alt with Slicing.


As far as classes getting nothing goes, however, at least you're not Cybertech. I haven't touched my Cybertech except to make a couple of speeders to put on the GTN. They're expensive to produce, though, and neither one sold--of course, the GTN is bugged to hell and back, and no one likely saw them, so I can't say for sure if there is any interest or not.

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"I could understand if the purple mats were to come from a slicer, but I'm going to be needing green-purple mats from them while a level up the augment."


I got a green augment schematic to a purple last night on my Armormech. If it's the same on Armstech, then you won't need Slicing mats to produce green augments. They seem to be made with standard materials. I'll see if the same is true on my Synthweaver when the servers come back up today.


You need blue Slicing mats to create blue augments, but they're pretty common, and I bet the GTN will have plenty of the grade 6 variety. The purple components will be the bottleneck, as they are a rare return. If you want to make purple augments, then you probably need an alt with Slicing.


As far as classes getting nothing goes, however, at least you're not Cybertech. I haven't touched my Cybertech except to make a couple of speeders to put on the GTN. They're expensive to produce, though, and neither one sold--of course, the GTN is bugged to hell and back, and no one likely saw them, so I can't say for sure if there is any interest or not.

didn't cybertech....get to make...rakata level pieces? I know several people on my server that made a killing with the #25 series of enhancements/mods :p

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re Highlight: What...pray tell...server was this where the Armstech's are rolling in the dough? The fact that you said you have several guildmates that were armstechs makes me a bit skeptical alone! (I'm one of about 4 known Armstechs on my server total).



and yes, I realize that people will NEED our augments, but the fact is now we NEED a slicer to make people what they NEED. I could understand if the purple mats were to come from a slicer, but I'm going to be needing green-purple mats from them while a level up the augment.



Also, this is just silly, and this may be where our servers make a difference. Are you on a PVP server? The fact that you could grind up a Champion level weapon with ease (after the first PVP change over) really negated any negligible PVE upgrade you could buy for let's say your given 300k up there.


I never even made myself a purple weapon. I used a modifiable one. At 50 I completed dailies and had epic rank 50 modifications in there. Only thing I made was a barrel, but you could get that from grinding daily coms.


I mean, I did know a couple guilds that had people using modifiable weapons while running Ops, but 99% of them would run with Champion/BM weapons until they got Columi/Rakata. I can only think of a couple [good] people I knew that ran with Purple weapons.



This isn't to say I didn't try, but after a solid week on the GTN (and advertising in chat) a nice power/surge BH Blaster that was mastercrafted lvl 50 netted me 150k. That's after a week. I can sell augmented vibroswords for companions for 90k and sell at least 1 every 24h.


Sorry man, maybe this is just some weird server difference thing, but I am literally one of 4 people on the empire side of the server that I know of being an Armstech on their main.





wooo, a couple different vibroblades and pistols?! do they look cool!?....oh yeah, you can't preview them.


server is Hedarr Soongh


two armstech in guild are Zarn ant Tibeius


fee free to roll a new toon and send them a tell tonight if you do not believe me


low pop pvp server fyi,


I know Zarn was over 10 million for a long time til legacy came out.

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didn't cybertech....get to make...rakata level pieces? I know several people on my server that made a killing with the #25 series of enhancements/mods :p


Ah, I thought your post was about 1.2. Anyway, raid-farming doesn't interest me, so I don't have those. I just assumed you were talking about changes with the new patch.

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server is Hedarr Soongh


two armstech in guild are Zarn ant Tibeius


fee free to roll a new toon and send them a tell tonight if you do not believe me


low pop pvp server fyi,


I know Zarn was over 10 million for a long time til legacy came out.


man, still shocking to me. I mean I broke 5 mil, but never 6. I'd love just to see some metrics on the servers because I can't believe that we did things that differently that there would be that drastic of a difference.


Like I said, I'm empire on an empire stacked server and one of very few armstechs. Should bode well for me, but I was never able to sell top end stuff that was for actual PCs. THe Only stuff I could sell was companion stuff :\


Ah, I thought your post was about 1.2. Anyway, raid-farming doesn't interest me, so I don't have those. I just assumed you were talking about changes with the new patch.


It's more of a "we didn't gain much and didn't have anything".


erm, crit crafted weapons are pretty good, what else do you want? A free monay itam button?


no...I'd absolutely be willing to pay for a box from a Battlemaster vendor to get the schematic to craft battle master weapons...just like the armor crafters can for BM armor :D

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a few people have tried to explain just how hooked up you just got and you don't seem to get it.

Arms can now craft a crit orange wep for every toon...... thats right the best item in game that every player in game will need is a orange wep skin with a aug slot to put their mods in........


if you can get over your QQ you will see they made it the new best proff.....it is needed by every class..yes you can make the best wep for every single class.

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From 1.2 patch notes:



  • Armstechs can now learn schematics that allow the creation of Endurance, Surge, Critical, Accuracy, and Power Augments.
  • Augments can be reverse engineered for a chance to research Prototype and Artifact quality schematics.
  • New schematics to create Custom (orange) ranged and melee weapons have been added.
  • A critical success while crafting Custom (orange) weapons now adds an Augment slot to the resulting item.
  • The Codex entry for Armstech has been updated.


If you didn't know about these, you didn't look very hard. All are significant improvements to the profession. Also, armstech can craft a consumable that is required to fight the nightmare lands world boss on Voss. Is armstech better than biochem now? No. But you got a lot of new toys (and pretty good ones at that) so quit whining and switch professions if you hate it so much.

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lol, okay okay, i know we did get some things but it just still doesn't seem to be on par with the other professions.



btw, we could already create several orange weapons at lvl 400 for each weapon type; they were trainable from crafting trainer and actually came crafted with blue modifications already in them. no one bought them so we didn't craft them. I just don't see this changing.



this consumable thing though is new to me.

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possibly! just need to find where that alloy comes from. must just be investigation missions.


I also found some of those in a grade 6 pvp crafting box. Didn't know what they were so I just threw them in our guild bank lol

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a few people have tried to explain just how hooked up you just got and you don't seem to get it.

Arms can now craft a crit orange wep for every toon...... thats right the best item in game that every player in game will need is a orange wep skin with a aug slot to put their mods in........


if you can get over your QQ you will see they made it the new best proff.....it is needed by every class..yes you can make the best wep for every single class.


You can't make lightsabers. That's still artifice territory.


But you are partially right.


The new augments will be a new market.

Scattergun reverse engineering will be a new market.

Critting on Orange, moddable blaster rifles, blaster pistols, assault cannons, sniper rifles will be huge.


Barrels have always sold well, even with the mission rewards vendors. You can either spend 7 planet commendations on a barrel, or buy THREE mod or enhancements for the same amount.


Savvy players normally use those commendations to kit out their moddable armor pieces because later in the game they usually have 3-4 pieces to fill out.


Barrel selection is currently putrid on 'The Fatman'. One of the most heavily populated servers on the East Coast.


Markets are untapped, there is money to be made.


You either recognize opportunities to cash in, and take advantage before others do....or you don't.

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Barrel selection is currently putrid on 'The Fatman'. One of the most heavily populated servers on the East Coast.


Markets are untapped, there is money to be made.


You either recognize opportunities to cash in, and take advantage before others do....or you don't.


XD. As they are on my server as well, but that wasn't for my personal lack of trying. I had a purple version of every top level barrel at the end of January. Problem was, the ones that would actually sell (I only crafted Patron/Commando on request d/t them stacking endurance) tended to sell between 10-14k. I attributed this to the fact that the daily com barrel is technically better, and considering you could (this has increased now) get 25 daily coms in 1 day (takes ~3h give or take soloing), it would seem to be a no brainer to just spend an hour or two to get the coms.


Crafting the lower level barrels at a purple level was a time sink in a farming sense to have the mats. They also (on my server) didn't sell that well.


However, I'm skeptically optimistic that they've finally put the schematics in for Barrels #23-26, and this would actually help out a good bit. My main concern is that endgame weapons are already modifiable in 1.2; therefor you buy the gun shell and POOF no need for the barrel. Eh...guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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You know, that's all true what you said. Let's get into detail, this could be an interesting conversation:


Most crafters including myself, recognize that the money is at level 50. Level 50s have more money than level 20s. That's a fact. If you want the most money out of your resource gathering time (either by node harvesting or companion missions) you target level 50 gear.


Problem is that market is the most crowded. And like you said there are alternative means of getting competitive, if not superior gear through other means.


What advantage armstechs had over other professions was the rate drop for the mission unlocks. For every underworld metal mission I obtained through a crit, I got 4 investigation missions.


Look on the GTN. Underworld trading missions go for 25 to 40k. Investigation missions go for 2500 - 4k. The rare components for armstechs are the cheapest in the game, which leads to higher profit margins.


The issue I see currently with barrels are the 1.2 changes. Bounty Hunters and Commando were DPS kings. People were rolling them. They were the flavor of the month. Barrel sales reflected this.


This is no longer the case.


I expect barrel sales to slow down to a crawl. I really do.


So if marauders and sentinels are going to be the new flavor of the month class, is there a weapon proficiency that they have that's possible for you to craft? Hmmmm? Maybe....


See where I'm going....


And if they DUAL WEILD....


Point is there could be a new emerging market. And while not every force user would be comfortable with weilding something other than a lightsaber, their alternative means is to find an artificer. And next to armstech, I think artificer is the LEAST played crafting class.


Armstechs have a companion with a +5 crit bonus in Corso Riggs if you're a smuggler. And artificer has ZERO options for a crit bonus. No companion on either faction has one. Not a +5, not a +2, not a +1. Nothing. Not even the new legacy droid offers one.


Ok, sorry about the rant but what I'm trying to say is look beyond what you can or can't make and look at the game environment. What are players looking for. What do they need? How can you fill that need? What effect will mechanic changes have on player tastes / needs. Be the first to fill that need and you will profit.

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Not sure what the whining is about - since the patch yesterday and the new orange weapon schematics, I've made about 2 million credits using nothing but tier 2 mats.


As to the complaint about no preview window - most of what you make is going to be failed crits while trying to make augmented armor. Nobody will want those, they are vendor fodder. So equip one and show it to your purchaser.

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My only problem with the 1.2 changes is that the augments armstech got are bleh. Everybody wants the ones with their main stat that armor/syth make. Maybe tanks will buy the endurance one, but I suspect they will go for the ones with +absorb or +defense etc. Time will tell.


ok I'm still annoyed that we get nothing BoP, but 1.2 is still a huge improvement.

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He makes a good poiont about Armstech. WHY were there BOP rakata level schematics for ALL crew skills cept Armstech? No schematicss in ANY FP, normal or HM, NO schematics in Ops NM, HM, or NM. Not a one. ****, even a schematic for a high level barrel would be nice. NOTHING.

1.2 I see freaking artifice schematics for sale, high level mind you, all over the damn place on several vendors.

I seriously hope I see some BOP ARMSTECH SCHEMATICS in the new Ops this week or I will **** bricks. All these rakata level items that everyone can make with any crew skill except Armstech does not make ANY since at all. It just really doesn't. Crit a level 50 purple for an augment slot and it will still be out leveled by rakata weapon.

There must be something of value in Explosive Conflict for Armstech or the few that are left, will also leave.

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