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Lightsaber (Sound/Animation) Effects Feedback.


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Before I get started, I wanted to congratulate Bioware on a job well done with the Lightsaber Sound Effects volume. The volume of the Lightsaber "Hum" and "Activation/Deactivation" are pretty close to being dead on. When I logged on to my character, the first thing I noticed when I activated my Lightsaber was the volume. I was impressed that I could actually hear them now without turning my in game music volume down to low levels. Furthermore, I was equally impressed with the fact that I can now hear other people's Lightsabers as I run past them. Previously, hearing my own or other people's Lightsabers was a hit and miss thing. Having said that, let me point out some noticeable issues I have found that still exist in game.


Riposte: For some reason, I am not sure if this was intentional or not, but there is a slight Sound Effect missing from the Jedi version of this sound effect. If you listen to a Sith use Riposte, you hear a very distinct sound effect that sounds like the lightsaber has pierced through armor. Very hard sound effect to describe, but if you have played both Sith and Jedi, you might notice the missing sound effect that I am speaking of. I have reported this previously, was really hoping this would be fixed with 1.2.


Movement Lightsaber Sound Effect:

Previously before 1.2, when your character moved, the Lightsaber Hum changed volume and slight tone, to give off the feel that your lightsaber is actually vibrating through the air as you run. Not sure if intentional or not, since nothing was mentioned about this, but this sound effect no longer exists.


Lightsaber Sound Effects: There are many sound effects used for the Lightsaber "Hum" and "Activation/Deactivation" some of which are canon and some of which are not. I was really hoping there would be a way to chose which sound effects your lightsaber has, this way we can have the Lightsaber Hilts we love most, along with the Sound Effects we love most. As of right now, you pretty much have to chose between a Nice looking hilt that has a Bioware created Sound Effect, or perhaps (not in all cases, to each their own) a unappealing hilt that has the original Movie Sound Effects. Was really hoping 1.2 would if nothing else, give some sort of hint for this future option.


Hope this helps pinpoint some of the issues, and hope to see these three issues fixed in a future patch. Thanks for your hard work, Bioware! It did not go unnoticed.

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I guess posting this during the big Whine Storm we are currently having on the boards was a bad idea. My Feedback post gets pushed back to the third page in less than 10 seconds flat. Guess I'll have to bump this when I get home from work tonight.
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Yeah. First thing I noticed when I logged on was the Lightsaber sounds. Quite loud and easily heard now. So good work there :)


The problems you're speaking of with Riposte and when moving were also noticed by me. Hopefully, they'll fix these soon. Feels....different now.


Another bug I've noticed; when you have your Lightsaber drawn and mount your speeder, occasionally, the character still holds the Lightsaber when on the speeder.

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Oooh, we can hear other people's lightsabers too now? Sweet. Figured that wasn't in due to potential annoyance factor or something. Noticed that I could finally hear my companions' lightsabers, was happy about that allready. It might not be a big thing, but some of us do notice.
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Just wanted to bump this since when I posted it, there was mega rage going on about the servers being down. Hopefully the correct Devs see this and pat themselves on the back, along with knowing what issues still exist. Thanks again, Bioware!
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