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Everything posted by -Germ-

  1. Ah, that looks reasonable. Did not know they were planning on implementing that.
  2. What do you guys think about this build? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500ZfhMZGrRrdfobcz.1 Thanks for the answers!
  3. Yes, but what is the point of having different types? Once a character gets to max level, the only viable gear is going to be Custom or the best Artifacts available.
  4. Hi. Okay, now I've been trying to get my head around how gear works in this game. I understand the following are item types: Cheap Standard Premium Prototype Artifact Legendary Custom The following are the different item modification types: Armoring Mod Enhancement Hilt/Barrel (Weapons) Color Crystal (Weapons) Augments Firstly, Cheap, Standard, Premium and Prototype items are not supposed to be moddable; Custom items can be fully modified. However, I have been able to fully modify Artifact items. What is the difference if we can modify both Custom and Artifact gear? Secondly, how do augments work? I understand that you can only get them by crit-crafting gear. Now, what types of gear can be augmented? Only Custom? Can existing Custom gear be augmented? Doesn't all the other Custom gear become obsolete if only a few Custom items can be augmented? For instance, I have been using the Custom Lightsaber I created at Level 10. Now, there are Custom Lightsabers available on the GTN which have augment slots. Are these the best lightsabers one can get in the game? Since they have another slot and can be fully modded it seems not buying these if you have the credits would be foolish. Shouldn't the final goal be to get augmented gear with the best mods available? Would love some thoughts on this stuff. Don't hesitate on pointing out where I might be wrong. I have made quite some assumptions. Thank You
  5. Oh alright. Thanks guys!
  6. Hi. I recently looted an item called [Prototype] Veteran Elder Blade's Vest. It's purple and has got an armoring, enhancement and mod slot. What is the difference between this and Orange gear? Isn't Orange supposed to be the only modifiable gear? Thanks for any answers.
  7. I've got one question. What do you mean by stacking? I've noticed it being used everywhere. Not entirely sure what it means. Thanks
  8. Hi I currently have a Level 32 Jedi Guardian which is my main and only character. I am fairly new to MMOs. Prior to 1.2, I had put all my points in Focus but after looking at all the threads and talking to people it seems it is not as good as before. Should I continue with the Focus tree or should I re-spec to Vigilance/Vigilance hybrids? My main focus is on DPS in PVP. Another question I have is, should I put all the points I can in one tree and then start putting in the other one? I have yet to see a build with full points in one tree. Any particular reason for this? Last question. Can I be a DPS and have the ability to be kind of a tank as well? Basically, doing more damage than typical tanks and having more survivability than typical DPS Guardians. Can anyone show me builds that might suit this criteria? Thanks for any suggestions. Some of the stuff might sound quite noobish without me realizing it . Sorry about that.
  9. Yeah. First thing I noticed when I logged on was the Lightsaber sounds. Quite loud and easily heard now. So good work there The problems you're speaking of with Riposte and when moving were also noticed by me. Hopefully, they'll fix these soon. Feels....different now. Another bug I've noticed; when you have your Lightsaber drawn and mount your speeder, occasionally, the character still holds the Lightsaber when on the speeder.
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