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MY 1.2 Scorc PVP healing spec and why


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I'm not really interested in winning against anyone, Dayin, I want a character who supports teams effort in winning objective the best by healing and buffs.

I'm not a big fan of hybrids either, searching a valid option for myself only because developers forced me to.

Edited by Shadenuat
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I'm not really interested in winning against anyone, Dayin, I want a character who supports teams effort in winning objective the best by healing and buffs.


You cant heal effectivly if your dead. If you dont like it dont try it its not for everyone.


ALso if Bioware didnt want hybrids they would have given healers more then one tree to work out of.

Edited by Dayin
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Here's My Current Spec for 1.2 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GhMRMdRzZfoMrzMr.1


I never had any problems with force regen/oom unless I stayed there forever healing and else it was consumption -> medpac or consumption -> level heal pickup because very rarely do I ever use consume then waste half/all of the force on healing myself back up immediately.


Reason I don't get willpower bonus or bonus healing expect self-> i find that its too small of an effect to be useful in pvp for what you have to sacrifice. 6% of 1500 will is 90 points so that is like 1-3% bonus maybe, so if you stack all the bonus stuff you get 10-15% bonus healing which means your infusion hits for 2.875k instead of decent 2.5k and if an extra 375 hp to your healing really makes that much of a difference in keeping a person alive *shrugs*


electric bindings and backlash are a must when fighting a group of competent players who know what they are doing. Hoping to get a break/them not miss an interrupt/stun/mez/knock back is just wishfull thinking so this is more proactive in, you attack me, I have a very good chance to aoe stun anybody around me.


Don't need regen from lightning strike as i'm either dead long before i go oom or i use consume -> whatever when needed. I find that since my dmg is gimped being healy spec rather have more control and punish ppl for grouping close to each other.


Affliction with slow get spammed on everybody and i use bubble speed to increase the pace of the battle as I slow them while speeding up my team. Then disperse ff by knock back root and bubble blind as i find myself always surrounded by several ppl.



As of 1.2 getting off dark infusion is almost a joke unless they are stunned/mez/rooted out of interrupt range/etc... so I'm now using it as a fake cast and have no intention of actually getting it off as i'm expecting it to get interrupted and seriously don't want them to interrupt dark heal/innervate


Don't even bother with aoe heal as I'm pretty much target #1, get ff'd constantly/locked down so getting off that heal is also hard as crap/impossible and even if you do get it off, most ppl are instantly knocked back out of the healing radius for it to do any real good and you have to sac your control/survivability for it (doesn't make sense to me)


I'm in pretty much full bm with rakata offhand and champ belt so dark heal still hits for 1200-1700normal,26-2800crit and infusion for 2300-4.8kcrit respectively. I pop relics and recklessness if i really need that extra healing/whenever they are up to help pad the numbers up more.


I do notice now though that since 1.2 you have spend a lot less time just filling up health bars and more time stopping the dpsers from *** owning everybody so you use whirlwind, jolt, overload and bubble blind are vital to stopping them from spamming.

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As someone who kills healers as a day job in SWToR I will say that the specs with defensive CDs are far harder to deal with than the pure heal specs. Get that instant WW, or shield stun or root on the knockback or as much instant CC as you can if you want to live in PvP right now.


Especially when I run with a guardian friend of mine and we focus fire, any healer without defensive tools will die extremely easily.

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You cant heal effectivly if your dead. If you dont like it dont try it its not for everyone.

It is paying with your own capabilities for your team mistake of not protecting their supporting character. If in a hybrid like that, healing becomes kinda icing on a cake, maybe a full-controller Sage would end up better for warzones?


ALso if Bioware didnt want hybrids they would have given healers more then one tree to work out of.

Whatever their motives are when it comes in developing their games in years past, they are sure covered by either grand mystery or come out from complete lack of competence.


Anyway, a question: for Effusion to work, you must spam damaging abilities, right? So what's the rotation, you use TT and Disturbance before healing, or just mix and match em with heals waiting for the right moment? What would I want to spend my Effusion on?


P.S. Interesting post Nikkons, makes me want to try Healer/Controller more.

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You know I think you don't even need Inervrate/healing Trance. Yes it does have a front loaded tick you use as an insta but if you have the time to stand still you can cast a Dark heal/Benevolence. Esepcially with how Alacrity supports them.


Also I'm not sure Reconstruct/Force Shelter are worth it either because it's giving you armor and it seems what's killing you is moreso kinetic/energy or internal/elemental rather than weapon damage which armor protects against.


Also in Telekinetics Extanguinate/Disturb Mind are also rather useless since Weaken Mind/Affliction are such low DPS abilities. 3 extra seconds is amounts to very little. Maybe if you could stack Dots but you cant. As far as I know HOTs and DOTS just overwrite and refresh themselves. Past that that extra tick 15-18 seconds past the fight has started is too far in the future to matter .


What you want is talents that effect the here and now. So you are probobly better off with Clarivoyance/Penetrating Darkness if you plan to go so high in the heal tree or Wisdom/haunting Presence down low. Likewise Jedi Resistance/Sith Definace Will of Sith/Will of Jedi from Madness/Balance also are here and now talents. Finally if it's DPS you want and a build on Disturbance you'd probobly want Convection/Clamoring Force from telekinetics. All these abilities affect you practically every GCD.

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If you aren't this spec:




You are doing it wrong.


Get all the benefits up to Innervate. You get AOE root, 45 second Whirlwind, Stun Bubble, Lightning Effusion which lowers the force cost of your next two force abilities by 50% if your damaging attack crits (Just throw Shock or Project into your regular rotation and you'll never go OOF) ALSO gives you 10 seconds off of FORCE SPRINT, and you get instant cast Chain Lightnings.


The reason why this spec is far superior to every build is that it will have only 10% less healing, but gives you infinite force, good damage, tons of survivability (Root, Stun, CC, shorter CD Sprint).


In a game where Sorc healers are a liability due to their lack of DPS this is the build you need to play to keep up with the recent change to the game. Hybrid specs are dead? They never touched this build and this is something I've had extensive experience playing prior nerf and it was significantly far more powerful than a full healing build.


You can assist in busting targets down, and actually KITE to keep yourself alive.


If you aren't playing this build post patch, then I'm sorry you'll never live long enough to cast a single Dark Infusion.


EDIT: We are shield bots with occasional heals atm, but with the above build we can assist in bursting **** down, keep ourselves alive and still heal nearly as effectively without running out of force.

Edited by Megatfx
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If you aren't this spec:




You are doing it wrong.


Get all the benefits up to Innervate. You get AOE root, 45 second Whirlwind, Stun Bubble, Lightning Effusion which lowers the force cost of your next two force abilities by 50% if your damaging attack crits (Just throw Shock or Project into your regular rotation and you'll never go OOF) ALSO gives you 10 seconds off of FORCE SPRINT, and you get instant cast Chain Lightnings.


The reason why this spec is far superior to every build is that it will have only 10% less healing, but gives you infinite force, good damage, tons of survivability (Root, Stun, CC, shorter CD Sprint).


In a game where Sorc healers are a liability due to their lack of DPS this is the build you need to play to keep up with the recent change to the game. Hybrid specs are dead? They never touched this build and this is something I've had extensive experience playing prior nerf and it was significantly far more powerful than a full healing build.


You can assist in busting targets down, and actually KITE to keep yourself alive.


If you aren't playing this build post patch, then I'm sorry you'll never live long enough to cast a single Dark Infusion.


I had our healers do that awhile back. The only thing I didn't like was the shield stun filling resolve so most specced out of that. Not a fan of uncontrollable resolve increases.

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Same question with your spec. Why do you feel you need Invertebrate or Reconstruct or even Dark Resilience for that matter. Seems like 5 points you could have used elsewhere. I think the speed on Bubble for allies would definatly be one of them since it helps allies kite .
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When I have two melee chasing me down, it is not uncommon to have TWO abilities locked out. First I force a lockout on dark Infusion, then I try to cast Dark Heal, then if that gets locked out I have innervate as a final oh **** button.


You need three heals or you're ****ed against good teams. Might as well go full DPS if you don't get innervate.

Edited by Megatfx
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