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They make money from 1.7 million people, that's not too much.


If you give me that much money(at least $10000 per month for their staff) I won't have problem to work 20 hour days sometimes.







What happened to the days when games were patched and updated, and servers were even hosted free?! These big name companies make absurd amounts of money,,, where's it go? Oh wait, they gave us one new WZ, one new OP, an editable UI, a few new inheritable skills...



Let me tell you, as a programmer, that editable UI isn't that big of a deal.




I doubt I'll be playing this game much longer...

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They make money from 1.7 million people, that's not too much.


If you give me that much money(at least $10000 per month for their staff) I won't have problem to work 20 hour days sometimes.


$10,000 a month for staff? this isnt China you know LMAO.....i am sure its considerably more than that, unless its just a 300 lb kid in a basement in Kansas that works for hotdogs and Code Red! :rak_grin:

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Well since you asked, I spent many years as a volunteer Firefighter/Paramedic, and also worked as a volunteer for disaster relief, and as a SAR diver. In short, you probably don't want to compare your life to mine.


My example was meant to be as absurd as yours (and others) who think that BioWare has some nefarious plan to anger their customers, or those that think they could run things better. I have absolutely no "need" to champion SWtOR, nor any other MMO I've played.


The difference for me is that I have enough going on in my life that I can find other fun things to do, like reading a book (although this thread is about to reach the size of a good novel shortly). If the game isn't available because of programming problems, I don't need to get my shorts in a wad and demand all sorts of compensation. My life doesn't revolve around this game.


I certainly have a lot more patience for a game that has had a life of 4 months when compared to one that has had one of say, 8 years or more.


So you go right ahead and complain about not being able to move your pixels around. I'm going to go read The Girl Who Knew Too Much and put this mountain of garbage thread behind me and out of my mind.


@TreizeLOTV This happens in every MMO in some shape or form and let me tell you Ive seen worse things happen (in WoW early on and FF 14 for example). Bioware has done a great job with this game but also has alot of work to do to make this exceed and cont to exceed expectations..Just give it time and if it stinks after a year then I don't blame you for leaving.


@Highlandscot I agree its been only four months so also have alot more patience then compared to a game that's been out much longer.

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They make money from 1.7 million people, that's not too much.


If you give me that much money(at least $10000 per month for their staff) I won't have problem to work 20 hour days sometimes.


lmao 1.7 million, so 10 years from now with that still be the same figure ?


1.7 mil does not exist, I wonder how many people said screw it after the first 30


but dont worry, itll be 1.7 million then, now, and always right :(

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Don't get me wrong, I am flustered about the situation too.. I finally had a full day to devote to the game and this happened..

But what can I do? whine? complain? threaten to leave? What good will it do? the game will be up when it's time, it will go on without me if i left.


Oh no your absolutely right and i agree, i guess i was just trying to summarise people's viewpoints on the situation who are branded as "whiners" and such, when the majority of them to be fair probably do make the one forum post/point then leave it to debate and find other things to do.


Me? im just lazy XD

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$10,000 a month for staff? this isnt China you know LMAO.....i am sure its considerably more than that, unless its just a 300 lb kid in a basement in Kansas that works for hotdogs and Code Red! :rak_grin:


I know they earn more than that, that's just my line to work 20 hours a day sometimes.

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Friday 13th. Bioware. Knights Templar. There's sure to be another Dan Brown novel in the pipeline from this.


Props to the server and deployment techies at the sharp end working their asses off right now. Anyone who's ever done this kind of work will have a lot of empathy for them, even if as a customer not being able to play is frustrating.


I put the downtime to some use and have collated the first batch of our idiot recruitment messages into one screenie http://roostercogburn.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/as-swtor-recruitmessages-01.jpg - Have a giggle instead of seething, its better for your nerves :D

Learn what PI is really all about.


I'd rather be playing but I can't. So I'll do other stuff for now. Most of it fairly low brow, some of it we can't talk about in front of pre-school toys.


I hope the Bioware community service team have got their best armour on for all the dummies getting spat out.

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What happened to the days when games were patched and updated, and servers were even hosted free?! These big name companies make absurd amounts of money,,, where's it go? Oh wait, they gave us one new WZ, one new OP, an editable UI, a few new inheritable skills...



Let me tell you, as a programmer, that editable UI isn't that big of a deal.




I doubt I'll be playing this game much longer...


This game has givin you more at launch and from the first two major patches then any MMO to date so far..And are they going to cont. to do so each and every major patch.

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lmao 1.7 million, so 10 years from now with that still be the same figure ?


1.7 mil does not exist, I wonder how many people said screw it after the first 30


but dont worry, itll be 1.7 million then, now, and always right :(


I have no interest to calculate how many people are playing, I think it's a great game and many people are still playing.


That's not the point, even if they quit after the first 30 days they still paid money to Bioware.

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So, I'm just glad that they are giving us a day of game time to make up for this.


If they didn't give me this time, I'd kinda be PO'ed.


However, since they DID--something that NEVER happened to me playing WoW (it is very nice) I actually think it's kinda funny.


I'm sure they have the 1.2 Maps and things stored elsewhere, but it looks like it will be a bit of work for them replacing all of the things currently in Guild Banks, etc.


Well, Have fun Bioware. Hope you get things fixed.


(This reminds me of working on my Skyrim Mod, when I deleted 1 object in an interior cell, and made 1/4 of Skyrim Disappear.... that was fun to fix.) Feel for the Devs.


Hoping they can get it fixed soon.


Edit: Another note. I saw a post talking about the poster being a programmer, and something about the UI being easy. Ok... so what? I program and develop things too. Also, to the post about where all the money goes... the answer is to THE PUBLISHER. EA.


Publishers are a blight on industry as far as I'm concerned. "Publishers" are the primary reason for price increases on Books, Music, and Games. *Not Quite Sure if it applies to movies either. The majority of our money goes to EA, whom gives a small portion back to B/W and another portion to Lucas Arts. I'm no economist, but this is the basis of how publishing works. Bioware makes the game. EA advertises for the game, distributes the game, and deals with a lot of other garbage. In return, they get the most money, and get to set the deadlines (because typically they provide the capital that is used to create the game.)

Edited by Gargion
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Ok, a few things. To those people saying "OMG get over it, it's just a game. Go outside and take a walk and enjoy life you fat tub of lards."


1) Not everyone that plays SWTOR, WoW or any other MMO for that matter is "Fat".


2) Ever consider that instead of having some other hobbie or going outside to do"stuff" that THIS is infact our favorite thing to do? THIS is our hobbie? It's better than going to the bars and getting wasted or doing drugs or being a general pest to society. Playing MMO"s (in this case SWTOR) IS our hobbie and we would rather be doing nothing else.


Me on the other hand, tho I love playing SWTOR and previously WoW, I still find time to clean my house, do my dishes, mow the lawn (I'm a neat freak) go to the gym and go to work! But when I'm not doing those things, my hobby is SWTOR.


And on a side note, When the hell did the time zones go to CDT, PDT, and EDT?? what happened to PST, EST, and CST. I didn't know they switched it to EDT ectt.. and whats CEDT?? I mean come on folks, what we need is just ONE time zone. All these different ones are way to confusing..

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you ppl that demand that a newer game out-shine an older game that has had the benefit of a huge marketing, maintenance, support staff are sure spoiled to the facts that not every company is blizzard. and although wow was a great game, before bc, that blizzard basically crapped all over the long time players by making available to anyone the stuff that was grinded for months on end to achieve without so much as a "sorry, but your loyalty means nothing" vanity pet for a consolation prize. you paid to play there, and you will pay to play here, because it isnt wow, you were sick of wow when you started playing this, and your still sick of it now. this game, even with its downtime, offers you something that wow threw out the window, something actually new. its unfortunate that the game is down atm, but it will be back up again.......*waves hand, downtime is not the reason you are dissatisfied with life, search your feelings, they betray you.*
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