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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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As I'm in Europe I'm not going to able to play before midnight (if the servers are up by that time). I guess I'll play a few more missions on my EVE trial account.


As a software developer, I wouldn't like to be on anyone's shoes at BW by now. Oh well... this kind of things happen. We just have to be patient and do something else.

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People's standards are too high after WoW? What world are you living in? You expect the community to lower it standards? A new product (which a game is) should be peforming better or it will simply not sell.


Give it time? This is no charity fund, it is pure business. If you cannot exceed your competitor's perfomance it is game over.


These are the rules of business. You either play by it or fail playing it. At least if you are targeting the mass and do not want to end up with a small fanclub funding your game.


Who pissed in your cheerios ?


Do you honestly think that SWTOR was going to outperform WoW's eleven year run in four months. These things take time and WoW was just as buggy and as messed up as this game when it started.


Go QQ in someone elses cereal bowl.

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See now all you whinners can stop crying. I have a idea for all you guys who have nothing to do.

1. Get up off your big butts.

2. walk to that rectangle thing on the wall with a knob on it.

3. Turn the knob and pull.

4. Walk out into that shinny bright light they call the sun.

5. Go down that cement path and take a right at the end of your drivway.

6 Walk untill you find a 7-11

7. Go inside stock up on all your favorite junk foods, and a few slurpies.

8 Walk back the way you came, untill you find your house.

9 Go back inside, put your slurpies in the fridge, and all your goodies on your computer desk.

10 Now you are all stocked up for late night play, and the weekend. And we got a free day of play.



Judging by your attitude and misspelling of the English language I shall assume that you sir are from the other side of the Atlantic (that's the big ocean that washes your East Coast) and that usually maintenance has little impact on you since you are either at work or at school when it usually happens.


From the European perspective, can we stop the rather lame comments made about people complaining - as they have a right to do - based on their own personal experiences.

I would pay a million dollars (i think that's about £6.47 in proper money) for Bioware to switch maintenance times to affect ALL US based players, merely to see you the self righteous posters become the complainants..... Oh the irony....

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This is a minor issue. All games tend to have issues of this sort when rolling out a new update, especially if that update is a major content patch. They'll get it taken care of, probably within a couple of hours. Even if it takes longer, it's not something new to the industry.


Do they pay you to come here and tell everyone how they are not incompitent ?



They have proven time and again that they have zero clue of how to implement anything.


Do mistakes happen ? Sure

Should they happen every patch ? Nope

If it was one of my employees that made this many mistakes would they still be employeed ? Absolutely not.


People have a right to be pissed off so go back to your cubicle at BW and stop defending them. If you aren't a BW employee maybe you should apply.


I'm sure they could always use more employees to make excuses for them.

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Give it time? This is no charity fund, it is pure business. If you cannot exceed your competitor's perfomance it is game over.


These are the rules of business.


I agree. So tired of people saying.. 'give it time, after all it took Blizz x number of years to incorporate this or that'.

A new game should equal or exceed previous games abilities as with any product.


Having said that, I feel no anger over today's problem since BW is certainly more upset over it than any of us.

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Several of you could go to the gym now while you wait. Or go for a jog. I bet you may even like it!


Already been to the gym when they planned maintenance was ongoing and gone for a walk during this failed maintenance. It's a bit chilly outside and it is raining, not a lot more to do to be frank.

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From the European perspective, can we stop the rather lame comments made about people complaining - as they have a right to do - based on their own personal experiences. I would pay a million dollars (i think that's about £6.47 in proper money) for Bioware to switch maintenance times to affect ALL US based players, merely to see you the self righteous posters become the complainants..... Oh the irony....


Count me in

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Yet you only read the last sentence of my post. You put time into a game and you get something out of it, either it's enjoyment or gear. You are still investing TIME, which was the whole point of argument, because you said it is not an investment for playing a game.


God some people are their selective readings, needs to stop trying to look smart and actually understand what they are stating first. Here let me further help you understand.


Invest: to use, give, or devote (time, talent, etc.), as for a purpose or to achieve something


no i've read everything you said, i give you that much respect because i come from old school and have respect for others without belittling or name calling.. Which younger generations have the total lack of.


My point being is there is NO achievement in playing an mmo.. it's all circumstancial, it has no real merit. Button mashing is no great feat.

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The problem is that it could be avoided, at least don't pick Friday to fix the stuff.


Yeah when WOW came out it went down for maintenance, too but I don't remember they bring it down Friday-Sunday.


I agree. WoW was at least planning their maintenance windows. They were doing it often during the night even (for EU times). Still sometimes things went wrong but not during prime time. And all of that 10 years ago.

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I value my time differently since I have taken the day off extra for this - so don't you tell me to go away, maggot


you are complaining about the server being down to fix problems screw it bioware just put the servers up for for all the complainers if they can't log into there chars screw them just say you told us to put them back up. You give them inch they will take a mile remember that bioware :)

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Running an MMO appears to be beyond their control. There is nothing that I can fathom that would cause "missing zones", and certain areas being rolled back to pre-1.2 as they stated that is beyond their control. If they can't manage their own software on their own servers, they shouldn't have bothered attempting to run an MMO in the first place.


you've obviously never had anything happen to you that you didn't expect to happen.



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Yet you only read the last sentence of my post. You put time into a game and you get something out of it, either it's enjoyment or gear. You are still investing TIME, which was the whole point of argument, because you said it is not an investment for playing a game.


God some people are their selective readings, needs to stop trying to look smart and actually understand what they are stating first. Here let me further help you understand.


Invest: to use, give, or devote (time, talent, etc.), as for a purpose or to achieve something


Sarcasm fails you, but please. Don't let the dictionary do the same.


While I thank you for continuing to fight my battles for me, and press for the validity of my argument. (The argument was valid. Key word was.) There was a reason I did not include a dictionary definition of investment. I cite the words, "achieve something". Taken in the broad sense, then yes, the game is an investment. However taken in the utilitarian sense, which I fear our friend knightfell may, then no the game is not an investment.

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no i've read everything you said, i give you that much respect because i come from old school and have respect for others without belittling or name calling.. Which younger generations have the total lack of.


My point being is there is NO achievement in playing an mmo.. it's all circumstancial, it has no real merit. Button mashing is no great feat.


Then why are you here? And have you ever talked to anyone who has won free video cards, free gaming machines, and money from playing an MMO?

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To all people who said we were whining. Do you wish to argue with the results? Ar you going to e-mail BW and tell them how you shouldn't get a free day cause you weren't complaining?




No, that was the whole point, it wasn't worth our time or dignity, and neither is that. Thanks for all that crying and whining over a video game that saved me $15, even though you don't even know if thats true, you're assuming it is. Somehow I doubt all the whining made that much difference. I doubt someone spent time on their job there reading all this whining. It was probably going to happen anyways, since thats just good business when mistakes are made. Somehow I suspect you wont understand that either. Obviously this few hours of game time lost was VERY important to you......lol. Thanks for the entertainment, you obviously didn't mind what it cost you.......



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Again, I don't need to be a musician to recognize a wrong note. This is a fallacious argument.


No, it's not an argument meant to mislead. It's true you don't need to be a musician to recognize an incorrect note. However, unless you can play the music better than the musician on the same instrument, you're limited to a wince at the mistake or moving out of earshot.


I do find it interesting that you mentioned a single note mistake. The game is unavailable for a short time in the greater scheme of things, and people go completely berserk over the inability to log into a virtual world consisting of pixels.


If you were listening to a musician and they hit a wrong note, would you rush up and attack them, and demand a refund if you had purchased a ticket?


Stunned that people don't sit back and realize how ridiculous their complaints are in comparison to real problems in the world.


Let's throw something out there for perspective: How many children in the world have died from disease or starvation while you've been whining about not being able to play a computer game?

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