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Server Maintenance


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You would of thought they would of loaded the patch onto their test server first to make sure it's fine before running it on live, that way they wouldn't have to do all this stuff now. Edited by Scerge
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Anyone know why the server is going into maintenance again? It said they were going to do maint from 6 to 10 cdt, but it was just available, but now they are going down again. And does anyone know when they will be up again, I dont see anything on the forums? Thanks!


an inch below the POST NEW THREAD button there are about 5 posts about it.

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Or they could just remove patch 1.2a


I am not sure if it is anywhere near like this but think about this: 1.2a was a MOD to 1.2 but someone used the wrong base build for this. It could lead to a need to indeed roll back to pre 1.2 to get the database and transaction logs back in sync and then repatch to 1.2 from there.(bit like a bad Exchange Info store crash on Windows Servers) all good and fixable no worries but it takes time! A lot of it if they opt for repairing data rather than restoring a backup. Bad news and a massive no no! I am sysadmin and this is a nightmare - I do not want to be part of the team debriefing in Austin tomorrow after all is fixed. This will have consequences I am sure of it. Gets loud too I bet. LOL

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As a veteran MMO player I'd like to point out that even the "best" mmo's have hangups on major patch deployments. Not expecting this to happen simply indicates as far as i'm concerned that the majority of you have not been down this road before. Wow has always been notorious for having issues and buggy patch releases, and since i've been playing tor I've been impressed with the stability of the game after patches, and that for the most part they aren't usually down for extensive periods of time for maintenance. Also the periods they do the maintenance are usually during off-peak hrs. So they goofed up... so they made a mistake... nobody is perfect and the most I ever got out of blizzard was a day credit... so to be handed a month free was a nice way to make up for lack of patch content.... That being said I have loved star wars since the moment I saw the movie in theaters as a child. For those of you that are fans of the lore.. not just the MMO genre... you can appreciate the creativity and the potential for this game... don't destroy it with whiney complaints and ruin what could be the king of MMO's for everyone out there that really cares about this community.
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You would of thought they would of loaded the patch onto their test server first to make sure it's fine before running it on live, that way they wouldn't have to do all this stuff now.



I have stated previously, there is no room on these forums for logic or reason. You need to rage quit, or unsub or something to keep us amused while we wait :)

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Shut up.


Better yet, record yourself saying this and put it on YouTube so we can





Keep up the good work, see tards like this dude makes me laugh .... ooo better yet write something equally 110% correct again, so they get even more geared up and see what they say then ... ooo im getting all tingly just at the thought .....

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why? It buys nothing. Maybe a crappy breakfast somewhere like Denny's. Or 3 gallons of fuel. Or a ticket to an awful remake of a remake of a sequel to a movie I saw once. Seriously.



How about a day or 2 worth of food for a family of 4, probably more if you're a good cook and shop properly?

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I don't care. I'm going to go read a book, cook a delicious dinner with fresh ingredients, then maybe go for a walk. It could be down for 2 days and here's how many f**** I'd give: _______. That many. For god's sake, it's a game. Go outside or spend time with your family you lard bodied things. If you can't muster the motivation to do that through the fog of your crippling depression, at least catch up on your Netflix instant queue.


Just once I wish a game company would call you people on your whiny, entitled crap and tell you where you can stick it. Most of you don't even know how this game works. It could be magic for all you know. Don't you understand what a miracle it is that it works at all? You have a screen that works as a window to another world that syncs up with people across the globe simultaneously and you're complaining that it's not perfect? You realize 100 years ago we'd all have been burnt at the stake as witches just for possessing knowledge of this technology? This is one of the most amazing things on the planet and you're upset that it's down for a little bit? Give me a break you spoiled, mouth breathing basement dwellers. Go do something on your cell phone that connects to invisible, wireless networks and lets you communicate with anyone in the world at a moment's notice AND it plays Angry Birds. Oh wait, you probably complain if that's down for more than a few minutes too don't you? You people are all insane.


The last witch was executed in Poland in 1783. In Prussia in 1811 two women were executed but there was no official mention of witchcraft in the verdict. Witchcraft is still punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. So unless everyone whining in this post is from Saudi Arabia they would not have been burned at the stake 100 years ago for witchcraft. Try not to speak from ignorance in the future.


Man i love downtime.

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Right? Like $15 is worth anything FFS. I could throw $15 out of my van window everyday on the way to work and not care at all.


I wouldn't advise throwing $15 out the window of you van every day. That would lead the cops to you and they'd find all those kids.

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I don't care. I'm going to go read a book, cook a delicious dinner with fresh ingredients, then maybe go for a walk. It could be down for 2 days and here's how many f**** I'd give: _______. That many. For god's sake, it's a game. Go outside or spend time with your family you lard bodied things. If you can't muster the motivation to do that through the fog of your crippling depression, at least catch up on your Netflix instant queue.


Just once I wish a game company would call you people on your whiny, entitled crap and tell you where you can stick it. Most of you don't even know how this game works. It could be magic for all you know. Don't you understand what a miracle it is that it works at all? You have a screen that works as a window to another world that syncs up with people across the globe simultaneously and you're complaining that it's not perfect? You realize 100 years ago we'd all have been burnt at the stake as witches just for possessing knowledge of this technology? This is one of the most amazing things on the planet and you're upset that it's down for a little bit? Give me a break you spoiled, mouth breathing basement dwellers. Go do something on your cell phone that connects to invisible, wireless networks and lets you communicate with anyone in the world at a moment's notice AND it plays Angry Birds. Oh wait, you probably complain if that's down for more than a few minutes too don't you? You people are all insane.



Ah, man, I miss crap like this from the WoW forums - the trolls that want everyone to believe that they're sitting on picnic bench somewhere outside in a Utopian Spring setting with a beautiful blonde, just tapping in for a quick glance at the... Star Wars Old Republic gaming forum? before grabbing her hand and taking off back into the field of daisies; to roll around in the grass and land on a blanket with a copy of Dostoevsky and a picnic basket full of hand-picked fruits of the day. Leaving in their wake an inexorable smattering of wisdom that will cause everyone to run outside and join him in his frolic. But wait... none of that actually makes a lot of sense now, does it? Trolls do just what the rest of you are doing. Sit on their lard asses trolling forums like this one. And it works - every single time. No fly fisher in Idaho could cast a better bait than the judgment call that we should all be doing something more worthy with our time. Which clearly the troller is doing. Such brilliance.

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why? It buys nothing. Maybe a crappy breakfast somewhere like Denny's. Or 3 gallons of fuel. Or a ticket to an awful remake of a remake of a sequel to a movie I saw once. Seriously.


I didn't ment that way.

With the today economies, 15 bucks today and 15 bucks tomorrow can come in handy, that's all :)

And I do agree on the remake of the prequel of the sequel of 2 other prequels of the 60'

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With all this down time, maybe we will get another 30 days free. Or another pet to follow us around. I think its amusing that they have this problem on the day they start the free time for those returning to teh game. I guess we will find out how well the customer service is with handling the repercussions. Cant wait for the server to come up and have everything work fine. lol


THATS IT! They give people the free time, they come back, servers go down, they quit, "sorry, you quit playing. You no longer have 30 free days" lol

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