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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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It's how the world works junior.. Get used to it..

the electricity goes out.. you still pay..

your phone goes out .. you still pay..


Complain all you want, but in the end you still want the services so you still pay..


Except electricity and phone lines are more reliable than this game, by light years... :rolleyes:

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It's how the world works junior.. Get used to it..

the electricity goes out.. you still pay..

your phone goes out .. you still pay..


Complain all you want, but in the end you still want the services so you still pay..


This argument. There is validity here.:eek:

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Yeh, well, complain, complain-- I doubt if Bioware cares because we're addicted and will log in as soon as the servers are up again (and will continue to give Bioware our $15 per month).


WoW used to go down for days at a time- everyone complained but no one quit

Edited by Totenleider
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Originally Posted by llesna

Double negative. Don't get nothing = you get something.


Only in old English did multiple negatives reinforce the negative. In modern English, double negatives negate each other.


Really? has it come to this nit picking ppls speling and gramer? loolz


Yep. It has :)


It's fun to gently educate and correct people. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean that correct spelling and grammar should be thrown out the window.


Besides, when someone is making a silly point, it's sometimes better to ignore the irrelevance of their point altogether and attack ad hominem... or whatever the term is for attacking someone's abuse of the English language ;)

Edited by llesna
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The return was not in monetary. It was entertainment, building towards future gameplay, more entertainment. An investment doesn't have to pay dividends. Try again.


I don't need to try, you are just continuing to prove your frivalty and lack of sensitivity by debating investing time in a GAME..

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The number one priority of an online game should be to stay online.


Those of you who have endless time at your disposal can be patient if you want. However, those of us who sacrificed time specifically to play today have a legitimate reason to be dissapointed. Additionally, people who do shoddy work should always be held accountable for it. Otherwise they continue to do shoddy work.


So for those that want everyone to stop complaining and be patient, don't worry. If you are patient the complaints, one way or another, will go away.



Personally I have had three occasions I needed support and was dissapointed every single time. The server I play on is virtually dead with no crafters and no public economy. Their "free-time" offers always come with strings attached and my attitude twoards Bioware has gone from revered to appalled in only a 5 month span. The one saving grace was that I could play the game when I wanted to play the game and that I felt the actual programmers and game designers were doing a decent job considering the scope of it all. Now that is not even the case.


With a lifetime subscription to STO and an itching to play some WoW again, I really do hope they get things straight soon. Cause I only do one mmo at a time and I was content with this one as long as I could play when I wanted to play. :cool:

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24x30=720 hours in a month

4x6=24Every week maintenance

Additional downtime lets call it 20hours a month

720/44...Someone said do the math and I get 99% this game is up and running...Im getting closer to the 80's....

Edited by cFiveSense
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when are the stupid people at Maintenance fix the portably i got off work i opened game for like 10 mins i get server shut down. when are the American players gonna be effected by maintenance time when are u gonna work over time that. im really sicked tired of waiting all time. next time want all American players should wait for Maintenance.
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Not only did they roll back the servers 'accidentally', but they needed their players to tell them about the issue. Not one dev could be bothered to log in after the patch was deployed but before the servers went back to being visible to the public? It should have taken just one dev five minutes (and I'm being generous here) to figure out something went majorly wrong with the patch.


The devs are in way over their heads. Some of the issues in this game are things you expect from CompSci undergrads (example: diplomacy bug...not understanding how floats work). Lucky for them they have an army of loyal fanboys/fangirls who'll argue that "every MMO is like this" and "Vanilla WoW had issues too". Apparently, MMO development is the one field where it's acceptable to never learn from any mistakes, whether they be your own or ones made by other games seven years ago. Forget that in that time there have been some big advances in development and testing paradigms that when used properly could have prevented many, many of the issues we've seen.


Quoted for Muther Lov'n Troof!

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id like to point out as a parasite that feeds on other peoples misery im am having a dam banquet with all the whiners here.


so thanks. XX


That's actually even more depraved and pathetic than whining. Really. Bon appetite.

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Bugs are gonna happen, not an issue. Frustrating as I am really keen to be playing but that's life. I still have major issue with the maintenance always happening right in the middle of the day here in Europe, it's just very poor. Why not alternate so the colonists get a maintenance in the middle of the day every other time too?
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In the grand scheme of things, you pay $15/month to play, which breaks down to roughly $0.50/day, which most ppl waste 10x that much every day buying a lunch that is left mostly un-ate in a trash bin somewhere, or on other things that are unnecessary to life, just wanted on a spur of the moment impulse decision to buy.


You poor befuddled idiots who complain about the loss of $0.50 and spend almost as much time complaining in here, as you do 'Ruling the Known Universe" from your "CommandCenter", located in your parents basements, and operated off boot-legged internet connections because your afraid you will be tracked down for your extensive collection of "conspiracy" theories about how game-designers are all in collusion to screw you over.



What he said.

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Oh how nice! Friday evening and game is down because of a new game update that needed hotfixin'! Brilliant!


Well, crap like this happens though, we all know that, so why not expect worst case scenario, and let big updates go live on a monday....discover bugs on tuesday...hotfix on wednesday... Maybe patch a lil more on thursday... .and on Friday we PLAY!



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OK, I DONE READING THIS FORUM....it cured my boredom for a while. Well I will see you in game next week when they get this thing fixed, i have a feeling the guild banks are empty and some characters were lost in the BLACK HOLE! Trololol





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real life problems = i told my gf, oww a new patch is coming! can i pretty please play all friday while u do some other stuff? after hours of sweettalk i got it through... now the darkness is closing in around me and my mind is melting how the fawk can i convince her that i need the entire saturday instead ? when i have already wasted so many hours just watching the forums haha :'(





























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It's how the world works junior.. Get used to it..

the electricity goes out.. you still pay..

your phone goes out .. you still pay..


Complain all you want, but in the end you still want the services so you still pay..


Sorry I'm a junior. I pay and I get my electricity, I pay and I get my phone working. I pay and get to play my Swtor. O wait...

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