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Don't just thank us for our patience. Give us the game time we are losing in free game time. I personally play during the day so this patch and this mistake have cost me two days. I know it's not much, but a dollar is a dollar. Been playing for a week now and have had 2 of 7 days without the ability to play. WoW had these problems in the first few months because their server capacity was about 500,000 at release and they sold 3 million copies in a week. Get your act together. This is like the billion dollar shuttle nasa blew up because they forgot to convert from metric to feet/yards. Someone apparently forgot to convert some files to the new ones during the update. Failure that is unacceptable when 100's of thousands of people pay ya monthly to do your job right. Someone needs a severance package and/or retirement plan. I'm guessing servers up 10am tomorrow.
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So they gave ppl who already left 7 days for free. And they started like this. Ridiculous company...

And what a mess 1.2 is + lying about rated bg, just wow Biofail. one month for free then Diablo 3 will come out and i dont want to see this crap again..

Edited by laien
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it would be awesome if they could sometimes post their times in GMT since that is a timezone most of the civilized world is at least vaquely familar with. Some goofball ZTREST US coastal times or Australian western derp Pacific times mean **** all to majority of players please thank you



CEST (Central European Summer Time) is GMT+2


So 1:00AM CEST is 11:00PM GMT.

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What's up with the UK? Are you British, English, or something else? Plus I didn't think that you were part of the EU due to not using the Euro, but still using the Pound. And you drive on the wrong side of the road compared to the rest of europe. Just wondered.


It's complicated...........

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8 hours is this serious? Right through the day after the much vaunted 1.2 patch goes out after an announced 4 hours of down time this morning, after 1.2 was delayed so it could have more time on live for testing, after a number of people were unable to play because it patched a day early?


Can't the servers just be rolled back to 1.2 and then 1.2a and 1.2b dealt with under Tuesdays extended maintenace. I didn't see anything in 1.2a that was vital to the game.

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What's up with the UK? Are you British, English, or something else? Plus I didn't think that you were part of the EU due to not using the Euro, but still using the Pound. And you drive on the wrong side of the road compared to the rest of europe. Just wondered.


Wot a plum

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1 step forward and 2 steps back now with the extra downtime, I can swear my head of but its not worth it think I load up another game i play its buggy but still star wars game set in another time period :)


When swtor does come up again later it will be a surprise.

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Took the day off to play. Servers going to be down all day and most of the evening after being down all night last night. 14+ hours of no game in a 24 hour period on a Friday.


Unsubbing and purchasing GW2. Best of luck to those who stay...hope it gets better for you.



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Originally Posted by Tracane

I don't care. I'm going to go read a book, cook a delicious dinner with fresh ingredients, then maybe go for a walk. It could be down for 2 days and here's how many f**** I'd give: _______. That many. For god's sake, it's a game. Go outside or spend time with your family you lard bodied things. If you can't muster the motivation to do that through the fog of your crippling depression, at least catch up on your Netflix instant queue.


Just once I wish a game company would call you people on your whiny, entitled crap and tell you where you can stick it. Most of you don't even know how this game works. It could be magic for all you know. Don't you understand what a miracle it is that it works at all? You have a screen that works as a window to another world that syncs up with people across the globe simultaneously and you're complaining that it's not perfect? You realize 100 years ago we'd all have been burnt at the stake as witches just for possessing knowledge of this technology? This is one of the most amazing things on the planet and you're upset that it's down for a little bit? Give me a break you spoiled, mouth breathing basement dwellers. Go do something on your cell phone that connects to invisible, wireless networks and lets you communicate with anyone in the world at a moment's notice AND it plays Angry Birds. Oh wait, you probably complain if that's down for more than a few minutes too don't you? You people are all insane.





'' cheers man :) finally someone with reason, +1

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It pretty clearly says the servers won't be back up until "6:00PM CDT April 14th".


That might be correct for you but it also clearly says 12am BST which is my time, i don't know why you keep trying to correct people with your own time zone.

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So I got home an hour ago looking forward to playing (albeit not as much as I looked forward to it pre-1.2) and it turns out I won't be able to be on at all today...great...


Look on the bright side... errmmmm you can build up all those anxious feelings again ready for the next deployment of 1.2... then you can do it again tomorrow and sunday and monday and.... oh boooger I am beginning to see a pattern here... anyone got Bill Murrays number, he got out of that Groundhog s**t, maybe he can give BW some pointers as to how to get out of this mess ... JUST THINKING OUT LOUD YOU UNDERSTAND :D

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Other that game still isn't on, one more thing that I find apsurd - how can you have mainentance in the middle of the day? What are you doing during night? Or is it "USA players are improtant, rest of you shut up and wait".


Europe is the bastard region, we are used for testing stuff so our fat overlords "Americans" can have a bug free experience.

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So yesterday I decided to resub and looked forward to be playing again with these new changes.


But then the patching problems came up and I wasnt able to play at all yesterday, was kinda pissed but decided I'd leave it til friday (today)


Recently got home only to find out about the unscheduled maintenance, so yeah turns out

I wont be able to play today EITHER. So thats 2 of my first days after resubbing again gone.


Thanks alot bioware...

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