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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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If this new biofail does not warrant at least a "sigh" from even the biggest fanboy i dont know what should warrant a little hate...


Nothing warrants hate. Just because you play a sith in the game is NO reason to act like one in real life. Yes they messed something up, but lets face the facts here. The mod system that we ALL (except for a very small percentage) hated was what finally made it to production. There is no free space travel, no asteroid mining, no guild space stations, no free roaming of the planets and worst of all they still don't listen.

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Would BioWare staff be so kind as to confirm that we will get free days of play for every 24h total of maintenance? Especially when it all ends with a rollback? I can't see anything like paying them for not-being-able-to-play in terms and conditions we accept...
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Hey at least we got some free game time out of it! Yer it's annoying but there's no point in raging... let's start to look at the positives. I for one think 1.2 (apart from a random crashing bug which I hope is fixed!) is great, it (for the most part) works properly, it also makes me feel the game is far more polished and I think if the features in it were in release people would have been a lot less ragey and moany... c'mon people at least they listened to what we wanted and tried to sort it out! Humans make errors and so do computers... and it's Friday the 13th for Bioware too!!!! What did you expect?!?!
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Ah, man, I miss crap like this from the WoW forums - the trolls that want everyone to believe that they're sitting on picnic bench somewhere outside in a Utopian Spring setting with a beautiful blonde, just tapping in for a quick glance at the... Star Wars Old Republic gaming forum? before grabbing her hand and taking off back into the field of daisies; to roll around in the grass and land on a blanket with a copy of Dostoevsky and a picnic basket full of hand-picked fruits of the day. Leaving in their wake an inexorable smattering of wisdom that will cause everyone to run outside and join him in his frolic. But wait... none of that actually makes a lot of sense now, does it? Trolls do just what the rest of you are doing. Sit on their lard asses trolling forums like this one. And it works - every single time. No fly fisher in Idaho could cast a better bait than the judgment call that we should all be doing something more worthy with our time. Which clearly the troller is doing. Such brilliance.


Or it could be just shills.


These forums are full of them.

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I smell a massive problem and it´s Friday 13th - - - :eek:


God! How u rigth! We all guys forgot about this fact.


Unlucky day for the BW, hope they will not understand that it is 13th Fri today, or they will stop doing something hoping on better more lucky day for their carma:D

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This is why you fail. Long live America!


j/k you European :D


I think of myself as British rather than European ^.^


Tbh, if I could get the UK out of the EU and go back the original concept of a European trade community, I would jump at it.


Being lumped in with the EU and being considered European is a real let-down sometimes. I've nothing against my European brothers and sisters, but we're not like them.

Edited by llesna
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:jawa_biggrin:Take all the time you need BW. I would rather have a fixed stable game, then 10 down times over the next week. Glad to see they took it down so fast and jumped on the maintenance. Sooner they realize there is a problem, better it is for us as a whole. As for an ETA. Meh. Time to go to the Beach !! Kids wanna collect shells :cool:
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I wouldn't advise throwing $15 out the window of you van every day. That would lead the cops to you and they'd find all those kids.


shhhhh.. they are likely monitoring me with a secretive version of SOPA or PIPA or CISCA and now you've tipped them off!

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Well this is what im going to do, and suggest all of you guys to do:

Go fill ur bath with water (5 min)

Take a bath (30 min)

Dry urself (5 min)

Put on cloths (5 min)

Go grab a freezed pizza (5 min)

Warm it (20 min)

Eat it (10 min)


Total 80 minutes = 1-2 until swtor = watch some ****, relax an hour, watch **** again

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Ah, man, I miss crap like this from the WoW forums - the trolls that want everyone to believe that they're sitting on picnic bench somewhere outside in a Utopian Spring setting with a beautiful blonde, just tapping in for a quick glance at the... Star Wars Old Republic gaming forum? before grabbing her hand and taking off back into the field of daisies; to roll around in the grass and land on a blanket with a copy of Dostoevsky and a picnic basket full of hand-picked fruits of the day. Leaving in their wake an inexorable smattering of wisdom that will cause everyone to run outside and join him in his frolic. But wait... none of that actually makes a lot of sense now, does it? Trolls do just what the rest of you are doing. Sit on their lard asses trolling forums like this one. And it works - every single time. No fly fisher in Idaho could cast a better bait than the judgment call that we should all be doing something more worthy with our time. Which clearly the troller is doing. Such brilliance.


See Tracane ....


look at this guy, he's going on about you troll'in, and without the faintest idea that he's the one doing the troll'in.



i love it, come guys more ... please more.....

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