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I HAZ TEH TAUNLING!! (from the wild)


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So us studs on Rakata Mind Prison decided to get a jump start on the new vehicle quests by killing the World Bosses last night at like 3 in the morning; about an hour before servers went down.


Much to our delight, after killing Gargath (on Hoth) for the first time, he dropped a cage item that turned out to be a pet Taunling.


It's A LOT less complicated than the mystery thread made it i know... I was checking it out a good amount trying to make sense of it. There's still apparently a much more complicated way to get a pet; this is just one way on Hoth.


I rolled 98 like a boss and this little beast followed our ops to the other World Bosses. I was so jazzed.


I don't know if there's a difference between this one and the one you can by from the CE vendor, but either way he's a boss.


If you have any questions i'd be happy to answer

Edited by CaptainDil
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I have one question.


Why have you not considered that there are MULTIPLE pets to be had and only one is obtainable from the world boss? You actually think dev hints being dropped about multiple planets amounts to a only a drop from a world boss?

Are you insane or just . . .

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I will post when im not on my laptop

actually just check them out here:




I have one question.


Why have you not considered that there are MULTIPLE pets to be had and only one is obtainable from the world boss? You actually think dev hints being dropped about multiple planets amounts to a only a drop from a world boss?

Are you insane or just . . .



Uhm im sorry for helping people. Did I ever say this was the only way?

Edited by CaptainDil
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I have one question.


Why have you not considered that there are MULTIPLE pets to be had and only one is obtainable from the world boss? You actually think dev hints being dropped about multiple planets amounts to a only a drop from a world boss?

Are you insane or just . . .


You realize if there are multiple ways to get one of the new pets you were just told how to get one of them right? Why are you arguing with a dude that figured a way to get one? He never said it was the only way and let all of us know he figured it out. Relax.

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So us studs on Rakata Mind Prison decided to get a jump start on the new vehicle quests by killing the World Bosses last night at like 3 in the morning; about an hour before servers went down.


Much to our delight, after killing Gargath (on Hoth) for the first time, he dropped a cage item that turned out to be a pet Taunling.


It's A LOT less complicated than the mystery thread made it i know... I was checking it out a good amount trying to make sense of it. There's still apparently a much more complicated way to get a pet; this is just one way on Hoth.


I rolled 98 like a boss and this little beast followed our ops to the other World Bosses. I was so jazzed.


I don't know if there's a difference between this one and the one you can by from the CE vendor, but either way he's a boss.


If you have any questions i'd be happy to answer



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