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and the early concensus is?


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I tried out both Carnage and Anni today in pvp. Carnage front loads like a truck, but Anni is still very effective. I really liked the burst from carnage spec, but I couldn't bring myself to give up playing Anni, I like the bleeds too much. In the future however I might spec Carnage for a while and give myself some more time to get used to it.
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I tried out both Carnage and Anni today in pvp. Carnage front loads like a truck, but Anni is still very effective. I really liked the burst from carnage spec, but I couldn't bring myself to give up playing Anni, I like the bleeds too much. In the future however I might spec Carnage for a while and give myself some more time to get used to it.


This. Carnage really only shines when you have a healer. Anni's survivability over all atm, I'm afraid.

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My opinion is this:


Annihilation is best for : Solo Queues

Less than BM geared

Higher Sustained damage

Best berserk with 100% bleed crits and heal group


Carnage is best for: Queues with a healer

BM geared

Higher front-loaded burst

Roots very effective in objective based play



Just my 2 cents. I will say I enjoy the annihilation play style more.

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Carnage is great for bursting trash down for PVE, but annihilation at this moment for actual boss kills pulls ahead in the damage done dept. Especially if there is anytype of running around mechanic. Still does great damage overall but you will notice your doing less vs a annihilation marauder on the actual boss.


Carnage is great for PVP though. I find it blows people up faster than they can respond most of the time.


Annihilation still is good and does have more survivability, slightly slower on the burst though for bursting people down, also dispels hurt a lot.


I have not tried/tested against Rage...


I for one have alwasy enjoyed Carnage vs Annihilation, so will probably stick to that for PVP.

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If you play right with Carnage, you can sustain that burst damage with massacre, if you can get undying rage and bloodthirst active you can drop 2 people. I can just about use massacre non stop with a full rage bar and the best part is you can use massacre on the run with an instant cool down, couple that with gore....


Carnage Marauders often have high kills, lower damage number (armor penetration) and without good healing maybe some deaths...


I use Force Cameo to pull out of combat heal and come back for more, sometimes they hunt you down well, sometimes straggler and takes an oppertunity kill though... You cant play Carnage like Anhilation...


I consider Carnage Mara's like Special Forces Skirmashers sent to harass the enemy.

Edited by Blloodbane
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Probably get flamed for this, but I am curious.

What about lower level maras? I have a 25 and was wondering if the thoughts were the same since some key abilities are missing.


Marauder is not very good pre-43 as Carnage (to get your Massacre to refund rage upon use), and not very good pre-40 as Annihilation (for Annihilate). It's doable before then, but... ugh.


And don't even THINK about playing Rage pre-40. You'd be better off smashing your genitals with a cinderblock.

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Probably get flamed for this, but I am curious.

What about lower level maras? I have a 25 and was wondering if the thoughts were the same since some key abilities are missing.


I think annihilation will always be #1 for leveling just because of the self heals.

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Carnage is great for bursting trash down for PVE, but annihilation at this moment for actual boss kills pulls ahead in the damage done dept. Especially if there is anytype of running around mechanic. Still does great damage overall but you will notice your doing less vs a annihilation marauder on the actual boss.


Have you downloaded a parser and actually tested this?

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Annihilation is still the best at everything. Rage is good for gimmicky AoE smashing on groups. Puts up big numbers they're dumb enough to clump together.


I'll ask you the same thing I asked the last guy I quoted:


Have you downloaded a parser and actually tested this?

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Don't have any screen shots atm on my phone at work. But I tried carnage and annihilation last night and carnage started out higher than annihilation but shortly after annihilation was higher dps. Both were about 3-4 mins, carnage sustained about 1200-1300 and annihilation sustained 1300-1400. Both were performed on the OP dummy.
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Carnage now dominates the other specs kinda like anni did. You do such massive damage now, it really is kinda op. Plus you have so much utility. All the roots and the speed help your team out a ton. Edited by Nmaharg
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Rage is isn't all that bad for PvP and is actually rather good for leveling/dailies. In PvP its all about AoE burst which can be a pretty useful thing. If there's a convoy close-escorting the ball carrier or clustered at a Civil War terminal or something, setting up a huge smash is quite easy to do and can do a gigantic amount of damage. If your opponents are disciplined enough to never stack up (which has never happened to me, but when rated WZs come out it could be another story) then Rage mostly gets neutered though it at least still has a little burst.


Carnage is probably your all-around best PvP choice. The best single target burst combined with tons of roots ftw. This is the spec that fills people's hearts with terror when they see a Marauder coming.


You CAN play Anni in PvP, but I think its honestly sub-par. Worst burst of the 3 and you'll have trouble keeping up Annihilator which will also cripple your sustained dps. You get some pressure with DoTs, but they're all applied melee range so its not like you're an Operative who can rack up nice damage totals and keep people off balance by scattering DoTs everywhere on the other team.


People say Anni's got better survivability in PvP than the other two and that's technically true, but the margin is small. Lets say you've got 18k health. Your DoT crits will give you back 180 health. In PvE you'll be getting ticks of this every few seconds and it'll really add up, because PvE (esp leveling) is a battle of attrition. But in PvP you'll be getting hit for 3-4k at a time as people try to burst you down, the fights don't last long, and you don't have the luxury of carefully setting up all your DoTs to ensure you get procs. And even if you're lucky and get them when you need them, they still probably won't heal you for enough to really make that much of a difference.


For leveling, again, Rage is all about AoE burst and, conveniently, leveling is all about AoE fights. Anni obviously has the self-heal sustainability which is nice, and against a single target that lets you really wind up to full speed (basically elites and boss fights) Anni will really shine. IMO, Rage comes out ahead when considering everything, because as nice as it is to get a steady stream of small heals, its even better to be able to crank out a full strength smash on virtually every pack you come across. Its like you're a BH with Death from Above on a 15 second cooldown. Carnage will perform fine, but its not as good as the other two.

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IMO I think they should`ve made our DoTs unable to be cleansed, I mean why create a spec that revolves around burns, and then allow the biggest part of their damage to be cleansed? it`s never made any sense to me, just like before they allowed crippling throws healing debuff to be.
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IMO I think they should`ve made our DoTs unable to be cleansed, I mean why create a spec that revolves around burns, and then allow the biggest part of their damage to be cleansed? it`s never made any sense to me, just like before they allowed crippling throws healing debuff to be.


So that people could counter it....?

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IMO I think they should`ve made our DoTs unable to be cleansed, I mean why create a spec that revolves around burns, and then allow the biggest part of their damage to be cleansed? it`s never made any sense to me, just like before they allowed crippling throws healing debuff to be.


So are you willing to give up your interrupts and such so you can't counter anything a caster does?

Edited by Mordeguy
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I tried Carnage when 1.2 hit. The burst from Ravage was awesome, but honestly I didnt see a very big difference other than Ravage hitting harder than it did before 1.2. Perhaps I wasnt playing it right but personally asside from Ravage I didnt see much of a difference. Because of that I went back to Anni.... and OMG. The bleeds plus the burst from Bloodthirst + Ravage sent the damage over the top.


This is just my opinion and as such you can take it or leave it but with the only real big difference I see with Carnage being the increased damage from Ravage, and I know there are other changes but the Ravage damage increase is really the big one, anyways since that is the real big difference and it also benefits an Anni Marauder as well I would stick with Anni.

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I tried Carnage when 1.2 hit. The burst from Ravage was awesome, but honestly I didnt see a very big difference other than Ravage hitting harder than it did before 1.2. Perhaps I wasnt playing it right but personally asside from Ravage I didnt see much of a difference. Because of that I went back to Anni.... and OMG. The bleeds plus the burst from Bloodthirst + Ravage sent the damage over the top.


This is just my opinion and as such you can take it or leave it but with the only real big difference I see with Carnage being the increased damage from Ravage, and I know there are other changes but the Ravage damage increase is really the big one, anyways since that is the real big difference and it also benefits an Anni Marauder as well I would stick with Anni.


Wrong. The changes to Ataru made it hit harder, i'll see 600 - 950's now where before I may have see 600 at a TOP CRIT. Stack that with my Lightning Pillar and you've got nearly a free battering assault minus the rage building every few seconds. Ravage and Choke ticks can also proc it. Add that Fury generates twice as fast now and you've got guys like me pulling 200k damage without even trying, doing the objective more than anything, and screwing off most of the match.


Carnage got buffed FAR more than you might think. However, it was NEEDED. Because before, 250-300k was the number I'd get for *********** off the objective and DPS'ing the whole match. Now, I don't think I could break 400k in anything but Voidstar but 350-375k shouldn't be too hard.

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Couldn't get use to the rotation for Carnage.


I have no plans to try Rage till they make it so I don't need to AoE to get the most out of it. (I suggested add Deadly Throw to the mix and a damage buff in another talent to make single targeting possible.)


I've liked Anni since level 10. Only time I'd respec pre-1.2 was to balance my accuracy.


Also to the guy who said 18k hp = 180 heal. It's 2%, 360 heal. In PvP you also get the heal bonus %. It's not much but another 20 or so.


But that's just me, as I haven't really given Carnage a true chance. Only reason I'd want to is for that 80% Predation. Lord do I miss that.... Should give it back and make the 15% run speed from defensive forms stack with predation. I don't want this "Enraged Charge" BS talent....

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I played Carnage in PvE and PvP up to lvl 31, and I don't know if it's because of 1.2 or me respeccing incorrectly after my points were refunded, but one I'm finding Annihilation to be a lot better. Before I could barely take on regular enemiesvand strong ones two levels below mine, but with Annihilation I was destroying elites. Edited by RCcarroll
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