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Server Population


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Hello Guys,


First of I'm truly sorry if I placed this under the wrong topic.

Thing that I would like to know is this, there is no one on our server any more, I do think that you guys do realize that some of your Servers are not running at there full potential.


When I was playing Age of Conan they took all the Light Servers and placed them together,

all Characters Under Lvl 10 older then 2 weeks was take of the Server, and after the light Servers where placed together, they gave us the Option to move our Characters from one Server to the Next, at a Price tag of course.


Would it be Possible for you guys to do the Same thing?

As I would like to be able to do Ops missions, but with only 8 players on the fleet only make's this a Dream.


And I would Like to take My Legacy with me, I played my Be-hind off to get this far in the game and don't wish to do it all over again on a other server,


Just a Question, that I do think is on ever persons mind that is in a light Server.


Thanks Gizzlo.

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I'm in the same boat as you. I started on my server at release and it had a que time. When I logged in 2 days ago there was a grand total of 4 players on Republic Fleet.


I think server populations should take priority as it really, really ruins the gaming experience for high lvl characters when the population is dead, that means NO Wz's, No Ops or Flashpoints, No selling crafted stuff.


Re-rolling is not really a logical answer, they should start to combine some of the empty servers and/or offer server transfers.

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a game thats like what? 4 months old. Rerolling on a new server isnt a logical answer..? This game will be around for alooong time. Im sure you can make another char and not have to worry about missing much. Its ok to not be 50 so earliar in a games life.
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Some of us have multiple geared 50's, One of mine for instance has a valor rank 65 mount that is no longer available for purchase after 1.2.


Not to mention millions of credits worth of gear, plus our mats and credits weve accumulated, our legacy exp, and all the rare schematics weve may have picked up.


Giving all that up because Bioware refuses to merge servers is illogical. Thats like a doctor not prescribing medicine to a patient who needs it because he/she hopes the patient will just get better all of a sudden.

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a game thats like what? 4 months old. Rerolling on a new server isnt a logical answer..? This game will be around for alooong time. Im sure you can make another char and not have to worry about missing much. Its ok to not be 50 so earliar in a games life.


mmm, 4 months old yes, and I have a 50 sith, a ,27 jedi, 18 sith, 11 jedi, and 10 sith, on exiles crystal, so it is my main server, 2 toons on hidden beks, 27, and 19.

and then 2 wich i rolled last weekend on starstorm one, both 20.


and i am a casual player.


2 of those servers are DEAD, and starstorm is actually nice, but why should i play the story for SO many times?


a while back exiles crystal was going good, we have 256 toons in our guild, we got some gear, we tried some ops, and the next thing all was gone, cause spamming 30 min, LFG is just a waste.


but you know what, yeah, i will rerol another toon and play to 50 and do all the things over.

just not on swtor


by that time gw2 will be it, o and wait diable 3 is almost here

Edited by Icemossie
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a game thats like what? 4 months old. Rerolling on a new server isnt a logical answer..? This game will be around for alooong time. Im sure you can make another char and not have to worry about missing much. Its ok to not be 50 so earliar in a games life.


No...Rerolling really isn't a good response. Some of us worked hard on our characters, some of us want to continue working on our characters. Telling us just to re-roll because "not being 50 is ok" really isn't acceptable. I have 2 lvl 50's and I want to continue working on both of them. Not to mention I don't trust re-rolling because what if the next server I jump to goes empty? re-roll again? I can relate to the OP I'm very casual these days with work, I don't have time nor do I want to re-roll and I should not have to.


No thanks. I think there are more reasonable ways to handle this that nearly every single other game in the history of MMOs have had to deal with (server transfer..paid or unpaid, server mergers, cross server ques)

Edited by Sullydog
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No...Rerolling really isn't a good response. Some of us worked hard on our characters, some of us want to continue working on our characters. Telling us just to re-roll because "not being 50 is ok" really isn't acceptable. I have 2 lvl 50's and I want to continue working on both of them. Not to mention I don't trust re-rolling because what if the next server I jump to goes empty? re-roll again? I can relate to the OP I'm very casual these days with work, I don't have time nor do I want to re-roll and I should not have to.


No thanks. I think there are more reasonable ways to handle this that nearly every single other game in the history of MMOs have had to deal with (server transfer..paid or unpaid, server mergers, cross server ques)




clearly the people saying its ok, is on an ok server.

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Sad, but true. Servers are already dying. I think EA/BW are in denial, though, na dhope that 1.2 will work magic (or manipulate the Force) into a miracle, that sees all the players that left, come back...to grind for a few weeks before running out of endgame again.


That said, they REALLY need to merge servers, as much as that might seem like admitting that things are less than rosey. If they DON'T, they risk losing even MORE 50s, who are dissatisfied with the game, customer "service", and so forth.


Mergers should be effected, and free transfers offered to players on low (no?) pop servers

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Re-rolling is not a good idea folks. I have tried it 3 times and now have 2 level 50's on the servers "The Corsair" and "Elysium" and a level 35 on 3 dead servers. Each new server I picked were based on the server population loads provided by Bioware. It appears the load info Bioware posts are based on some very very low numbers. As an example, one of the servers I was on indicated High load, yet I could only find 35 folks in fleet, 8 folks on illum and 12 folks on one of the starter worlds .. just an example of one day.
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