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He's not pushing...he's just indirectly dropping "Maybe our children someday"...and he happens to have a strictly hypothetical plan laid out...it's nothing, though, completely your call, my lord...and next thing you know he yanks the birth control. :eek:


I think you're reading too much into his ummm... desire for offspring... :rolleyes:


Just imagine though.. "here kids, stay with daddy on the ship... mommy has to go beat some skulls in ok, behave and you kiddies can torture the prisoners later" ;)


Ok.. maybe not.. but then my warrior was more neutral, and stupid protective of her crew, especially Quinn.

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Just imagine though.. "here kids, stay with daddy on the ship... mommy has to go beat some skulls in ok, behave and you kiddies can torture the prisoners later" ;)


Can't seem to stop laughing about this :D and Quinn after Mom SW's return-


"They were tediously misbehaved, my Lord. I sent them to their quarters to await maternal disciplinary measures."

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Can't seem to stop laughing about this :D and Quinn after Mom SW's return-


"They were tediously misbehaved, my Lord. I sent them to their quarters to await maternal disciplinary measures."


Nah, somehow I doubt that last bit given Captain "Discipline, Efficiency and the Chain of Command" would likely have taught the rugrats to be more well behaved than that but.. kids will be kids, especially since with Vette around you're bound to have someone showing those kiddies how to misbehave. :D

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Nah, somehow I doubt that last bit given Captain "Discipline, Efficiency and the Chain of Command" would likely have taught the rugrats to be more well behaved than that but.. kids will be kids, especially since with Vette around you're bound to have someone showing those kiddies how to misbehave. :D


Vette, and you know Pierce would be teaching them foul language just to piss Quinn off.


Mind you, I think Uncle Pierce would be awesome, but he would definitely corrupt the kids in any way that would irritate the good captain.

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Vette, and you know Pierce would be teaching them foul language just to piss Quinn off.


Mind you, I think Uncle Pierce would be awesome, but he would definitely corrupt the kids in any way that would irritate the good captain.


You say that like it's a bad thing......

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and you know Pierce would be teaching them foul language just to piss Quinn off..


Could just be me. Not at any point in storyline at which Quinn does anything but gripe:


I not too long ago endured the *ahem* first pi**ing contest between Quinn and Pierce, had me in teary laughter.



So from my point of view at present Quinn is a harried gent (threatened by big buff soldier-guy) who couldn't cope with a passel of young'uns even if they were his own spawn. Yeah, this will change, I know. I will choke him when the time comes. I just see Pierce as being a more...I don't know...not positive influence but a better Dad-figure.


Do you really see Quinn dropping to his knees on the ship floor to play Trip The Republic Walker? Thought not.


And before I might get lambasted for that, I'm a mom and my SO is a combo of Pierce and Andronikos. Best father ever :D and our son doesn't even swear. Much.

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He'd be one of those stereotype distant father figures I think... you know the ones with the newspaper up after dinner talking to his kids with that in between, atleast that's the impression of him I get right now. Granted this is all just conjecture seeing has how its unlikely we'll see that side of the story because really, that would be like playing The Sims or something.
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He'd be one of those stereotype distant father figures I think... you know the ones with the newspaper up after dinner talking to his kids with that in between, atleast that's the impression of him I get right now. Granted this is all just conjecture seeing has how its unlikely we'll see that side of the story because really, that would be like playing The Sims or something.


One of those cuppa-tea-beside-him, peering-over-headlines fathers. Urgh. Still doesn't kill the affection for him, for me, which is odd. Granted, I only just got Pierce, and I wish they would have expanded the character a bit more, giving us a choice. But he seems far more in touch with himself than Quinn.


Keep in mind I just welcomed Pierce aboard today...so to speak.

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If you take Pierce with you during the "incident" as I call it, he and Quinn get into a pissing contest which is funny as all hell to listen to.


Noted. Thank you ad infinitum. I find the SW storyline to be so depressing that I'll take whatever humor I can get.


And it's not like I would have Jaesa along for more than I must...:rolleyes:

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If you take Pierce with you during the "incident" as I call it, he and Quinn get into a pissing contest which is funny as all hell to listen to.


I saw that on youtube.. funny stuff...


Sadly, or fortunately for Quinn, he and my marauder were the only ones on the ship at the time during the "incident." They do work great together though.

Picture it: Quinn as the uptight dad, Pierce as the fun-loving 'uncle", Vette as the rebellious-probably-going-to-get-you-into-trouble big sister type, and Broonmark as the lovable family pet. Jaesa, I don't know.. depends on which alignment she is I suppose. LS Jaesa as the well meaning/doting aunti? DS as the crazy yet creepy annoying aunt?


Whatchya think?

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Can't vouch for Broonmark yet but DS Jaesa- even as a Sith I wouldn't let her around my kids.


Okay. I'm temporarily convinced to not abandon Quinn (how far along is too far along, anyway? anyone?).


Back to bracing myself for "the incident" :p



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Can't vouch for Broonmark yet but DS Jaesa- even as a Sith I wouldn't let her around my kids.


Okay. I'm temporarily convinced to not abandon Quinn (how far along is too far along, anyway? anyone?).


Back to bracing myself for "the incident" :p




It happens after you finish Voss.


Quinn, I can see him as an involved father teaching his kids loyalty to the Empire and discipline. Vette as the get you in trouble big sis type, LS Jaesa as one who teaches the kids compassion, DS Jaesa, not a chance in hell she would get near my kids, Pierce as teaching them bad behavior, Broonmark...yea no see Jaesa.

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The female SW-Quinn romance for all its awkwardness and unresolved bits, was still the one I enjoyed the most. Doesn't hurt that I love just looking and listening to that set of pixels. Vector's getting interesting but ... I rolled a male IA.


*happily hugs her Quinn* :o

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The female SW-Quinn romance for all its awkwardness and unresolved bits, was still the one I enjoyed the most. Doesn't hurt that I love just looking and listening to that set of pixels. Vector's getting interesting but ... I rolled a male IA.


*happily hugs her Quinn* :o


Oh yea Quinn is fine, I rolled a female IA so I had my Chiss way with Vector...he is sweet but a tad bit wierd.

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If you take Pierce with you during the "incident" as I call it, he and Quinn get into a pissing contest which is funny as all hell to listen to.


Now that's something I need to find on Youtube. It's sometimes difficult to search for specific companion conversations, but I'll find a way.


The female SW-Quinn romance for all its awkwardness and unresolved bits, was still the one I enjoyed the most. Doesn't hurt that I love just looking and listening to that set of pixels.


Absolutely. I don't know which one of us is more helplessly, hopelessly devoted to the other. Pre-incident, anyway. I can't count the number of times I thought to myself "You're pathetic, woman, you know that?" and continued melting anyway. (It ought to be countable, I charged from level 1 to level kissing-finally-made-him-smile, life-is-good in less than a week. Didn't want to stop for nonsense like sleep.)


I didn't think he was much to look at when we started, but he really grew on me.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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The female SW-Quinn romance for all its awkwardness and unresolved bits, was still the one I enjoyed the most. Doesn't hurt that I love just looking and listening to that set of pixels.

*happily hugs her Quinn* :o


Same here, same here, and they did such a good job with Quinn. he's handsome, he's complicated, his voice is amazing and he's now one of my favourate companions, ever (move over Zevran! :p ).


Though...I do so wish that my male SW could romance him as well, that would be just perfect.. ^_^

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Same here, same here, and they did such a good job with Quinn. he's handsome, he's complicated, his voice is amazing and he's now one of my favourate companions, ever (move over Zevran! :p ).


Quinn's definitely earned second place all-time for me - and I've finished about sixty companions' worth of deep-companion RPGs. #1 remains Alistair for three reasons: 1) he didn't run me along a plot rail so egregiously awful I wanted to throw the game through the nearest wall, 2) his conversations were deeper if only because he was the main companion in a 50+ hour single-player campaign (corollary 2a I could kiss him at any time), and 3) when he ripped my heart to shreds, his reasons were understandable and pure.


It's been close to three months and I still get incredibly agitated thinking about this nonsense. My bestworst lovehate hotcold loverteasecommanderservanttormentoradvisorconfuser is just amazing.


By the way, here's a spoilerrific video with a highly flirtatious version of the big scene, along with the Quinn/Pierce interaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA_YSEgUwIg

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They did one brilliant thing on Tython and I never saw it again: one choice to indicate your course of action, and a second one to announce your reasoning.


I would gladly sit through twice the critical conversation points to do that more often.


Wait, what conversation was this? Please tell me!

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All the romances ask you for marriage, then ask for children right after.


It's like "Slow the hell down. We've been married a couple hours, and I've only even known you a couple months."


well from your satandpoint yes but in game the story takes place oevr a few years.

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They did one brilliant thing on Tython and I never saw it again: one choice to indicate your course of action, and a second one to announce your reasoning.


Wait, what conversation was this? Please tell me!


Spoilers for the Jedi Consular on Tython in the video:


Brief enough intro, with the real stuff 12 seconds in; I've checked variations (for example, LS is here) and it looks like only Dark Side breaks out into the construct I described. In the DS video you can say 1) "This person has to die" and then 2) "I'll give one of three reasons why." All three are DS, but I felt like I had a decent chance to think about it and express what was going through my head, far better than I could with a single 3-way split.


So I never saw that again, that I recall :(

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