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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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People who have 50s are important customers, but not because they are more profitable than casual players. In fact, they pay same amount of monthly fee as casual players, but they used up more company resources, :)


People who have 50s are important because they are generally more loyal (due to efforts already invested) and are usually more interactive online. However, if they are dissatisfied, they generally also cause much more harm than casual players.


I think what's really an important customer is someone who is enjoying the game and would recommend it to other people. They generate positive world of month, contribute to a healthy online communication space and potentially attract more new customers for the company.


Now, after all, a customer is anyone currently paying the monthly fee, for the sake of balance, I think the play time should be given to every customer.


This way the only one really hurt a bit is Bioware's financial :p. However, this will make Bioware more humane in treating its customers equally. If done right, I believe this will differentiates Bioware from its competitors and give Bioware more profit in the long run :D.

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I played the game legit,I did not exploit at all, I used game mechanics.


My first level 50 was in late january, then late feb, and then my third was done during spring break.


All. Legit.


made me rofl


like saying i broke in to a house cause i had a crowbar

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This is BS and a half. Any promotion with criteria discriminates against those who do not meet the criteria. The issue is whether such discriminationn is acceptable and meaningful and satisfies a purpose. To compare someone in RL who can have dimished income possiblities and who may not be able to eat out to someone who has gone to level 50 in a video game is (would put in comment here that would get me banned).


Your mom changed your diapers and put up with you for many years. She lived a life that had impact on the world. That is not quite the same as someone who leveled to 50 in a video game. Besides it is an accomplishment in this world to make it to 63 years of age and not so much to level 50 in swtor.


By the way, BW encouraged people to roll alts if they were on a low pop server. It encouraged people to play varied characters to experience the story. It then screwed them. I had 5 85s on WOW before I unsubbed and am fully capable of going to 50 in swtor. I played the game the "way it was intended" and am now not considered a valued customer.


I am starting to wonder if the game is not fail for many of those that hit 50 or pvp and they are not bailing faster than can be believed and so the promotion.



So do you also throw a tantrum at the restaurants that have the "Kids under 12 eat free on Mondays" promotions?


Grow up.

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I agree with an earlier poster about paying my subscriptions. I would've paid them anyway. I have three: the wife, the daughter and myself.


I understand that people who have level 50s have had to suffer through a lot of broken quest-lines, mechanics and PvP. Those of us who are still trudging along won't see some of that heartache, due to patches. We have been loyal customers since early access, and three beta tests. We have no plans to leave over not getting 30 days of free play each.


My problem is the wording Bioware used. I would appreciate it, if they removed "most loyal" from the announcement. While those with level 50s did struggle at times, and did help find bugs, they are not more loyal than we are.


Enticing back the 50s that left for various reasons is great. I applaud the effort Bioware is putting forth to help supplement the end-game. But the choice of words needs to be re-evaluated.



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I think this is more where BW is coming from.


They don't want 50s to stop playing.


Also, 50s are more effected by the changes, since they played up with old skills, have probably been running HMs and ops with old skills, etc.


Also, there is even less end-game content (with the end of Illum daily).


They are kissing-up to 50s, begging them not to quit.


If you enjoy the story, have 20 alts on 4 servers, and a SWTOR blog, you're not going to quit because your skill trees are different, and BW knows that.


If you have 1 main toon whose name strikes fear into the other faction, and suddenly your blaster rifle whimpers when you hold it, you might end your sub.


30 days gets frustrated 50s some time to "see what happens."


i agree i am a heavy altholic and no way i would cancel

exept when they decided to give a free month to the level 50's

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Yep, see instead of me devouring it and not tasting it (your food analogy), I'm taking the the time to enjoy every mouthful. But someone decided that everyone that is currently eating dessert will get the meal free, because they are valued customers.


If that sounds stupid it's because it is.


Like I said before their PR department sucks.


That's not how it is at all, what you are doing is taking your time to chew the meal (like I did with my main) and then spitting it out before you swallow it. I took my time with my Gunslinger, got him to 50 and spend my time running FPs with my guild to help them level or running OPs with the other 50s to have fun, you can't enjoy something and then quit doing it before you have had time to properly enjoy it. I get that people like making alt character, I really do as a lot of my friends are like that but the game is so easy to level, requires minimum effort but you have to go all the way to the end otherwise it's pointless. I've been here since the start, bought the DD version (I don't care much for crappy statues) and have loyally subbed since but you can't use wanting to enjoy the full story of the game as an exscuse and claim anyone at level 50 doesn't when you haven't even finished a single class story, can you even remember what the story was on your first character?

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I spent 6+ months beta testing, made them aware of certain issues (that still existed on release), pre-ordered the first day available and I'm not getting anything. But I'm not going to open a thread whining about it either.


It's really too bad. It's a well thought out game and the ************ and complainers are the only ones being heard. It's the same for any MMO or game nowadays and the people constantly crying sheep about changes, perceived changes or human errors are the one's being heard.


Complainers change their complaints, but they never reduce the amount of time spent in complaining.


-Mason Cooley


As soon as any thread opens up talking about how certain people actually ENJOY this game it gets shut down because some low life 4channer wannabe steps in and rains on the parade.


I for one wish BioWare would stick to their guns and tell these people to piss off.

The vocal majority would love nothing other than to see this game fail so that they can move on to the next big thing, complain about that and then continue the same downward spiral.


You really think GW2, Titan, Terra D3 is going to have everything they want? I sincerely doubt it. If I was a bookie I'd be making odds on how long each of those games are around.


Stand your ground BW.


Tell them they can unsub.


Tell them they're all free to make their own MMO.


I for one will be subscribing as long as you're around.




P.S. Consolidate your servers. :D

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as i have stated before its not about the reward its the lack of respect. one group in a MULTIPLAYER GAME should not be singled out by a game developer and told there better then the rest.


unless they did something to deserve it leveling to max level doesn't earn you anything all leveling to max level quickly does is burn you out and burn up all the content. with over 12 years experience in mmo gameplay I have learned this lesson everquest anarchy online wow etc rushed to enggame ran out of content got bored. stuck around in thos games for years that way.


with this game I deciced to take my time and enjoy the process still paying the same each month yet told I am not as valued as others is just wrong.


if they want to reward the level 50's do it in a way that doesn't insult the rest of us give them a speeder give them a title.


Dont call them your most valued customers and don't give out free game time and make the rest of the unvaluable customers pay for them to get a free ride for the next month.


Also to clarify I would feel this way no matter the side of the fence i was on fair is fair and respect is respect.

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I think this is more where BW is coming from.


They don't want 50s to stop playing.


Also, 50s are more effected by the changes, since they played up with old skills, have probably been running HMs and ops with old skills, etc.


Also, there is even less end-game content (with the end of Illum daily).


They are kissing-up to 50s, begging them not to quit.


If you enjoy the story, have 20 alts on 4 servers, and a SWTOR blog, you're not going to quit because your skill trees are different, and BW knows that.


If you have 1 main toon whose name strikes fear into the other faction, and suddenly your blaster rifle whimpers when you hold it, you might end your sub.


30 days gets frustrated 50s some time to "see what happens."


Those 50`s are rolling alts that boost your worthless green/blue hide through heroics and whatnots.


Those 50`s will ask for their guild to send a high level to finally boost you through those heroics you can`t find a tank for and been sitting for hours LFG...while you are JUST lucky enough to be grouped with someone that knows one.


Those 50`s have alts in your range that will pass for gear that might be needed otherwise, giving you a free piece of gear.


So, ya... some actually are more useful to the general "health" or a server ... but we are talking about the actual game, now, not the Forum...

Edited by Styxx
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This is so out of order if they're going to give out free time for no real reason then it should be given to everyone. I'll not be playing for much longer if this is how they treat players.


Everyone stop complaining and crying, their giving something to people who worked hard to get to level 50, its a reward so chill and quit allready then. People spend all day threatening to quit when a game doesn't go their way and gives rewards to people who worked to get level 50, people like this are like people asking for a change. Like someone wants a new type of candy bar cus their tired of a brand of candy bar, so they ask for a new one even though they hate candy bars to begin with.

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I would point out that this is a marketing ploy, not a 'reward'. Don't get hung up on the wording, it's pure marketing.


Current subscribers, even those with lvl 50's are not it's targets. They're just lucky.


It's targets are ex-subscribers with lvl 50's.


aka: The players of other MMO's who came along, tried the game for a bit and then went 'home' again.


Players who Bioware might be able to lure back now. Especially, how shall i put this, people who may not be too impressed by panda's.


Being pissed off you don't qualify for this is like being pissed off your favourite cereal sometime gives away free kids toys you have no use for.


This being rolled out tells me two things:


The portion of players with 50's is low enough that this won't cost bioware too much if it goes wrong.


Of the portion of players with 50's, the number who have lapsed subs is high enough that the fraction of players who will come back for a few extra months will cover the cost of it.

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It's very simple why so many of us are upset.


Bio, intentionally or not is clearly saying to us: "hey you play hard and got level 50 have a month free on us because you are our most loyal. The rest of you even though you have the same active accounts and pay same amount, and somehow never managed to get a single character to level 50 in 120 days, (we seriously never even thought that was possible) you just continue to play and pay us, thanks!"


Oh wait, they didn't even say thanks did they, sorry my bad.


Fixed it for you. ;)

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as i have stated before its not about the reward its the lack of respect. one group in a MULTIPLAYER GAME should not be singled out by a game developer and told there better then the rest.



This. So very this. ahem.


I could not care less whether I get 30 days free or not. I am however, furious about being made to feel that I am a less valued customer than any other.

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I'm saying lvl50 is more valuable, because he keeps others in game. If they lose one guy below 50, it hurts them less than losing one guy at 50 that is likely to pull others after him. That's math.


I'm not saying that alienating part of player base is good idea, but then, it's impossible to please everyone. No gifts, and other people would be raging. Even with gifts for everyone someone would complain.


I don't think it's math, it's conjecture and anecdote, plenty of my friends quit wow before the cataclysm level cap, why 1 of my friends quit first, he only ever hit the level cap during wrath, blizzard lost 8 subs because he quit because the group fell apart.


Seen entire guilds quit because the leader leaves, it's people not levels that allow people to stick with games, eventually they are all max level because it's impossible, given enough time, to not hit the level cap. Being 50 doesn't give you magic sub keeping powers, being an active part of a group does, the level aspect is entirely irrelevant

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Someone else who just doesn't get it.


Look, if BW had said they would be giving free game time to randomly selected players in some kind of lottery, I'd understand. I'd even think it was a cool idea. The real issue has nothing to do with money though. It's about whether customers feel valued by the company they buy from.


To give you an analogy, I have 2 convenience stores near where I live. I go to the one that's a bit further away and is a bit more expensive because the sales staff are nicer; more polite.


BW need to understand that its not a good idea to alienate some of your customers by implying that their custom is less valued. Totting out lazy cliches about schools sports days doesn't make you sound clever at all. It just shows that you don't understand customer relations and marketing.


The reality is that there are several new MMOs on the horizon and all of us SWTOR players will make a decision (consciously or not) about whether to continue to play SWTOR or move over to one of these new games. When that time comes, many people will not simply make a decision based on the merits of the game, but also on how they were treated as customers.


@bold part...


Soooooo do you play the game based on how valued you are....


I usually play the game cos i like to regardless of what silly PR says.

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Everyone stop complaining and crying, their giving something to people who worked hard to get to level 50, its a reward so chill and quit allready then. People spend all day threatening to quit when a game doesn't go their way and gives rewards to people who worked to get level 50, people like this are like people asking for a change. Like someone wants a new type of candy bar cus their tired of a brand of candy bar, so they ask for a new one even though they hate candy bars to begin with.


Worked ?? there i was thinking this was a recreational pursuit !?! Why is it the trolls always come out to feed when they have something and others don't. This has nothing to do with any type of change it is about a company giveing cash benifits to a certain group of players and not others.

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.



What is their reason for doing it? I bet it's because of all the complaints from hardcore players who already reached 50 more than once, and have full sets of the best gear possible. They are bored and have nothing to do, they have been saying.


That's why BioWare is rewarding them. Because they stay subbed, even though they completed all the content. If you aren't 50, then you have lots of content to keep you busy.

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How about people who have accounts whose levels added together total 100?

Ad they must have one level 40+


I have a lvl 44, and a 30, 2 20's and a 17, those add to over one hundred, and in the time it took me to level the others i could have got the 44 to 50, i just chose not to because i finished class quests (with help of a friend) And sentinels are underpowered so i have no other reasons....

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Someone else who just doesn't get it.


Look, if BW had said they would be giving free game time to randomly selected players in some kind of lottery, I'd understand. I'd even think it was a cool idea. The real issue has nothing to do with money though. It's about whether customers feel valued by the company they buy from.


To give you an analogy, I have 2 convenience stores near where I live. I go to the one that's a bit further away and is a bit more expensive because the sales staff are nicer; more polite.


BW need to understand that its not a good idea to alienate some of your customers by implying that their custom is less valued. Totting out lazy cliches about schools sports days doesn't make you sound clever at all. It just shows that you don't understand customer relations and marketing.


The reality is that there are several new MMOs on the horizon and all of us SWTOR players will make a decision (consciously or not) about whether to continue to play SWTOR or move over to one of these new games. When that time comes, many people will not simply make a decision based on the merits of the game, but also on how they were treated as customers.


I'm vastly amused by the idea that "I don't get it", or that I am one of the people who gets 30 days free.

I do get it. I don't agree with the sentiment that Bioware hates me and my money because I'm not level 50. They don't hate me. I'm just as valued. But HOW can I say this??? Because the slight, doesn't exist.

They picked a qualifier based on stats they have. I can guarantee you that getting the most people, involved level 50's. Do I have proof? Of course not. But that's my feeling...and I'm sticking to it.

Bioware did NOT go into this wanting to piss people off. That's a silly and assinine thing to say. NO business does this.



I don't get 30 free days. Big whoop. Bioware still wants me here...they still value me. I'm not offended or butthurt about it.


As to people leaving over this, good for them.

Vote with your wallet, that's how reasonable consumers do things.

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If you all stopped complaining what you hate about certain things you coulda had a level 50 by now, if your gonna quit just quit that gives us people who like the game and not waste our time complaining how it plays and doesnt meet your standards. If you dont like the game stop playing its that easy, the game isnt going to conform. Its an mmo, plays like all other mmos just with a different story. You dont like it is as easy as going outside and putting down the mouse and getting some sun, problem solved, no more twilight tans
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I would point out that this is a marketing ploy, not a 'reward'. Don't get hung up on the wording, it's pure marketing.


Current subscribers, even those with lvl 50's are not it's targets. They're just lucky.


It's targets are ex-subscribers with lvl 50's.


aka: The players of other MMO's who came along, tried the game for a bit and then went 'home' again.


Players who Bioware might be able to lure back now. Especially, how shall i put this, people who may not be too impressed by panda's.


Being pissed off you don't qualify for this is like being pissed off your favourite cereal sometime gives away free kids toys you have no use for.


This being rolled out tells me two things:


The portion of players with 50's is low enough that this won't cost bioware too much if it goes wrong.


Of the portion of players with 50's, the number who have lapsed subs is high enough that the fraction of players who will come back for a few extra months will cover the cost of it.


but, with the lack of concern for community how will this enhance the game for those of us that stayed?

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