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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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hmm I read the celebrate the patch thread and it has realy bothered me.


the little pet thing is realy cool idea as just the other night I told the wife I wanted one of thos as a pet.


the free month is not cool I work 60 hours a week and play this game every night when i get off but my time is limited so I do not have a char to 50 yet.


so being I do not have a level 50 char I am not a MOST VALUED CUSTOMER. whats that make me A WORTHLESS CUSTOMER?


i pay just as much as anyone with a level 50 char for both my accounts


it is highly unfair and very disrespectfully to out right segragate players in the game and call them your most valued customers. When everyone pays the same amount to play.


if you want to offer a reward to celebrate the patch you should offer the same reward to all.


I know I am serisouly considering canceling my sub to the game while its a great game but i would rather go back to wow if this is the attitude this company is going to tak toward me as a customer. least they treat all accounts the same world of warcraft there.


i am not going to tell one of my kids I like them better and give them the big present and tell the other one there just not as good as the other child.


EDIT: for thos who are saying its only 15 bucks it has nothing to do with the 15 bucks it the clear lack of respect for half the player base I joined this comunity in OCT of 2009 Purchased 2 brand new computers for me and wife just to play my dedication to the game is no less then any kid who has no life and rushed to 50 I should be treated with the same respect as them.


It's just $15 so relax. They're not going to give it to everyone because that would be just stupid. This was a gift. They will give more free time for other reasons later guaranteed.


Just because you didn't get $15 this time doesn't mean it's unfair. You'll get your chance.

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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My mother gets an AARP discount every time she eats at certain restaurants.

This is not fair! They make a menu for people of her age, and now she gets a discount too?

I can't qualify for it! I'm not 60 years old! I'm so casual, it's going to take me 30+ years to get MY discount!!!!

Obviously certain establishments only value SENIOR citizens.

I don't know why I even bother eating there....it's like a slap in the face. That's it! I'm never eating there again, until they are able to get their crap together and PROVE that I am just as valuable as senior citizens by giving me a discount too.



You guys do know....this is exactly how you sound...right?

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To add to the many others that are unimpressed with this decision. I also have pre-ordered my game. I have other things to do then grind in a game to hurry and get to level 50. Plus I actually "read" the quests. It should be fun not a task to play a game. Those that grind..well I will just leave that sentence like it is.


Should be everyone that pre-ordered. People do have other things to do in life then play games.



~does not feed trolls~

Edited by Lovesha
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It's just $15 so relax. They're not going to give it to everyone because that would be just stupid. This was gift. They will give more free time for other reasons later guaranteed.


Just because you didn't get $15 this time doesn't mean it's unfair. You'll get your chance.


That's wishful thinking, they may, but they may not, the outcry from this makes it far less likely they will do anything like this again.

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My mother gets an AARP discount every time she eats at certain restaurants.

This is not fair! They make a menu for people of her age, and now she gets a discount too?

I can't qualify for it! I'm not 60 years old! I'm so casual, it's going to take me 30+ years to get MY discount!!!!

Obviously certain establishments only value SENIOR citizens.

I don't know why I even bother eating there....it's like a slap in the face. That's it! I'm never eating there again, until they are able to get their crap together and PROVE that I am just as valuable as senior citizens by giving me a discount too.



You guys do know....this is exactly how you sound...right?


LMFAO!!...... so true. ^

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My mother gets an AARP discount every time she eats at certain restaurants.

This is not fair! They make a menu for people of her age, and now she gets a discount too?

I can't qualify for it! I'm not 60 years old! I'm so casual, it's going to take me 30+ years to get MY discount!!!!

Obviously certain establishments only value SENIOR citizens.

I don't know why I even bother eating there....it's like a slap in the face. That's it! I'm never eating there again, until they are able to get their crap together and PROVE that I am just as valuable as senior citizens by giving me a discount too.



You guys do know....this is exactly how you sound...right?


Ummmm no...no not really....no. An interesting analogy try, but it is not the same. lol

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Please kids, stop moaning. I hope everyone realizes what a pathetically massive *****-fest this forum is.


Sorry i think you mean..."what a pathetically massive *****_fest this game is. Just thought i needed to corret your error lol

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AGREE!!! I have children under the age of 4 and I can't spend 4-6 hours a day playing. I play when I can and even then sometimes it's only to complete one mission!!! My highest level toon is a 45, I pre-ordered two copies of the Collectors Edition for my wife and I, and I don't deserve Bioware/EA gratitude??? I opened a ticket asking for my free month and this is the response I received back:




This is Rainier of Star Wars The old Republic Customer service, I'm glad to assist you with your concern.


Upon checking your account, I can see that you didn't qualify in the free 30 days game time promotion.


Unfortunately, we cannot grant your request and apologize for any inconvenience this may caused.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our speciality…






"Any inconvenience?" "I don't qualify?" "Galatic Support is our Specialty?" I love this game and I'm not going to cancel my subscription but damn... Seriousy?


Omg, and people that decide to complain on forum and unsub is called forum trolls :p No wonder there are so many "troll" in this forum because BW is quite simple a troll factory making them when doing stupid things like this..


btw, if i got two lvl50 chars, do i get 60days free?

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I have 3 lvl 50s, but I can see why people who have had a subscription since launch are upset, I would be too.


I think Bioware realized the end-game is lacking and to compete with many other games being released soon they need to be aggressive to keep their customers playing their game over others.


I also believe it is totally in their rights to reward whoever they like with free game time but they also should understand people like the OP will be pretty pisst.

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IMO a valued customer would be the ones that have bought the game since the first week of launch, have an an active subscription, and a recurring billing cycle set up. These are the customers that are in it for the long haul and not threatening to quit all the time.

Loyalty and valur have nothing to do with the level of ONE character.


Those that have been here since the begining and trying out all the classes and not just running one to 50 and complaining about lack of content are the ones that are being slighted by this.


I agree completely.

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To add to the many others that are unimpressed with this decision. I also have pre-ordered my game. I have others things to do then grind in a game to hurry and get to level 50. Plus I actually "read" the quests. It should be fun not a task to play a game. Those that grind..well I will just leave that sentence like it is.


Should be everyone that pre-ordered. People do have other things to do in life then play games.



~does not feed trolls~


"Reading" a quest should tell you that your last quest for a character, or the last step into its class quest is on Ilum. Which is a level 50 planet. Which opens when you get your character to level 50.


There is no grind. There is only follow up your class story.

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My mother gets an AARP discount every time she eats at certain restaurants.

This is not fair! They make a menu for people of her age, and now she gets a discount too?

I can't qualify for it! I'm not 60 years old! I'm so casual, it's going to take me 30+ years to get MY discount!!!!

Obviously certain establishments only value SENIOR citizens.

I don't know why I even bother eating there....it's like a slap in the face. That's it! I'm never eating there again, until they are able to get their crap together and PROVE that I am just as valuable as senior citizens by giving me a discount too.



You guys do know....this is exactly how you sound...right?


+1000000000000000 points


hahahaha well done great analogy!

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I wonder what genius came up with this idea, and who thought it would be a good idea. these game companies amaze me. They do these crazy things they don't need to then wonder why everyone gets fed up and plays another game. This game is different enough like swg was to make mistakes like this.
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