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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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When they issue a reward for that, then you can be the first in line. That is not what this is about. This is for those that worked to level 50. You did not work to level 50, you do not get the reward. What part of that seems to be misunderstood?


I mean, you can argue that you are entitled to dividends paid to the top 500 CEOs too, but it does not mean that you are entitled to them just because you want them.



Seriously QFT...


+1 because you may have just made some borderline idiots understand whats going on. If they want to give you a reward for playing since day 1 they will, but this is to make up for some of the short comings of 1.2 that directly affect level 50 players.

Edited by Valhalyn
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When they issue a reward for that, then you can be the first in line. That is not what this is about. This is for those that worked to level 50. You did not work to level 50, you do not get the reward. What part of that seems to be misunderstood?


I mean, you can argue that you are entitled to dividends paid to the top 500 CEOs too, but it does not mean that you are entitled to them just because you want them.


so if i hadnt done what Bioware sold the game to be "a journey"


and played multi toons getting atleast 4 into the 40 bracket, id be lvl 50 now


when did you sub to the game?

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exactly, this, is, the, point


instead of making us feel like second class subs because we dont yet have a level 50 character...


I don't think BW is responsible for how you feel about yourself. That's on your end. You got a thanks and a pet. You have been recognized as a valuable player. Why do you see the recognition of other players as a slight to you?

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I'm in agreement. It's bad form to reward those who have played a ton and not those who have not. I like to play alts and I have one character at level 43. It's not very good PR to reward those who have 50's and not those who do not. I understand it's their game they can do what they want, however, BW will be setting themselves up to anger those who play the game casually, which make up a majority of their base.


The reward should have been based on loyalty via subscriptions that are STILL active and have been active from launch, not ones ability to play the game. I'm sure there are some who have 50's and haven't been subscribing since launch.

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Nope still not getting it, sorry!


You had any problems with the game? Anything broken? All good?


Nothing broken, they played the game the way they wanted to play it (many alts, etc)... However, apparently, that was wrong somehow... And now they do not get the extra prize, that goes to the "valued" and "loyal" customer (even if they were there from day 1, or have collectors, or where in beta)... Really sucks...

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I for one am disappointed about not getting 30 days free. I was waiting for 1.2 before advancing my character to the higher levels with the legacy rules being implemented.


I have been subbed since day one. 1.2 is broken and not working. So now I am unsubbing before I am billed again for what has become a useless game in my opinion.


So, by your own choice, you decided NOT to continue leveling your character, and now complain you don't make the requirement for a reward for reaching max level? That's like demanding a bonus at work for a milestone even though you havent achieved the milestone.


People will complain about anything, yet fail to realize they are NOT entitled to anything, we should be glad BW is actually being proactive and trying to appease everyone, yet that has always failed in the past for Developers.

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well the servers are back up


so im going to go and play my many alts that are not lvl 50


and be a happy unloyal unvauled customer


You are valued, you just don't like the reward you got. You want what the other guy got too.

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So, by your own choice, you decided NOT to continue leveling your character, and now complain you don't make the requirement for a reward for reaching max level? That's like demanding a bonus at work for a milestone even though you havent achieved the milestone.


People will complain about anything, yet fail to realize they are NOT entitled to anything, we should be glad BW is actually being proactive and trying to appease everyone, yet that has always failed in the past for Developers.


I'm sorry, show me where this milestone was defined? Where on the box does it say that you have to get to 50 if you want extra prizes? I do not see that milestone anywhere defined... Arbitrarily defining a milestone on patch day (that expires that same day) is really bad form...

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Really tired of the loyalty argument. It's not about loyalty, it's an apology, and a good one. It's about players without any new content to play being shafted on the new content that was promised. They made good. good for them.


I'm a week short of day 1. I am a loyal customer. I got the updates I was hoping for. A new WZ means nothing to me, as I haven't even seen the old ones yet. Why should they apologize to me?


Would a free month be great? Sure. But I'm not going to be a part of a lynch mob because "what about me?" They did right by me.


This thread is like listening to my preteens every time one gets something the other didn't. "It's not fair!"


While you may be right (and probably are), Bioware are the ones that turned this into a loyalty argument, by saying that this was a reward to "some of our most valued players". If they had just said it was an apology to level 50's because they have not delivered lv50 content as quickly as they should and took away ranked warzones, then I don't know if this ever would have been an issue in the first place.

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That is exactly what they are saying. They are classifying people in 2 groups. Once that get 30 days, and once who do not. The ones that have a lvl 50, and the ones who do not. And they said that the ones that do have a lvl 50, are valued and loyal customers. That means, the others are not.


I cannot say:


"Hey! I love you all, and because I love you all, you all get a free lunch!! oh, but only if you have black shoes..."


That says that the love is dependent on whether you have black shoes. So it does not matter how many times say I love everyone, it is quite clear that I love people with black shoes...


If they came out and said exactly what you said before, that they are giving the extra time to the people who have been 50 for a while, and have had to deal with the lack of content (it is still quite arbitrary), but it would be better. But that is not what they said. Not at all.


You're analogy doesn't work. It's more like, "we told you all that with your subscription you would get shoes that fit. We are sorry for not providing shoes that fit to some of you because you have big feet. Here's a bonus because we failed you." To complete the analogy, those of you who did get shoes that fit are now crying "hey! why don't I get a bonus. That's not fair!" You got your shoes. Stop complaining about a good faith effort to make good on a failed promise to those who didn't.

Edited by FirstSkedaddler
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I dont see why the trolls are in here making attacks on those of us who feel annoyed by these changes. If you dont agree then why are you in this thread. We are not happy and are making our points. You can make a counter point but you cant tell me I am an idiot for being angry. I am angry about it....that is just how alot of us feel and if you dont agree then nobody cares. You cant change how we feel.
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Pre order - check

Early access - check

Active subscription since day 1 - check

Founder - check

Loyal customer - Apparently not according to them since i don't have a 50 yet because of playing 8 characters, therefore they deemed me less worthy and less loyal, nice work, makes you feel appreciated indeed.

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I'll be getting the free month and at first I didn't see the issue because my line of thought was: if you have a 50 you just naturally have less to to do than someone not 50. IE level. So since there's only 2 real endgame options PVE and PVP not including the rated war zones with 1.2 stung the 50 pvpers pretty bad.


I'm sure a significant amount of the existing 50s PvP exclusively, and they just had a carrot dangled in front of them and then pulled away at the last second. So it made some sense to me because most likely the exisitng 50s were the ones most effected.




Although I have a 50 and will be getting the month. I was REALLY REALLY lax in leveling to cap because of the server population problem. Whats the point of rushing to cap if PVP ques are wicked long and theres no one to run PVE with? Naturally a good guild helps the HM/Op problem, But I found my self just playing less in general and messing with alts on higher pop servers a lot.


So with the server pop problem in mind i can totally see why founders don't have a lvl 50 yet thru no fault of thier own. The reality of the situation is in the first Q&A we were told server transfers will be available, there's no timeframe, and we will get more info when there is some. To my knowledge that was the last offical word, was over two months ago, and probably didn't exactly light a fire under anyone...

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Pre order - check

Early access - check

Active subscription since day 1 - check

Founder - check

Loyal customer - Apparently not according to them since i don't have a 50 yet because of playing 8 characters, therefore they deemed me less worthy and less loyal, nice work, makes you feel appreciated indeed.


Again, sounds like your problem. And I'm sure that you're part of a very small minority.

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While you may be right (and probably are), Bioware are the ones that turned this into a loyalty argument, by saying that this was a reward to "some of our most valued players". If they had just said it was an apology to level 50's because they have not delivered lv50 content as quickly as they should and took away ranked warzones, then I don't know if this ever would have been an issue in the first place.


Agreed. But allow a human his failure. Call him out on it. That's fine. But when it turns into a lynch mob, despite the fact that any reasonable person would not be so truly emotionally wounded by a PR stunt (albeit a poorly executed one) intended to subdue the frustration of a select few, I have to call into question a person's emotional stability.


And the "I want some too" bit is really the source of all the commotion. Not the "value" of their membership.

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Pre order - check

Early access - check

Active subscription since day 1 - check

Founder - check

Loyal customer - Apparently not according to them since i don't have a 50 yet because of playing 8 characters, therefore they deemed me less worthy and less loyal, nice work, makes you feel appreciated indeed.


The founder title IS the reward, btw.


You also will get a tauntaun as thanks. Why ignore the positive and only focus on a perceived negative?

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I understand there are way too many whiners in this community...And that because someone wants to read into something more than necessary, their opinion is truth when shared by other whiners.


yes this is true of a lot of people on here... on both sides... and in way more areas than just this issue


raising a segment of the community as the most loyal and valued, and yes they have because i most certainly didnt read anything stating that beyond that group everyone else was jsut as loyal and valued, and giving them a reward based on their character hitting a number was a fail from start to finish.


how can you seriously expect people to lie down and accept it when they just got their nose rubbed in the fact that because they didnt hit max level they arent as valued? especially if they have been way more active or better for the community in other areas if they were so inclined?


would you like being told you werent getting a reward because you hadnt capped all the crew skills? because you didnt have at least 5 level 20+ characters? because you ahdnt finished all the space quests and max levelled your ships components? because you hadnt submitted 50 bug reports? because you hadnt run 15 new players through black talon at least once a week?


everyone gets passionate when they feel they are being stepped on. and this is bioware stepping on long term players who may or may not have contributed an awful lot to this game so that a lot of other players can actually play the thing.


get it? its not that they said we were worthless, its that they didnt say it. recognition wen to level 50 characters, not to anything else, and as has been pointed out it takes very little time to get to 50 if you have time avaiable to you. so wheres the achievement? nowhere.


they should have made it clear its for the WZ remoaval or w/e, not said it was a loyalty reward and for valued subscribers. that started this storm, and will keep it burning.

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You are valued, you just don't like the reward you got. You want what the other guy got too.


Nope... That is not what it says... Here, this is a quote from the site:






We appreciate the support of our community throughout the development of the Legacy game update. As a ‘Thank You’ gift, we are giving all active subscribers (as of April 12, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 21, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT) the in-game Legacy reward: the Legacy Tauntaun Ram Pet*, sure to be your new best friend!





As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.




We get a thank you, and a pet for. That's all good up to there, no problem... Then as thanks for being a loyal, and valued customer, we get 30 extra days... But wait! only lvl 50s get it...


So no, apparently not everyone is a valued customer.

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Would you really unsub from a game that you love over $15? That seems irrational. They're offering the free month to 50s presumably because most of the bugs were in end game and therefore didn't impact non-50s. They're trying to placate the angriest segment of the player base so people don't unsubscribe. It's a good strategy, and I hope it works. I also hope they merge the light population servers ASAP, because that will immediately improve the game for everyone. I'm sure they're cringing over the way the announcement was worded, and I wouldn't take it personally.


Yes I would, and I will.

Got 30 days left on my sub, when they are gone I will not sub again.


Good thing Diablo 3 is just around the corner and possibly a Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend.


I'm off... if I am not a good enough customer just because I don't have a level 50 then I should go elsewhere.

I pre-ordered SWTOR, and been playing since the headstart.

This is a slap in the face of all people who have been playing since release but didn't get the same reward as those with a level 50.


Time to pick up my stuff and leave I'd say...

Edited by Noebian
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