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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Whatever happened to "equality?"


So... they owe you an apology that the updates for toons under level 50 folks were successful and they are very sorry that they were not delayed as the updates for the Level 50 folks updates were?


They didn’t treat you equally?


Not sure how they would word that

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So if Bioware does give everyone the 30 days is this gonna be another Mass Effect 3 where if they decide to fix their "mistake" or what ever you want to call it all the people complaining are still gonna be be jerks about it and never had any intention to forgive them. If that's the case I have a great idea how about they just take away the free days i mean since we didn't ask for them we wont miss them would that make everyone happy?
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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


Agree 100%

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It seems for Bioware some people are more equal then other. I played and paid this game just as long as every level 50 here but they get a free month and I do not. That feels unfair to me. I wonder what Bioware will think of next time .. a free month of game time for all the republic players or for all people who created tanks ?


I do not really understand about the people whining that people who are not level 50 do not deserve a free month .. why do you care ? You feeling elite because you are getting it and nobody else does ?


In short i have decided to cancel my account and go to a game where people are threaded equal whether they are gay or not or level 50 or not

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Noone should feel bad if they dont level fast, I have 4 50's and 4 others between 17 and 40 listened through all story stuff, why? I was on con leave for a couple surgeries and had time to kill! I dont do end game, havent done any fp's or ops. I play just for my personal satisfaction and to have fun and help folks when asked. I did start day one early access and agree with some of the posters that anyone that started prior to a certain date should have gotten the 30 days not just thoes with 50's. If it hadnt been for the couple months off i never would have gotten as many toons leveled as i did, have too much other responsibilities. This is just my opinion and feelings that noone should be slighted because they enjoy things at a slower rate.
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Maybe they should have switched the gifts around give every one that has stayed subbed up until 1.2 the free 30 days and given the free pet to the level 50's. Though I will say that the people saying the quite and came back think they deserve the free days its rubbish. You quite and most likely unsubbed you don't deserve jack. The days and pet are for those that stayed with the game not those that got the underware all bunched up and left cause every thing wasn't perfect at the started.:mad:
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Quite frankly I'm astonished at the original post itself, and the subsequent posts rising up in agreement.


We've been subbed since launch, were involved in the closed beta, and pre-ordered. However, we don't have any toons that are level 50 (not even close), because we wanted to experience other classes.


...we don't give a ripe bat fart about not being included in the 30 days free time. It's insignificant and trivial to complain about such a thing, not to mention childish.


They're NOT saying that level 50 players are more important or valued as customers. They're simply handing a reward out for time spent leveling a character to end-game. Personally, I think it's a lovely 'thank you' to those players who have managed to stick with the same class (or 2) when they could have been piddle-farting around with all of the classes (like we were). lol Kudos to those of you who did it.


To those complaining about it...I really don't have much to say that won't get me banned or worse. To cut it short; grow up.


This isn't a thank you for levelling a character to end game. Its an attempt to retain subscribers because BW failed to produced the content they promised. For example, ranked warzones were pulled from the patch the day it was supposed to go live. This was supposed to be a large feature, that people actually re-subbed for.

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I'm definitely not loyal. Just here till Tera comes out, and when that flops I'll go to Secret World, and when that sucks I'll go to Guild Wars 2.


After that, who knows. Perhaps on to WoW to play some Panda action.

Edited by Wind_Chaser
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You are really arguing semantics here... Let me re-quote the thing:




Now... can you point out to me, where can I find this fabled "active subscriber", used in COMPARISON with a level 50, in the above quote?


And the requirements don`t count as comparison, sorry, nor the pet promotion. Just show us, in the official text, for the 30 day promo, where do they compare levels, please.


here is the whole ad, i'll high light the points for you


In order to make sure that you receive your in-game Legacy Tauntaun Ram, your account must meet the following criteria by April 12, 2012 ,12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 21, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT:

•You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

•You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code.

•Your account must not be banned.


Not an active subscriber? Purchase the game and activate your account on or before April 21st at 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT and you will receive the Legacy Tauntuan Ram pet*!




As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


In order to receive your thirty (30) days of game time, you must meet the following requirements by April 12th, 2012, at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT:

•You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

•You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code.

•You must have at least one level 50 character.

•Your account must not be banned.




In honor of Game Update 1.2: Legacy, we are offering former subscribers the chance to come back and play on us.


Starting on April 13th, 2012 at 12:01AM CDT / 5:01AM GMT through April 19th, 2012 at 11:59PM CDT / April 20th, 2012 at 4:59AM GMT, former subscribers will be able to log-in to their accounts without having to re-subscribe!


In order to qualify for the seven (7) days of free*** gameplay, you must meet the following requirements:

•You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

•You must have previously signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code. (This includes players in their first thirty (30) days of game time included with purchase of the game.)

•You must currently have an inactive subscription.

•You cannot have left the game in a banned status

Plus, if you reactivate your former account on or before April 21st, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, you qualify for our Legacy reward: the Legacy Tauntaun Ram Pet*!.


think it clearly shows that they have made a diffrence between high lvled players and none lvl 50 account holders


in the first section of read is for us none lvl 50 players


the second is for the high valued high lvl players.


thats our point.

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My apologies if I'm mistaken, but somehow, I doubt that with your March 2012 join date.


This is an account I opened up last month. My original account was full of classes, and I decided to get rid of it.


...that's what happens when you jump to assumptions like a donkey.

Edited by Elonaria
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This isn't a reward for being 50, it's a bribe to keep entitled 50 kids from ragequitting.


Let them go. We're better off without them.


Though I'm not one of those calling for ragequitting, from a business standpoint that's not going to keep you afloat very long. A subscription-based product relies on large quantities of subscribers.


So no, in BioWare and EA's case, they're not "better off without them." Maybe from an individual standpoint, but anyone who is truly loyal to the game would want it to succeed. That means more players. Lots. Anything that causes a large exodus is not a positive sign for them.

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Quite frankly I'm astonished at the original post itself, and the subsequent posts rising up in agreement.


We've been subbed since launch, were involved in the closed beta, and pre-ordered. However, we don't have any toons that are level 50 (not even close), because we wanted to experience other classes.


...we don't give a ripe bat fart about not being included in the 30 days free time. It's insignificant and trivial to complain about such a thing, not to mention childish.


They're NOT saying that level 50 players are more important or valued as customers. They're simply handing a reward out for time spent leveling a character to end-game. Personally, I think it's a lovely 'thank you' to those players who have managed to stick with the same class (or 2) when they could have been piddle-farting around with all of the classes (like we were). lol Kudos to those of you who did it.


To those complaining about it...I really don't have much to say that won't get me banned or worse. To cut it short; grow up.


BINGO! All else denying this are ignorant

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here is the whole ad, i'll high light the points for you




think it clearly shows that they have made a diffrence between high lvled players and none lvl 50 account holders


in the first section of read is for us none lvl 50 players


the second is for the high valued high lvl players.


thats our point.


w/e.... this was mildly amusing but, since servers are up... just post `till you run out of paper...

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Though I'm not one of those calling for ragequitting, from a business standpoint that's not going to keep you afloat very long. A subscription-based product relies on large quantities of subscribers.


So no, in BioWare and EA's case, they're not "better off without them." Maybe from an individual standpoint, but anyone who is truly loyal to the game would want it to succeed. That means more players. Lots. Anything that causes a large exodus is not a positive sign for them.


/agree -> See: Age of Conan

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i dont think they're rewarding them for their playing so much as their PAYING. to credit farmers that is.















now, if you're a lv 50 that was pissed by that sentence and how it implies all 50's bought their way to 50. well, now you know why the rest of us are pissed.


and if you still dont get it. ask someone that spent WWII in an internment camp. they can give you a lesson in loyalty.

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Ya i feel like *Plz bend over and get the sope*


I have been there from the start. Played casual. Left my main to play with friends and then later moved server as guild moved. Also tried multiple classes so I also had a few alts i played meanwhile. So I never got around to reach 50. Close tho but not close enough. But in bioware terms that dosent count as a valued player ? (isent legacy about alts ?)


This decision to have a lvl 50 to be legible is just /palm

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This is an account I opened up last month. My original account was full of classes, and I decided to get rid of it.


...that's what happens when you jump to assumptions like a donkey.


Well you sure are unique, suddenly getting rid of an entire account of toons.

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It seems for Bioware some people are more equal then other. I played and paid this game just as long as every level 50 here but they get a free month and I do not. That feels unfair to me. I wonder what Bioware will think of next time .. a free month of game time for all the republic players or for all people who created tanks ?


I do not really understand about the people whining that people who are not level 50 do not deserve a free month .. why do you care ? You feeling elite because you are getting it and nobody else does ?


In short i have decided to cancel my account and go to a game where people are threaded equal whether they are gay or not or level 50 or not


Those who do not have a 50 in their character list shouldn't be left out... sorry, it's crap. iF YOU WANNA CATER to the "privileged" players, go ahead. That only shows poor form.

Edited by agrik
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