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What's your post 1.2 skill rotaion?

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I wanted to see what everyotne is coming up with for skill rotation, cool down/ammo management, etc, after the 1.2 patch. If possible, lets keep the negativity to the other threads (I'll be joining you there as well), as there are many of them with valid complaints.


I'm just trying to get to the nuts and bolts of what we have CURRENTLY (1.2) and how we are going to work with what we got.


I was hoping to break it up into a few categories:


  • PVP Rotation vs PVE Rotation



Also let us know how you are spec-ed:


  • Combat Medic - Gunnery - Assault Specialist (or some hybrid)



Or if you plan on re-specing to a different Commando tree.


I haven't played enough of 1.2 to comment on my rotation, so as a base I'm going to start with my original rotation then modify it:


  • For targeting one Imp: GR - GR - FA - Demo - HiB - Pepper in Hammer Shots.
  • For area attacks: Pulse Cannon, MV, HoB, Plasma Grenade



So what's your setup looking like???

Edited by originaltodzilla
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Full auto, grav,grav, full auto if triggered,grav,demo round,grav,grav,full auto,grav,hib


Some hammershots when (not if) ammo gets low!

So it looks like you try to get the 5 stacks of GR before hitting Demo? I know that's the best bang for the buck, but that's assuming you can last that long :D


I'll have to try out that rotation (I'm assuming this is for PvP)..

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As time goes on if Gunnery isn't cutting it, I may try Assault...


do it. It's actually much more fun to play and the way better spec now. it doesnt suffer from the nerfs and you can't take out 90% of the damage by smart positioning and interrupts.

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I switched to Assault (Commando) earlier this week since I've been doing a lot of PVP. I do a lot more damage overall, and more importantly kill a lot more targets. Being able to keep moving most of the time helps too.


Typically I'll start with Assault Plastique, then Incendiary Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto if I can stand still or Hammer Shot if moving. If FA, and HIB procs, another HIB. After that, it just depends on how the fight is going. I don't usually use Charged Bolts that much in PVP; it's slow to cast and you have to stay still. Better to keep pumping out Hammer Shots.

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Since the game is down, work is slow and I'm bored, I figured I'd stick my 2¢ into this thread. I'm only talking about pvp, since I'm on a pvp server in a pvp guild and haven't pve'd since hitting 50. Also, I die a lot in WZs. Repeat: a LOT! But there's a reason.


Ya'll are gonna think I'm nuts, but here's my typical rotation/tactics (with armor piercing cell up):


Opening (looking for bunched together opponents):


Crit Relic - Reserve Power Cell - Tech Override - Plasma Grenade on one in the crowd (no ammo cost and it's instant)

MV into crowd (due to fire/smoke they no longer see the pattern on the ground)

Hail of Bolts

Hail of Bolts (if they haven't scattered by now)


Lots of damage since almost everything has crit and your group has waded into them and is (hopefully) picking them off


Now look for a solo target, and ammo is low:


Recharge Cells



HiB (if available)



If you're dead by now, rinse and repeat from the top. If not, either finish this target off or...


Find a cluster of casters, run into the cluster and Concussion Charge them. This does tend to interrupt.

Focus on one, chase around spamming HS (looks stupid, but scares the jam out of them and recharges ammo). They will tend to run from you.

Get close and Stock Strike


FA (if available)




If still alive, the initial opening skills may all be off CD and ready to rock. If so, find a cluster and go back to top.


Crazy? Perhaps, but it seems to work for me.

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I die a lot in WZs. Repeat: a LOT! But there's a reason.

This statement describes me :) LOL ^^^


Ya'll are gonna think I'm nuts, but here's my typical rotation/tactics (with armor piercing cell up):


Opening (looking for bunched together opponents):


Crit Relic - Reserve Power Cell - Tech Override - Plasma Grenade on one in the crowd (no ammo cost and it's instant)

MV into crowd (due to fire/smoke they no longer see the pattern on the ground)

Hail of Bolts

Hail of Bolts (if they haven't scattered by now)

I don't think you are crazy, and this sounds like a decent plan. This looks tailor-made for opening WZ on Alderaan, running up to the middle cap. Or a door on voidstar.


The best is I rock a Logitech G13, so I can actually make that a macro key, I'll try it out.

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Glad you liked it, and the situations you mention is precisely how I use them. I also tend to drop it inside the opposition's huts in the new WZ. If I have enough ammo, I then drop pulse cannon on those exiting the hut coming after me.


Peeps on my teams have thought I was crazy, but it works. However, before that 2nd Hail of Bolts is finished, the opposition has usually figured out whats going on and somebody is coming after you, so it's time to beat feet and find a change of scenery.


I've also done some combat log parsing, and have come up with the following stats:


DR is now the "big hitter", averaging 2259 dam/hit. This is followed by (also expressed in average dam/hit):


Sitcky Grenade (1543)

GR (1365)

Stockstrike (1344)

HiB (1230)

FA (1164)

Plasma Grenade (963)

MV (614)

Pulse Cannon (513)

HoB (458)



CoF is proccing 46.6% of the time. We should make use of it.


Of course, the uses of these were situational, and YMMV. They're just food for thought.



Edit: Added stats for AOEs to damage list.

Edited by Umbradomina
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I also AoE near the start of warzones; people often clump up early on. One piece of advice I have: don't waste tech override on the plasma grenade. It may be simpler to just pop it alongside reserve cell, but it's really much, much more useful saving it for when you actually need it, such as when a melee is on you and you need to avoid an interrupt.
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I've also done some combat log parsing, and have come up with the following stats:


DR is now the "big hitter", averaging 2259 dam/hit. This is followed by (also expressed in average dam/hit):


Sitcky Grenade (1543)

GR (1365)

Stockstrike (1344)

HiB (1230)

FA (1164)

Plasma Grenade (963)

MV (614)

Pulse Cannon (513)

HoB (458)



CoF is proccing 46.6% of the time. We should make use of it.


Of course, the uses of these were situational, and YMMV. They're just food for thought.



Edit: Added stats for AOEs to damage list.


Is that stat for FA per tick? It seems extremely low compared to what I've seen if it's per activation.


The base rotation I'm currently running is FA-GR-GR-GR-DR. I'll mix in FA every time it procs and I generally do the same with HIB when it's off cooldown. In PvP I'll usually just go with FA-GR-GR-DR since the window for keeping opponents in my sights is so small that I don't have time for the third GR (particularly since it does significantly less damage than other abilities). If the enemy is moving a lot I'll sometimes even drop this to FA-GR-DR so I can get DR on cooldown faster and chase them down with HIB and sticky grenade. In PvE I'll usually start with GR-GR-GR just to get the vortexes up for the rest of my team.

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I think a lot of it depends on your play style, and the situation(s) you find yourself in. I've changed my play style completely since 1.2, focusing now on support and AOE.


The link below show the data compiled yesterday (Saturday, 4/14). It consists of 19 war zones across all four (4) maps. It includes data from wins, losses, games where we owned and got owned, where I was awesome and where I sucked (yeah, they happen) :D


4/14 Combat Log Parsed Data


You'll see Hammer Shot used a lot (almost 24x/match). Again, it's situational, usually used while ammo regens. You'll also notice that it tends to "miss" more than any other skill (Though HiB ran a remarkably close 2nd in misses/absorbs/avoids). Also, CoF procc'd 103x during the day.


Anyway, the parsed data pretty much backs up my claims of yesterday, though I did work GR back into the rotation more. Be that as it may, DR is definitely the big hitter now.


Disclaimer: About halfway through the day, I swapped out my matrix cube and replaced it with the power relic. I now open with the crit relic, and follow it up with the power relic and a power adrenal. The results were astounding! I suggest you all do the same, and dump that matrix cube if you're using it.

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With 1.2, there should not be ANY sort of rotation, rather have guidelines


My goal's during a long dps fight:

-Get 5 GR vorticies on target and keep them there.

-Use FA every time it procs (and only when it procs)

-Use Demo round every time its available, assuming 5 verticies are on target

-Use HIB whenever I have 5 charges

-Use my free cost cast (cant remember the name of it!) as soon as its available, and use it for demo round if possible.

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