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Color crystals and the lore


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For millennia, the Jedi Order lit lightsabers in every color and hue imaginable. However, following the Battle of Ruusan, the hues of most available crystals had been limited to either blue or green. Lightsaber color crystals could also be compressed, resulting in a pulsating blade, or they could be unstable, resulting in a core which swirled and sparkled




Battle of Ruusan from my understanding took place about 1000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin so therefore after the time period we are in at the moment on Tor.





The explanation for the lack of lightsaber color variation in the movies is a lack of colored crystals. According to Jedi vs. Sith, the Empire quarantined or destroyed many sources of lightsaber crystals. This left the Jedi with mostly Ilum crystals, which can only produce green or blue blades.



So those arguing over variety of colors is againt the lore, it actually isn't based on the time period we are in.


That's my view on the subject and I have no intention of arguing with anyone over their opinion. :)

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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For millennia, the Jedi Order lit lightsabers in every color and hue imaginable. However, following the Battle of Ruusan, the hues of most available crystals had been limited to either blue or green. Lightsaber color crystals could also be compressed, resulting in a pulsating blade, or they could be unstable, resulting in a core which swirled and sparkled




Battle of Ruusan from my understanding took place about 1000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin so therefore after the time period we are in at the moment on Tor.





The explanation for the lack of lightsaber color variation in the movies is a lack of colored crystals. According to Jedi vs. Sith, the Empire quarantined or destroyed many sources of lightsaber crystals. This left the Jedi with mostly Ilum crystals, which can only produce green or blue blades.



So those arguing over variety of colors is againt the lore, it actually isn't based on the time period we are in.


That's my view on the subject and I have no intention of arguing with anyone over their opinion. :)


100% correct. No argument here. :)

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What is your reasoning for this? Crystals come in many colors and shades. If a Sith found a silver crystal and wanted to use he it could, so why restrict the players choice in a game? I don't recall anyone ever complaining about differant colors in the original KOTOR or it's sequel nor did I hear any comlaints in the six years I played SWG. There are no restrictions in the Lore/canon of Star Wars so why place them in a game?


There is no point in arguing with "traditionalists", they feel that since the sith debuted with red sabers and consistently had red sabers mean they can only have red for the sake of keeping with the tradition. The logic they bring up cannot apply because its a different time period, allowing for all colors of crystals to be available.

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Wow it has been a while since I saw someone try and make a "no true Scotsman" argument. That's a rarity even on the Internet.


I'm so glad you are here to tell all of us about how Star Wars is supposed to be since all of, especially those that have spent a lot of time learning the expanded universe are not true Star Wars fans. We are lucky to have you rescue us from our lack of true fanship with your intimite knowledge of the movie only canon. Clearly we must all cancel our subscriptions now for the true prophet has spoken and told us what we must do to be true fans! :rolleyes:


+1. Well said, sir :)

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I agree 100%


If they made another Star Wars movie and the Sith all used a rainbow of colors I guarantee you the audience would freak out, you guys are forcing your justification on us because there is no written rules for saber crystal colors and some goofy Star Wars novel here or there may have had a contradiction to the norm.


I grew up with Star Wars (37), saw the original trilogy in the theatres, had all the toys (btw, NEVER saw a toy figure Sith with a non red saber, or a Jedi with a red), and yes the prequels had some contradictions to the norm color wise, but that was basically Samuel Jackson demanding he have purple for his saber.


Sith red, Guardian blue, Consular green, Sentinel yellow, not hard to figure out.


Why not have WW2 toys of US soldiers have Nazi colors and symbols on them, or have the germans wears the US green lol, were does all this end?


I don't care about a novel here or there with some crazy author who wanted to break all the rules, your justifications are weak, your arguments shallow.


No true Star Wars fan would support this stuff.


Bioware has blended the factions into a hodgepodge mess. Pretty soon there will be no point in having Imperial and Republic since the races and equipment and powers/abilities will all be blended together with the Legacy system.


The Legacy system was a good idea for getting peeps to reroll new toons, but a BAD idea for the Star Wars lore, in a year everything will be so mixed up there will be little point to having 2 factions at all at this rate.


Reading this post, I could just see you saying "NO LIGHTSABER CRYSTALS FOR YOU!!!!!!" :D

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It DOES break immersion a little bit IMO.


What's breaks immersion more, seeing a Sith with a Red blade or a Sith with a Blue one?


Because under the old rules, if you were a Light Side Sith, which is justified if you play though the Drummon Kass quests, you were forced to use a blue or green saber.

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What's breaks immersion more, seeing a Sith with a Red blade or a Sith with a Blue one?


Because under the old rules, if you were a Light Side Sith, which is justified if you play though the Drummon Kass quests, you were forced to use a blue or green saber.


Now you are going to get people in here saying that LS Sith aren't Sith.

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Here's the branching logic I see:


You're not on a roleplaying server

- You think it should matter. --> Reroll on RP server

- You don't think it matters. No issue here.

You're on a roleplaying server

- You only like traditionalist colors

--> Only roleplay with those who agree with you. Stay away from those special snowflakes!

- You like freedom of choice

--> People who disagree with you likely won't roleplay with you in the first place, thus leaving you to RP with people who do agree with you.

- You like freedom of choice, but feel the iconic colors should be the norm, and others to be an exception.

--> Find a guild with fairly strict appearance rules. They are harder to find but tend to give the most immersive RP experiences.


In every situation I see, you win. It's a win-win situation that you turned into a lose-lose situation by making a "No True Scotsman" argument on an internet forum, a placed widely agreed to contain no arguments that are ever won.


My personal opinion is the latter, that there should be freedom of choice, but the iconic colors should be the norm and you should have a good in-universe explanation why you're using a strange color. I always play my Sith with red lightsabers, and my Jedi with green/blue. Why? Because they are not special. They're just another Jedi/Sith. They're just apprentices or padawans in their respective orders.


Since this thread seems to be closely tied to RP, I have a suggestion for all of you who currently are on RP servers and are upset by non-iconic RP appearances. Join a guild that has very strict rules. But you say, I want to be my own character! You still can, you just need to earn it.


Take the all-trooper guild Alpha Company on Jung Ma for example. You can't join unless you have body type 2 or 3 and have a military haircut. You can ONLY wear exact sets of armor/weapons according to your in-guild rank. There's a long handbook posted on their website about all the rules they have. Despite being restrictive, this is one of the most immersive RP experiences I have ever seen. Because it really feels like you're part of an army division.


If you want to be special, you have to earn it in-character. So when you do break out that fancy new set of armor or a new lightsaber crystal, everyone knows why it's there. You don't need to explain in some long contrived backstory that likely no one else cares about how you killed some non-existent character and took his weapon/armor because the events actually took place in-character. I always start my Jedi/Sith as padawans/apprentices to other roleplayers since it's all the more interesting when you do earn your knight/lord status in-character rather than starting off as an all-powerful Mary Sue immediately expecting others to bow to them.


Ending disclaimer: As stated above, this is all my OPINION. But I say give it a try if you want to have some extra RP fun.

Edited by Jenzali
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If they do that a lot of heads will explode in anger. I'm sure they are inevitable though, no telling when.


It's the moment I too will leave the game. Enough is enough. There should be NO black sabers. Period. It makes no sense, has no physical logic, and also as far as I know was NEVER a part of the known Star Wars universe. Options are good, too many options are VERY bad. And whilst I appreciate the attempt to enrich the SW universe I am of the opinion the devs should concentrate on the 'meat and potatoes' like story and such and leave the 'too much ketchup' stuff like inventing these ridiculous sabers or TOTALLY out of line armor creations.


If BioWare continues the trail of kicking everything we hold sacred in SW in the guts they will loose a lot of paying customers, that add to the immersion of this game.


The way it stands I think the devs should have rather created a fantasy MMO than this. A shame. So much great potential wasted. Sigh.

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No offense but mindsets like this make ME facepalm.


Yeah I am with the guy though. Albeit I believe more colors are ok, just not black cores. As stated above already....sorry for repeating myself. I just can kinda understand people though having issues with this. It takes SWTOR to a level of bubblegum sci-fi fantasy I thought impossible for BioWare to do as LucasArts is involved too. I still cannot believe they allowed all this stuff. It's a little outrageous.

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Yeah I am with the guy though. Albeit I believe more colors are ok, just not black cores. As stated above already....sorry for repeating myself. I just can kinda understand people though having issues with this. It takes SWTOR to a level of bubblegum sci-fi fantasy I thought impossible for BioWare to do as LucasArts is involved too. I still cannot believe they allowed all this stuff. It's a little outrageous.


Yea, to put it simply, it feels less like a Star Wars adventure.

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No offense but mindsets like this make ME facepalm.


On top of what I just posted I would like to add:


It is a pet peef of mine, that all those trying to keep the SW traditions intact, and thus attempting to keep SWTOR on-track with what we like about Star Wars getting constantly flamed by the 'Power Rangers' group of players. I am so sick of it! Let's keep Star Wars - Star Wars, okey dokey?

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On top of what I just posted I would like to add:


It is a pet peef of mine, that all those trying to keep the SW traditions intact, and thus attempting to keep SWTOR on-track with what we like about Star Wars getting constantly flamed by the 'Power Rangers' group of players. I am so sick of it! Let's keep Star Wars - Star Wars, okey dokey?


But that's where people differ, what is Star Wars to them? To a lot of the hardliners here that as you say get flamed for their opinion, its the movies with quite a limited selection to choose from. Power rangers is a derogatory term you are using for those who are happy with more colors, you are just adding fuel to the fire here.


I'm not saying I like dark cores or anything, I haven't even gotten one yet. But apparently others do and so the game devs appeal to them in that aspect. Darksabers have been invented in Star Wars the Clone Wars, deigned by Lucas as canon, and so they do exist although technically it makes little sense (LIGHT saber vs a crystal that absorbs light rather than reflect; but then, its all fantasy anyway).


My stance on the subject is the stance most take; choice for all players. Whatever color they want, as long as its in the game, should be made available to them. Its their character, their story, their money and they are not physically hurting anyone else by using that color. If this was going to sell as a strictly traditional game, they would have marketed and set the game up as such, but they have opened it for customization for a reason; a majority like the ability to use whatever color they wish.


Sorry you aren't happy with that and I hope that in the future updates they appeal to you in other facets of the game, but as it stands I agree with the path BW has taken (save for dark cores; not my style, but TO EACH THEIR OWN).

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But that's where people differ, what is Star Wars to them? To a lot of the hardliners here that as you say get flamed for their opinion, its the movies with quite a limited selection to choose from. Power rangers is a derogatory term you are using for those who are happy with more colors, you are just adding fuel to the fire here.


I'm not saying I like dark cores or anything, I haven't even gotten one yet. But apparently others do and so the game devs appeal to them in that aspect. Darksabers have been invented in Star Wars the Clone Wars, deigned by Lucas as canon, and so they do exist although technically it makes little sense (LIGHT saber vs a crystal that absorbs light rather than reflect; but then, its all fantasy anyway).


My stance on the subject is the stance most take; choice for all players. Whatever color they want, as long as its in the game, should be made available to them. Its their character, their story, their money and they are not physically hurting anyone else by using that color. If this was going to sell as a strictly traditional game, they would have marketed and set the game up as such, but they have opened it for customization for a reason; a majority like the ability to use whatever color they wish.


Sorry you aren't happy with that and I hope that in the future updates they appeal to you in other facets of the game, but as it stands I agree with the path BW has taken (save for dark cores; not my style, but TO EACH THEIR OWN).


Yeah ok its not perfect and never willbe so we just give everyone everything if they choose to like a purple saber with pink dots they can have that! There is so much wrong with your post dude. And yes I do flame a little as SW is a little closer to home than your ordinary fantasy game. And even if the colors were more restricted....who cares? Its about time they rethink the whole color thing. The colors should be few to begin with and then very hard to obtain a different one. Makes it also more special. I liked the Magenta crystal idea a lot. More of that please. I think they need to get away from this path of making it too easy for people to obtain gear and all colors for all. It's rubbish-and that's my opinion. I know I am not alone with this. Not by a long shot. And no I am not a hardliner just like see some meaning to what I spent a lot of time with. And liebrating everything, making it easy adds to my disdain.

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Well, I see there in the description of the blade its Blue-White. And I've seen pictures of the blade in action, its blue-white, so I'm not wrong in what I said.


Perhaps you read the whole thing?


'The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt.'


Perhaps we can now agree?


Oh and as for your other post: I agree with most you actually said. When I said its too easy to get gear then I refer to fast gear progression. To get full Columi takes 8 people and 4 weeks raiding IF that. That is too fast. I still believe that special colors should be restricted to endgame to make it more viable.

Edited by mArchangel
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Perhaps you read the whole thing?


'The lightsaber of Jedi Knight Exar Kun was a device that was initially created to produce a single beam of blue-white energy. However, upon his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun redesigned his lightsaber based on instructions hidden within an antiquated Sith holocron. The finished product was a double-bladed weapon imbued with dark side energy, from which sapphire blades materialized up to 1.5 meters from either end of the hilt.'


Perhaps we can now agree?


Oh and as for your other post: I agree with most you actually said. When I said its too easy to get gear then I refer to fast gear progression. To get full Columi takes 8 people and 4 weeks raiding IF that. That is too fast. I still believe that special colors should be restricted to endgame to make it more viable.


I'll agree so that we can end the petty arguments, we have found a compromise I think.;)


I haven't looked much into the named gear vendors on the fleet for PvP or PvE, as I haven't gotten a character to level 50 yet, but I will go with your knowledge and figure its too easy.

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I'll agree so that we can end the petty arguments, we have found a compromise I think.;)


I haven't looked much into the named gear vendors on the fleet for PvP or PvE, as I haven't gotten a character to level 50 yet, but I will go with your knowledge and figure its too easy.


Easy is relative. It's too fast if you are dedicated.

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I'll agree so that we can end the petty arguments, we have found a compromise I think.;)


I haven't looked much into the named gear vendors on the fleet for PvP or PvE, as I haven't gotten a character to level 50 yet, but I will go with your knowledge and figure its too easy.


I also call arguments I loose petty. Is a good way to save face isn't it? :)

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